Strange messages

Started by BlueMoon Inspired, March 31, 2004, 07:28:29 PM

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BlueMoon Inspired

 I got this wierd message from somebody who I asked to join my clan:

However, I thank you for your generious offer. I would gladly take it up if it weren't for my terrible curse.

One day I will retourn to my birthvillage and find the elder who did this to me. He will pay a terrible penalty for his misguided doings. His haroistic attempt was dispelled apon the wrong person, and I was given the curse belonging to the thief of our village Stone.

A village stone is a sacred thing. safeguarded for many generations. It was important to keep the village strong both physicly and in morall. When the stone was stolen, the village was in shambles.

I saw the man who stole the stone, his long black hair gliding through the air as he fled the village. I still remember his large black boots and light cloak. He wasn't a thief. At least not one I had heard of before. But his purpose was to take our stone, and although I tryed my harderst, I soon calapsed from my chase, and was blamed for the disappearence.

So you see, I cannot join your clan untill I have lifted this terrible curse. I would appreciate if you give this message to the others in your clan so they may fully understand my perdicament. Perhaps you could warn the goers of the forum? for I have little time even to play this game. Prepairing for my voyage home is a hard task. I must gather previsions, find a crew, a boat, not to mention get my mastercard renewed.

Redwalls Mightiest Woman At Last!

One night I had a dream,
a very important would seem.

For in the dream I saw 2 sides of my life,
both as sharp as a knife.

In one side, the real world I saw,
in which was disease, war, hunger, and law.

As I looked at this side I for the first time noticed,
that even though their was bad...their still was goodness.

Although in this world their was constant violence and death,
their was also constant love, and babies taking their first breath.

Then I turned my head to look at the other side,
my imaginative world...I swelled with pride.

For this was the world that I had created,
my own little world...where I could be anything I wanted.

I could be so many different things it was amazing,
I could be a goddess, a gargoyle, and a phoenix with wings blazing.

I could be any time of day,
I could make the scenery look any-which-way.

I smiled as I looked at my imagination,
at the effects of my deep concentration.

Then, as I looked back at the real world, I frowned,
and glanced sadly at the ground.

But in that second I knew,
the truth...was at that moment true.

For living in your imaginative world is okay for a while,
but then you have to stop and recincile.

For the real world needs much as you need it,
it needs you to stop the contempt.

Every now and then your imagination is good too,
its always good to look at your own view.

I smiled as I knew the meaning,
of the dream I had been seeing.

At that moment I woke up and looked around,
I sighed and laid my head back down.

"Now I know what I must do,
I must write this poem for you.

To remind you that you must balance real life and creativity,
to make sure that you may have sweet, sweet, serenity."


 They are just trying to mess with you. I know alot of people like that in the game so dont be concerned about stange messages like that.  
At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS, President Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the

BlueMoon Inspired

 I'm not, I just think that its wierd. Maybe I should attack him to show him that I am actually good!
Redwalls Mightiest Woman At Last!

One night I had a dream,
a very important would seem.

For in the dream I saw 2 sides of my life,
both as sharp as a knife.

In one side, the real world I saw,
in which was disease, war, hunger, and law.

As I looked at this side I for the first time noticed,
that even though their was bad...their still was goodness.

Although in this world their was constant violence and death,
their was also constant love, and babies taking their first breath.

Then I turned my head to look at the other side,
my imaginative world...I swelled with pride.

For this was the world that I had created,
my own little world...where I could be anything I wanted.

I could be so many different things it was amazing,
I could be a goddess, a gargoyle, and a phoenix with wings blazing.

I could be any time of day,
I could make the scenery look any-which-way.

I smiled as I looked at my imagination,
at the effects of my deep concentration.

Then, as I looked back at the real world, I frowned,
and glanced sadly at the ground.

But in that second I knew,
the truth...was at that moment true.

For living in your imaginative world is okay for a while,
but then you have to stop and recincile.

For the real world needs much as you need it,
it needs you to stop the contempt.

Every now and then your imagination is good too,
its always good to look at your own view.

I smiled as I knew the meaning,
of the dream I had been seeing.

At that moment I woke up and looked around,
I sighed and laid my head back down.

"Now I know what I must do,
I must write this poem for you.

To remind you that you must balance real life and creativity,
to make sure that you may have sweet, sweet, serenity."


I thought it was rather spiffy, I'll have to tell him good luck with the whole curse thingy..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 It would funny to have a witty remark like "so thats were he got the stone" or something like that.
At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS, President Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the

Badrang the Tyrant

 Did this happen to come from Wolf Snare?

