Nohc is dead

Started by Juby (Tercios), April 05, 2004, 10:48:45 AM

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Badrang the Tyrant

 I online attack some, but only if that person really made me mad.  In fact, during the KOWW/Hydra-Woof war, I online attacked a lot.  Hydra finally caught up with me, and made my life miserable *coughSkullRiderzcough*...

General Austin

 Um. Hi all.

I saw Caprisun Wild Whatever at the top, thought, "Hey! Wouldn't it  be fun to kill the top guy?". So I 3went out with my massive army of massiveness, hacked and chopped at him on and on and on, and THEN- I run out of turns. Yay. The guy had something like 400 acres left, and I had worked extremely hard at getting the kill, so rather than be destroyed by his mercs when he came online and used all his money, I asked my friends to help me finish him off. It was Volkov who agreed to help me, although I had no idea it would start off such a racket at the time. Sorry if I got you guys angry, I was just bored and didn't know what to do with myself.

In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Juby (Tercios)

Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


 *kills Aus*
how could you not geuss that killing a member of the 2nd most powerful clan at the time would not start off somthin?  really now..  :P
go to FaF if you want to kill..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 funny how volkov and you are virtually untouched (in comparison)
which is more than enough reason to believe that hydra/koww are even more full of bs


 I think that if those guys can get to that level that is awsome. BUt like Nos i have no freaking idea how they do it. I can get to the 100 level but then go no where from there, which really sucks cause then everytime i do something i lose mass amounts of net worth. Oh well guess i will have to try to hit the land farms and see if i can get enough land to sustain such a level of prestige. Even if it does mean that someone bored may try to hit me and take me out.

Also there is no BS, just the stuff at the bottom of the shOe that needs to be scraped off!
Enjoy :D
Turbo: Capt Term 3rd
Normal: Still playing which is surprising since it gets really boring some times.


 thraka just stfu
you and your clan used this whole thing as a giant excuse and you know it
why is it that the only two responsible people for the death of caprisun are still alive and doing well?
why is it that neither of them took on significant hitting from you guys? when i looked and saw the clan members getting killed and my sudden onslaught of attacks while i was online.. why was it that volkov had barely been attacked at all?

ill tell you why
because you are lying through your teeth


 Actually i have been hit by both of the guys at the top so figure that one out.
Also its nto my clan, i am just a soldier in this game called redwall (is that how it goes :P)
So I listen to my commanders.
Also i was going to hit the top guys there but since we are not at an alliance here, me and Joby have sat back and laughed about how we spent 20 minutes setting ourselves up to kill each other only to be told stand down. Quite funny. Now i would help him if he asked and i hope the same back.

Things did get escalated quite quickly here though and that is for sure.
BUt hey look at it this way... Made things interesting! :D

But wipe ur shOe before coming into the forums or game, ur making it all dirty here.
Turbo: Capt Term 3rd
Normal: Still playing which is surprising since it gets really boring some times.


 Look, it is a game of war, and with this many ppl playing, am surprised there aren't alot more "Clan-Kills" going on..
I was one of those guys to have logged on, only to find Hydra smacking me 15+times in a row, for something someone else had done, and no chance to fight back, cause all of a sudden we were Allies with them.  And when this all came around, i took my place as a hitter.  Defending my allies.   It wasn't my intention to be the one to make the final blow, but such is life.

Frankly am surprised that so many warlords died in the first 5 days of the month.  

And we seem to have alot of new names this turn/campaign, that know of the rules, from their clan members, but just don't give a carp " and yes i it is a fish "  B)  , by hitting 15 times in a row, cause they got hit by you, or a clan member 3 - 5 times, which to me is a reasonable amount.  Over hitting like that is bad for business.  It can lead to all sorts of sillness. and multi kills.   :ph34r:

But play on we do, and make friends / enimies along the way..  lmao@capt term and Vladika Njegos, getting ready to kill each other with as much firepower as they can, only to be told NO, and just be good with that..  That would have been a fun battle i think..

Has anyone ever thought of something like this...

2 clans meet on the battleground for Honor, each choose a champion, and they fight to the death, or until one screams like a little girl/boy for mercy. And there you go, war is done.  
Now in the mean time, only those 2 members fight, and the others watch, and not help in any way..

But if we done that, then all this fun and excitment would never come to pass...  just look at the response and all the background coming out of this war. " i was bored " i believe was the start..  Kinda makes me think of all those bugs bunny cartoon types..  1st guy - what you want to do today? , 2nd guy - i don't know, what you want to do today, 1st guy - i don't know, what you want to do today, and so on,  lmao@us.    :lol:

But anyway, that my rant/vent/say in all of this,

Member of KOWW



 Ok, shoe, shut it.  Everyone else, be quiet, and quit fighting.  Thraka, that includes you.  We don't need your childish insults that you think are clever.  We're all allies now, and I suggest you all  start acting like it.  I know that several members of KOWW and Hydra were hit just before peace was declared, but this happened to Woof as well, and Woof was the only one that had a lasting impact.  Soo... all of you shush up, if you still want to complain, talk to a wall, or ask me for aid, or something.  Ok? ^_^


 no don't wanna, vip going to corner to pout and stamp feet..  lmao@thegrownups   :snicker:  


 Yes sir capt nohc sir
will leave the shOe alone

oh and sry for killing u  :D  
chalk it up to Opps
Turbo: Capt Term 3rd
Normal: Still playing which is surprising since it gets really boring some times.


 No worries... whatever Opps is... XD

Oh, and I'm only 14, Viper.  It shows that you're quite a bit younger, though...

Juby (Tercios)

Quote from: thraka
Also i was going to hit the top guys there but since we are not at an alliance here, me and Joby have sat back and laughed about how we spent 20 minutes setting ourselves up to kill each other only to be told stand down. Quite funny. Now i would help him if he asked and i hope the same back.
I won't if you keep calling me Joby :angry: , it's Juby,  :lol: , this wasn't no one on one either viper, I was planning on killing each member as they entered mossflower, of course 3 would enter before I could regain 450 turns so I was gonna try and do as much damage as possible before they killed me.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


 Nohc if u are only 14 and running this then kudos to u
also opps means my bad, probably spelled oops but meh whatever.
also juby sry, i type poorly.... yes let the taunts begins...

but it would have been interesting to see who would have survived, but viper is right though we would have done  lot of damage to each other there though and i doubt we would have been the ones to finish it off.

i do have to say though that this does bring some sort of entertainment while bored at work and have spare time on my hands.

yeah for mindless entertainment!
Turbo: Capt Term 3rd
Normal: Still playing which is surprising since it gets really boring some times.