Next Turbo Setup

Started by Retto, March 21, 2004, 12:47:06 PM

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Darth Sidious

 I'd like to repeat my point from the Commanders topic - get rid of the black market. If you must, keep around the sell feature. But no buying.

This weakens leader-loot, but not the leaders themselves. It would also make leader playing a rather big challenge.
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 It would be fun if you could buy leaders and land
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.


 ooh, I like windy's idea... it would be fun ^_^

But here's mine:  You start out with 10k land, and break out of protection after using 100 turns.  There would be no huts or leaders at all, so that most people would use barracks, or very inefficiantly buy troops off the mercs with money gotten from markets.  There would also be no scouting, but you could send land to others, or buy land off the mercs.  The land would go for... oh... maybe $1000 an acre?  You could also put land up on the market.  The land sold in the mercs would replenish just like troops, except the land amount would be the same for everyone, no matter what their net or land is.  The mercs would start by having 100k acres for sale.  There would also be a land farm, where all dropped land would go.  Net would be based completely on land. ^_^ This type of playing would make land the most important feature.


 I agree with Windy and Nohc. That would be really quite interesting to greatly hinder leaders so that [hut massing combined with] loot and feasting wouldn't be a viable tactic. This way everything would revert to the way the game is supposed to be played: army building, not land grubbing and hut massing (if you think about it realistically, the all-hut tactics are quite ungrounded).



No laddering. It makes things too confusing for me.

Land farms should only exist in a location inaccesible to everyone, so you'd have to prepare raiders to access them.

Clans, smaller so newbie clans from Reg will join in.

Oh, and message EVERYONE in Reg to promote newer players in Turbo.

(I just hope my homework load lightens...)
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 For next turbo:

       I think races should be randomly selected.

Polymorph(or whatever it's called here) should be disabled and once you get a race you keep it no matter how many times you restart, therefore no deletling and receating untill you get the race you want.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Darth Sidious

 Juska - No, that's rather boring. Notfun. For example, I hate Marten. I'd much rather play Wolf. So if I was stuck with Marten, I'd just not play. It's also rather disapointing for a newbie to come along and get stuck with Marten, even though they don't know how to/want to leader-loot.

In a Promisance game I am working on, I eliminated the Black Market. Even combined with large cuts in troop production, leaders became fairly unviable except with three or so races, all of which have good bonuses for leaders.

After all, no Black Market = Hardly any leader-loot. You can still play all-leaders, it just won't be the absolute best.

It also gives races such as Pressgang and Weasel a good shot at things. Leader players would, I predict, flock toward them for their troop-gain abilities. Weasel is a fairly good race, and much underplayed.

Laddering - Sure. Kind of interesting, but follow the other recomendations.

Clans - Big clans, yiss. Clans are fun.

Land farms - Yiss, each location. Make sure to keep them very low NW. Don't want nasty big players taking land.

Networth - YISS! Boost land big-time, boost troop values slightly (only if the black market is eliminated), and lower BOTH food and cash (food more, though). Maybe food to 1/20th and cash to 1/10th of current levels? Or maybe 1/25th food and 1/18th cash? That makes it pretty well worthless.

Cities - Make more useful. Barrackses, markets, that kind of stuff. And boost their value muchly. (Not too hard - I've made two city types that can train even leaders)

Leaders - Hm.... I don't like the idea of weaking them. Maybe make it that leader-troop is much more viable. That = no black market.

Those things would create three basic strats:

Leader-troop (Wildcat, Weasel)
Barracks-economy (Traditional - Make troops, support them with a good economy. I find this strat very satisfing.)
Barracks-economy-leader (Traditional, but with a few more leaders than usual.)

Maybe more...?

Anyway, it might be fun to get to this kind of stuff in Reg - back to Barracks-economy. That was fun... Just not successful.
user posted image


 Some very interesting ideas. I like to keep some of the more way-out stuff for Exhibition games (stuff that takes a full screen length to describe, for instance, or adding major features), because sometimes it may not work out to be so fun, and then it's a whole month of less-fun.

For the moment, I'm leaning towards Ladder system with top tens for each era, and land farms (with raiders prepared), and clans. I'd welcome anyone to IM me or something if they want to suggest something before it gets reset later today.
The 'ittle otter,


 Man if you got rid of the black market I know one strategy that would thrive, the indy. By selling troops on the public market the magers can buy them, therefore both empires thrive of course the reseller and indy are almost non existent in this game.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19