The Hacking

Started by Retto, February 05, 2003, 09:40:48 PM

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 Exploiting a security flaw in xepher's security, the player who shall henceforth be known as Pete The Hacker (a name which in no way reflects his name) beefed up his account, Forces of Destiny, with enough troops and land to destroy Fenix, because of Fenix's policies and ambitions.

The account was made, 2mil land given, and filled with millions of troops. Then Pete the Hacker attacked Fenix, doing the following total damage:

Land   506,992
Rats   45,550,644
Weasels   11,885,493
Stoats   16,793,983
Skiffs   9,234,995

After that, they went into the database once again, 0-ed out Fenix's money, (they had, before attacking, set his health to 50%), and took away 200k more acres. They probably did a few other things we didn't detect (like, maybe, killing Fenix's savings)

Enter Retto, stressed, dashing onto the scenes amidst popping IM windows and flashing e-mails. I locked the DB so that Pete The Hacker couldn't attack Fenix any more, then found out the hackers e-mail, and put up a ban of them - from the entire site.

So, feeling safe that the hacker was, at least temporarily, locked away, I went in and spent about an hour compliling Fenix's total losses, then giving them back to him. Then I went and deleted Forces of Destiny.

While doing this, Pete the Hacker approached me about how he had been locked out of the system from the ban. Understanding what he was doing or not, I'm grateful for it, because it saved me a ton of stress and effort. After having talked with him about it, and understanding his motivations (ie. that he had seen the security hole, and felt that RWL was getting less fun with Fenix in charge, and that one of the other admins had lead him to believe that it would be okay to go and do this), we decided on a punishment.

Pete the Hacker didn't have to come foward, and has since been very cooperative, and kind, so I will not be giving out any information about him or his punishment.

With all this decided, now, I feel that everything is back to normal, pretty much. More than ever, however, I'm looking foward to a favorable result of the voting on the reset. Everything is resolved, all the hostilites should be gone, and this is over.
The 'ittle otter,


 Hmm... I'm not sure how he could be led on, but, I hope to set an example by saying:

1. None of my business.
2. Things are back to normal. Let's not worry about it. And...
3. You are the coolest Retto. 2 hours, just to make this game enjoyable. Kudos, man.

~Shy, Myuh!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)




 What... was... that...

~Shy, Myuh!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)

 Pete asked me if he could take out Fenix. I said that was fine. I did not realize he meant by means of cheating.


 Just wondering...Is there no word wrap on these forums? and if invision supports them, mind turning them on?  :D  


*twitches* You know, Fenix, doing that just annoys everyone else. -.-

At any rate... Retto, dear, I am confessing my love to you. ^.- It's great to see so much dedication from the Powers That Be.
#103 - Blades of Judecca
Primary Diplomat of RFF

The Beatles

 1. None of my business.
2. Thanks a lot, Retto.
3. Fenix, my fingers twitch.

 Well, I think I got the security hole fixed (as soon as Xepher changes my password). Take that, Pete!

While I change the password and update the conf file, there may be a bit of downtime. Thanks for your patience!

 Nope! Went off without a hitch.

Abby The Rat


I would love to work with Retto and boze. They are great guys.

~Dreams on~

It be like a great way to learn php better.

(To stay on the topic)
Wouldn't of been better if Pete (Remains me of my friend called pete) like tell you when he found the hole?
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

 We know who Pete is, and he actually reported the hole. We just want to protect his identity. That's all.

 One last technicality... please change your password (especially if you are an admin. The hacker(s) may have saved your password, therefore being able to acess your personal account! Change it now!


 Retto, Boze, admins in guys are AMAZING! This all went on without me being there. I hear about everything, but never there for it.


 *bows down and worships*

if it weren't for you guys keeping this thing running, I might actually do my homework.

thank you!!!