Don't worry about it...

The Emperor

 Hehe, I believe the same guy sent me this message:

have you ever broken a vow?

I've never wanted too. But unfortunitly i was cursed by an elder at my homevillage... now if i ever make a vow, it ends up broken.

Hehe, I decided to have some fun with the guy, so I replied:

I have had that same problem, young chap. A wise old wizard in a small village not very far east of here cursed me. Now, any vow I make must be broken...I have since lost hope... the way, a man with long black hair carrying a stone passed by here not too long ago...

Feel the wrath of the Emperor!

user posted image

user posted image

BlueMoon Inspired

 Ehehheee! thats really funny, I wish i had thought of that. Maybe he needs help... i think we should all help him out or something, try to find out who stole the stone, hahaha.

Ah well, I feeel sorry for his curse.
Redwalls Mightiest Woman At Last!

One night I had a dream,
a very important would seem.

For in the dream I saw 2 sides of my life,
both as sharp as a knife.

In one side, the real world I saw,
in which was disease, war, hunger, and law.

As I looked at this side I for the first time noticed,
that even though their was bad...their still was goodness.

Although in this world their was constant violence and death,
their was also constant love, and babies taking their first breath.

Then I turned my head to look at the other side,
my imaginative world...I swelled with pride.

For this was the world that I had created,
my own little world...where I could be anything I wanted.

I could be so many different things it was amazing,
I could be a goddess, a gargoyle, and a phoenix with wings blazing.

I could be any time of day,
I could make the scenery look any-which-way.

I smiled as I looked at my imagination,
at the effects of my deep concentration.

Then, as I looked back at the real world, I frowned,
and glanced sadly at the ground.

But in that second I knew,
the truth...was at that moment true.

For living in your imaginative world is okay for a while,
but then you have to stop and recincile.

For the real world needs much as you need it,
it needs you to stop the contempt.

Every now and then your imagination is good too,
its always good to look at your own view.

I smiled as I knew the meaning,
of the dream I had been seeing.

At that moment I woke up and looked around,
I sighed and laid my head back down.

"Now I know what I must do,
I must write this poem for you.

To remind you that you must balance real life and creativity,
to make sure that you may have sweet, sweet, serenity."

The Lady Shael

 Heh. Someone's a bit too enthuiastic about story-lines here... *laughs* Poor guy. Maybe he should make a vow to not lift the curse.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

The Emperor

 There is more (I received this today):
His cloak was light and black, with a small golden crest on the back. After i was cursed, I left the village in exile. I traveled set out find the thief, But ended up in a strange world i know nothing about. Here in this strange country i have been forced to work in an office, typing on computer boxes and using electronic mail. I don't think I can take this cruel side of life for much longer. The other day, they ran out of cofee in the office, it was beyond belief.

But to retourn to my village would be imparible. One day i will find the thief though. And with his head in a sack I will drag him with me to my village. There, i will be welcomed home, and my curse lifted.

If you saw the thief, where for was he? In vain i have looked for leages, but there is no sign of a christ like his. I bore a red maple leaf, with white and red in the backround.

Thank you good Emperor.

I responded:
This "thief" as you village people say, fits the desription you have given me exactly. He passed by me on my way to the blacksmith, and I gave him a shantling (I believe they are called "coins" in the language of the computer people). He seemed to be in a hurry, so I lent this traveller my trusty horse, Shadow, and wished him a pleasant journey as he set out beyond the horizon. This was three moons ago. I am also in search for someone, but I do not think I trust you enough to reveal this most sacred information.

I have one thing that may help you in your quest. The man dropped a piece of parchment. It read:

New York, New York

Foxy Lady Club

I wish I could tell you what it means, but I cannot, as I have no knowledge of this "New" York, nor did I know their was an "Old" York.

I wish you luck on your most adventurous and brave journey to break your curse. Maybe someday I shall do the same...

This is fun :D
Feel the wrath of the Emperor!

user posted image

user posted image


 Hehe, that's great. :D *agrees with Shael*

Badrang the Tyrant

 Hmm, obsessed with story-lines, and black cloaks?  Sounds like Ereptor to me...

Peace Alliance

 llol, very strange indeed. Tell him to head over to the homnelands and start RP'ing with us, he'd be great.


 "I shall give you the title [of] the Honerable Nohceth of Kindness."

Pretty cool guy, I say. ^_^


 hehe, good fun he is
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.