I must be some kind of freak

Started by Menatus, January 09, 2003, 02:25:42 PM

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 Someone told me to take a screen shot (I think it was Aden) when I got to 10 because I might not be there for long. So I did, and every time I gain a rank I take a screenshot and save it as top10.bmp, top9.bmp etc. Now I'm 7! YAY!

For now...


 isn't being a freak a prerequisite for these boards and this game?


 Ah, true that. The only sane people seem to be...well....no one, that I can see. *scouts*


 Menatus the cunning?  *stifles laughter*  (JOKING)

I thought you were that rank 90 personI sent a "pep-" talk to  :lol:

Now you're in the top 10?  :o

It really works!  :D


 Wow, Trident, your a miracle-maker! *glomph* heh heh. I guess the pep-talk really DID work! Yeah, I know, not very cunning. Meh.

I was at #7 for a while! Yay! I can say I've been #7!


 Good luck, not that you have it, being a target of Alliance...

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 Well, I left EVTF if that helps any ^_^;;;



"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 EVTF isn't really a target. Its just the only available source of land. Deathclaw's fault for screwing up his structuring.


 Well now I'm KOI. I'm like the break between Alliance and EVTF. Right in the middle.


 Go Menatus!  Hehe, and you wanted everybody to attack you too!  Usually, I may be a miracle person with pep-talk, but when I join a clan...urrm...the clan leaders never live very long  :D  

General Austin

 VU's the best methinks. Unless Raine goes postal, we're right in the middle! =o)
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.



 Besides the obvious that EVTF always attacks everybody, why is EVTF wanted so badly?  Just like Diid was...


 I've no clue. I think me going to VU sorta evened out the top ten.

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant