Leader Ratio Thingie not working out!

Started by Trogdor 22, March 22, 2004, 04:16:01 PM

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Trogdor 22

 Ok, for as long as I've been playing I have never been able to do a successful mission or anythingthat involves leaders. My current stats are: 133 Leaders per turn, 472 Loyalty per turn, and 1426 land.  I currently have about 6000 leaders.  

I know that in order to be successful in a mission you have to have a certain number of leaders per acre of land, but how can I get as many as I need if I keep gaining land? It's driving me crazy! Someone please help.
Hooray for Santa!
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Jabba's Entourage

 6,000 leaders are basically worthless in terms of leader missions on other warlords.  Even 200,000 to 300,000 leaders is not that much, and players who mass leaders easily reach over 1 million.
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Trogdor 22

 I know, but I just started my account. Doe sthat mean I have to wait until I have a ton of leaders?
Hooray for Santa!
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wolf bite

 Leaders can be your friend.

Leaders will come until you have 100 leaders per hut. Leaders start leaving when you have over 175 leaders per hut.

The more empty your huts are, the faster they come, when your huts are almost full, they come slowly.

Now with that said, are you talking offensive or General?s hut actions?  If you are doing a self help, then there is a slight ratio of leaders to huts that are required for most of them (check the game guide).  Only move north is a bit unpredictable.

In a warlord?s Hut action, you do need a higher ratio (check the game guide).  It is not leaders per land, but to huts.  So if you have 1,000 huts and 90,000 Leaders all attack functions will work. But with many people playing with a lot of leaders these days, you are unlikely to have much fighting force and will fail against them.

As far as filling up your huts, when you take land, build the huts first so that for the rest of your attacking they will be filling up.  This way you have more per huts and will be making loyalty. Then the best time to use them is after you get attacked and many of your huts are taken. So lets say you start with 5K land and 1K of that is already in huts, the first 2K land you take you build huts. Then you take another 5K land that you have been building other stuff on. You have 3K huts on the 12K land that you have and after using over 200 turns, you will have about 300k leaders. You have a 100% ratio.  Then someone attacks you and takes half your land. You now have 5K land and 1.5K huts with a 200% ratio. As you take turns the leaders will leave until you have 175 leaders per huts. You are your most powerful at this time! Use it for either self help or attacking. But if you are in the upper ranks, you will find they have a lot more leaders then you and you will fail.

It is hard to be of more help because you said only what you are gaining, not how many huts you have.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Trogdor 22

Hooray for Santa!
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Quote from: Trogdor 22Sorry. I have 295 huts.
You need at least 30% of all your land to be huts to do almost anything at all with leaders. Some people, even some of those who mostly use armies, have 100% leader huts. Thta's because leaders can get you any resource you may need.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Gen. Volkov

 I personally am not quite all huts, but close to it. It depends on the game, but at any one time at least 90% of my land is in huts. Other people can do 100% but I need a minimum amount in Farms to keep up my food amounts. Nothing worse than having tons of troops lost due to food shortages.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: RiverpawYou need at least 30% of all your land to be huts to do almost anything at all with leaders. Some people, even some of those who mostly use armies, have 100% leader huts. Thta's because leaders can get you any resource you may need.
:P Not true...I know from experience that in order to do any leader things, you need to have a certain amount of leaders to huts ratio (maybe 100 per hut i think ;) ) and that's all. I've had 2 huts and been able to do all the leaders things, except attack, steal and take would obviously not work (for the most part at least).  In theory you could have 100 leaders and 1 hut and be able to do anything in Warlord's Hut :huh: .