
Started by General Austin, March 09, 2004, 11:40:26 AM

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General Austin

 I've been looking at the lower ranks lately, and I've found that there are a ton of new (ACTIVE!) players around. Sadly, only a few actually go onto the forums, and the few that do don't post that much.

I propose that we forum-goers make a concerted effort to invite those new guys into the forums and help them learn the game better. What do you all think?

Oh yeah. Maybe we should also try to get their newbie clans involved in the huge clan wars. Might be fun, eh?
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 lol..  oddly enough, I've been prodding a few of the newer players I've met to visit the forums, but they resist..  and thoes that do visit dont post, or even sign up for that matter..  I mean, it's Free..

and nah, no newbie clan wars..  I did a newsearch once for a few people of the lower ranks (90-70) and they are rather vicious..  attacking each other 9x or more for no real reason.. think of what they would do in a clan war..  *shudders*  plus, if a few get killed in a clan war they may not restart..  *shrugs*
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 We should do that. I made an account on RWL until it got deleted from inactivity just last month, and I made it all the way to rank about 15 without any messages from anyone (except for the random complainer about 5 attacks here and there). So, if you see any new names around you should try to talk to them or something. I always do that when I make a new clan, invite all the newbies :D

Ashyra Nightwing

 yiss, I think trying to prod some newbies into joining the forums would be a good idea..


 I am fairly new to the game and I post alot.
At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS, President Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the


 16 posts? Well, it's a lot if you signed up today. The more new people the better - as long as they don't spam or anything.


Rough Raiders

 mmmmmm spam

Im new! wellll not really....kinda i just came back......uh...... even though ive been here since like 1st era.....
Official Forum Acorn Thrower
Holbs is the Master Slicer of MY Acorns with Twin Katana Swords
Leader of the TMNT Alliance

Ashyra Nightwing

 Harpo.. You're Alex, yiss?



Quote from: windhoundand nah, no newbie clan wars..  I did a newsearch once for a few people of the lower ranks (90-70) and they are rather vicious..  attacking each other 9x or more for no real reason.. think of what they would do in a clan war..  *shudders*  plus, if a few get killed in a clan war they may not restart..  *shrugs*
Kind of like the top 10.  :rolleyes:  


 Heh... I never message anyone because people change their bloody horde name every five minutes, so I'd rather not embarass myself by not knowing who's who when it's people I'd know by their older names.

It's rather amusing, though, when we have newish players around... especially if their non-Redwall. Got cussed out by one guy IN THE SAME MESSAGE he used to get me into his clan. I was relatively gentle with him, though, and now am attempting to get him to understand that he should not offend people who MIGHT be extremely capable of tearing his buttocks into little bite-size pieces.


Quote from: calriaGot cussed out by one guy IN THE SAME MESSAGE he used to get me into his clan.
You're kidding me.

Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)

Ashyra Nightwing

 That is pretty..odd..
*thinks* Once a newbie bullied me into joining his clan.. I suppose I was another newbie back then, but it was still mean..

BlueMoon Inspired

 I'm here! I just forgot my username. plus i was going to wait untill I became the emperor
Redwalls Mightiest Woman At Last!

One night I had a dream,
a very important would seem.

For in the dream I saw 2 sides of my life,
both as sharp as a knife.

In one side, the real world I saw,
in which was disease, war, hunger, and law.

As I looked at this side I for the first time noticed,
that even though their was bad...their still was goodness.

Although in this world their was constant violence and death,
their was also constant love, and babies taking their first breath.

Then I turned my head to look at the other side,
my imaginative world...I swelled with pride.

For this was the world that I had created,
my own little world...where I could be anything I wanted.

I could be so many different things it was amazing,
I could be a goddess, a gargoyle, and a phoenix with wings blazing.

I could be any time of day,
I could make the scenery look any-which-way.

I smiled as I looked at my imagination,
at the effects of my deep concentration.

Then, as I looked back at the real world, I frowned,
and glanced sadly at the ground.

But in that second I knew,
the truth...was at that moment true.

For living in your imaginative world is okay for a while,
but then you have to stop and recincile.

For the real world needs much as you need it,
it needs you to stop the contempt.

Every now and then your imagination is good too,
its always good to look at your own view.

I smiled as I knew the meaning,
of the dream I had been seeing.

At that moment I woke up and looked around,
I sighed and laid my head back down.

"Now I know what I must do,
I must write this poem for you.

To remind you that you must balance real life and creativity,
to make sure that you may have sweet, sweet, serenity."