Loren is no longer a threat

Started by Larrusus Deathspear, March 11, 2004, 03:27:56 PM

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Ashyra Nightwing

 *snerks madly*

Is this Star Wars thing going to be another Rome?


 Hmmm....they'll try to be, as it sounds....They need to work on their manners big time....
Well, I hope you plan on starting in Regular Today, so we don't have to deal with you for long, but you'll prolly start when the reset comes...blah

*pulls out his sabers, running off to go cut a tree down*
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

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Jabba's Entourage

Quote from: ScarwakeHmmm....they'll try to be, as it sounds....They need to work on their manners big time....
"There is no try.  Only do, or do not."  --Yoda, ESB

Just thought I would quote that, even though Yoda is one of those disgusting Jedi.   ;)

A lot of other people need to work on their manners, too, so it all evens out, I guess.
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Ashyra Nightwing

 Oh, by the way, does anyone know when Reg will be re-starting today? I need to know, so I can do all my homework in time..

Jabba's Entourage

 I am going to take the initiative and apologize if anyone is getting annoyed at our up-itey behavior, which will improve.  We're really nice people.  Really.
user posted image

General Austin

 Heh. I hope you DO, because your uppity-ness was getting on my nerves. As long as you promise to tone it down from now on, I won't stay angry.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Larrusus Deathspear

 A few things...

1. I am the only person who took part in this who had played RW before, and the others had only joined about two weeks ago, so pulling this off was a fairly large feat for 4 people new to RW and myself

2. What does everyone have against Starwars? The newest two movies have been kinda bad, but it's still a cool series.

3. What is with the one-upping on the forums, I put up a post to say "hey look what was a pitiful clan 1/2 a month ago pulled off a military operation" and in reply people say, "guess what Ive killed 5 peole by myself in a week", and then "I've killed 7 in 4 days" next it's "I've killed 34 in a week all by myself', and then we have Mr. Storm-trooper is like "I've killed a 500 unarmed Rebel supporters in a day".

4. I even aknowledged in my first post that Loren was much weakened when we began our war-mongering, and I don't need to be told 7 more times that "its like picking the wings of a squashed fly"

"Might the powers above Curse the Empire for their crimes here"
General Malawakis
"Red Uprising"
Star-wars Fan-fic
Jesus Is a LIE
One of my classmates remarked that I "emanate evil"
MY science teahcer thinks i'm a muslim extremist
The mormons came to my house and I told them I worship satan
My neighbour think that I perform evil rituals on my porch when i burn candles
maybe I should run for president......

Regular Era 2
#391 Slasssk Troopers
Regular Era 3
#92   Slazzar Ectalask
#214  Slasssk Troopers
Regular Era 4
#37    Slasssk troopers

Gen. Volkov

 Larrusus> Just one question. WHY? What was th point of this entire attack on Loren?? The ONLY reason the other warlords wanted to go after it was it was on top, and slowly putting a strangulation hold on the top ten. And even then after you did so.. WHY the HECK did you come on the forums and BRAG about your attacks on an already weakened Loren??? THis just seems stupid to me.. I dunno about anyone else.. but that's my take on it.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Boar the Fighter

 Larrusus Deathspear stop bragging killing a clan that just had gotten attacked a lot is nothing.


 Hehehe, well, I bet you feel great.. n00b.... lol *laughs madly at  Larrusus Deathspear*
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Lady Oertt (Turmiculis)


your title is true, Blackeyes.  Why are you pointlessly insulting?  Deathspear has done wrong, but he'll learn. And in my mind, my friend, if he can pull off killing a clan, even a nearly dead one, and he really IS a n00b, (which he isn't) it would be quite a feat. ::shakes head:: People and their silly actions...I'm not saying the killing of Loren was called for...It  wasn't. But why insult over it? It is futile.  

Anyway. Loren was going to be reset, so there was not point to killing them. It was a stupid action on a nearly dead clan.

And Boar! Learn how to use the coma and period! It sickens me, that I can not read your posts!


-Lady Oertt

(And what on EARTH...now I've seen it all...Worship Retto button?  And plushies? ::is afraid:: Why Retto?  Why not...Worship Gen. Volkov? And Jabba Plushies?)
I prefer jabba plushies. Thanks.

Jabba's Entourage

 Worship Retto button?  What Worship Retto button?

Jabba plushies.  I like the sound of that.  ;)
user posted image

Lady Oertt (Turmiculis)

 Hehe, it's on the second page. Big, blue, and flashy. ::twich::

Actually, I have a plush jabba. ::nod::
I prefer jabba plushies. Thanks.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Why Retto? Because he's our admin! Without him, this wouldn't exist!


Lady Oertt (Turmiculis)

 Not exactly. I think it was Boze who actually started RWL, yes?
I prefer jabba plushies. Thanks.