Emperor War

Started by Orcrist, February 22, 2004, 03:27:50 PM

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 Ok- first of all, to stand any chance at all, us common non-emperor people have gotta be intellegent. That means, instead of attacking each other for like 500 acres, instead, group 15 of you together and all leader assault one emperor, or something similar to that. Attacking them with leaders is espescially effective because, even though you will lose most of your leaders, if 15 of you all leader strike them, their leader position will be quite weak. I dunno how long this is gonna go on (cuz, from what I've read, the reset is at the end of this month- like a few days!), but we should at least make an effort to hinder these emperors.
Realistically, most of you aren't going to listen to me. You'll think that someone else will cover for you, or you'll think, I don't wanna give up a ton of my resources just to fail in an attack. Then, all of the emperors will come together, and smash me and the few others who stay in their path.  On our own, we are just drops of water, waiting to swept aside, but collectively, we are a huge river that erode even the largest rocks and cut our path through anything (from FFT). So stop thinking that the emperors are that much better than you- most of your faults are that you are too balanced. Just save up one race with your clan and have all of you strike with it.
Finally, I'll tell you of all the emperors that I know of in the top ten:
Nohc (kinda obvious, ranked first), Nick (Odolye, #68, strong in stoats), and Ereptor (Jack Sparrow, #502, strong in rats). I just made a skiff run against Ereptor- he can now be broken with about 5.5 mil skiffs.  

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Fun For None

 Except they're not Emperors.

Garagas Ledavas

Reg- Garagas Ledavas #248

Turbo-Garagas Ledavas II #139

Former Reg. Accounts-

Garagas Ledavas #152 - 10

Darth Bane #47 - Emperor

Former Turbo Accounts-

Garagas Ledavas #168 - 10

Garagas Ledavas #9 - 2

Garagas Ledavas #7 - Emperor

user posted image


 Nohc has been knocked from first. He can be broken with rats... I'm not sure how many. Around 4 million I would think if someone I talked with broke him with 8 million at 50% health.

Edit: If this is a war on emperors, shouldn't Nick and Ereptor join the clan The Emperors? Otherwise they can't be hit as much or by as many targets.
Glory, Glory, Man United!

caedo caelestis

Quote from: DeathclawNohc has been knocked from first. He can be broken with rats... I'm not sure how many. Around 4 million I would think if someone I talked with broke him with 8 million at 50% health.

Edit: If this is a war on emperors, shouldn't Nick and Ereptor join the clan The Emperors? Otherwise they can't be hit as much or by as many targets.
Meh, who do you think knocked him down. I'm a little confused to the whole Emperor's thing anyways.


 Hehe, Odolye is the main one that knocked me down, one that you said would be in the clan :lol:

Just a note, if people attack us, and then leave a clan *cough*Odolye*cough, we will disband Emperors, but still work together.  We might do it anyway though...

caedo caelestis

 Rumor has it that my invite got lost along the way.

Thought the war was started, saw something about 5 members, and they were all in last time I checked clan crier so I had at it.

Just a note, if people attack us, and then leave a clan *cough*Odolye*cough, we will disband Emperors, but still work together.
You liked it. :D

Should really do name changes and put something infront of the names, like [E].

wolf bite

 Humm, I do wonder why Orcrist was not included. He is after all Blue eyes.

It does seem to be a bit of confusion as to what side some people are on.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

caedo caelestis

 I was just thinking about that.

Oh and *cough* I uh, figured to give the regulars a chance i'd even out Nohc a bit, since he'd slaughter you all. *cough*


 *coughs*  Hmm... aren't we the sick bunch? *distributes cough drops*


 If you had everyone who had a claim on an Emperorship into Emperors clan, well... for one thing, you'd have to make something like three clans to fit them all, and secondly all of the other clan's top folks would be gone lol


 Holby currently has 0 stoats. Don't blame me if it changes before you attack, though...  
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 I don't think I was included probably because, even though I'm a good player, I'm not a master. Like, once I get past like 500 mil net, I'm really hopeless. :) Also, it's kinda fun to try to go against really tough people. I mean, the set ends in like 4 days, so I really don't mind.

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 I think you're a bloomin' awesome player myself. Don't like to fight you. But hey, wasn't even aware you were playing.
I will not deleted this


 I took Odoyle down 22,000 acres in stoats. 5.5 million can break him. He had heavy losses as well. Mine were very light compared to his.
Glory, Glory, Man United!