The Emperors

Started by Holby and Wolf Bite, March 11, 2004, 04:20:52 AM

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Holby and Wolf Bite

 This game has known many a great player.  With the game ending and the last few wars not bringing much excitement, 7 of the best decided to group together. This was a large feat to do, many of us have always been enemies and had grudges, some of us had never even spoken. But we put all differences aside.  And formed a clan. Only 2 were in the top ten when this started, 3 had fresh accounts still in protection. At least half of us were in the clan at all times so that we would be your targets.  

The operation of the clan is something that all can learn from to better your skills. There was no leader of the clan. The management kept changing as need arose. All talked about plans and there was no "orders" given. We all sent aid to each other when ever anyone asked.

There was only 2 weeks for us to do this stunt. And we did it!  Then to repay all those friends that we were forced to attack and to let the game have a final fight for the top, we have deleted our accounts.

The true mastery of the game is the team work.

We stand before you arm in arm.

Hail the emperors of Redwall!

Wolf Bite, Reporter

-EDIT- And finally, the rest of the article can be seen below:

We had some sorting out to do at this stage, the tall weren't content to stand at the back, but we figured it all out eventually. This was more of a test shot , developed using ole black 'n' white... and a bit of red.
Victorious we stand! Or rather, all nice and neatly in a row, 1 through 7. (Psst, you gotta click on the link, this board hates me)

We bid farewell, and moved on. Though Peace claimed a sniper got him...
I thought it was after me too for a minute, but one can be mistak- Errg! *Gets hit*

The Emperors- gone, but not easily forgotten

-Holby, Photographer


 personally since i was one of the people hit i find the most annoying part to be the deletion so that we couldn't hit back, being hit is one thing, but murdered 63 times was a bit harsh and after that i'm pretty sure anybody would want to hit the person back.


 hey, look on the bright side, you can now get higher as about half of us deleted..  
Soundesign had a good run..  very spiffy..  ended with 11 mil skiffers..  no much else..  hehe..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

caedo caelestis

Ashyra Nightwing

 *applauds* I wasn't playing.. you Emperors must have played pretty well to hold back the non- Emperors..

Stormtrooper X0067

 Congratulations. It is always nice to see Emperors take the top.

Darth Sidious

 Agreed. Good job.
user posted image


 Make sure there's no extra punctuation in your filename is what they want.

Ahem. As for emperors, well...I don't play, so...I didn't know about any of this.

Also, Holby, I don't know what image you're talking about, but if you're still having trouble I can of course lend a hand.



I think that's what Holby was refering to..  ofcourse, his shot would have his horde name highlighted..  I hope he doesnt mind me postin this, if he fixes his then I'll take this un down, doesnt matter..  
arg..  it's tough coordinating with people in different time zones..  1 AM EST was our meeting time..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Stormtrooper X0067

 Heh. You should see the time my Squad Commander gets me up. 10:00 at night, 5 minutes before I go to bed. Ahh, the life of an Imperial.

Darth Tyrannus

 Congratulations to all the emperors, it was a well deserved accomplishment.

Stormtrooper> Yes the life of an Imperial is grand isn't it, but now.. get moving soldier! This is no time to stand around and chat! Hut hut hut!
user posted image
user posted image

Darth Sidious

Quote from: Stormtrooper X0067Heh. You should see the time my Squad Commander gets me up. 10:00 at night, 5 minutes before I go to bed. Ahh, the life of an Imperial.
Don't complain, underling...
user posted image


 Forum pass: makemyday
I will not deleted this

wolf bite

 A pass word is no longer needed to get into the Emperor's Club. All may veiw.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles