Sorry all

Started by Abby The Rat, February 17, 2004, 04:13:39 AM

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Abby The Rat

 Sorry all, I'm sorry about the long siggy.. but I've got rid of it.... but I want to remember it... so here it is.. saved..

I'm a Hon Girl (Thanks Calria) ~Winks~
You know who is on my cool list


0 days to go.

So once again we are having a rare on who can reach 50,000 characters.. That Julie have found we can do.. Julie cheated and have a head start.. ~Stares at her~

So... all redwalls be scared... be very very very scared. Once again we are having a race to see who can reach it first. Of couse, trying it once before a long time ago.. mean s I have to try again.. and this time.. I'm REALLY going to win.. so take that JULIE I will win. Moo Moo Moo.

Ok.. First off.. list of cool people..

  • Aden
  • alacazar
  • Alazar the Axe
  • Alderine
  • Aldor Plain Walker
  • almkamn
  • Aminrael
  • Angrod Palantir
  • Aqualis
  • Arcangel
  • Ashyra Nightwing
  • Aurora Beam
  • Badrang the Tyrant
  • baransarn
  • baska
  • Beem
  • Black Claw
  • Blackeyes
  • Blood Wake
  • Bloodrath
  • Bluemoon The Wof
  • Boar the Fighter
  • bob3
  • Boze (Admin)
  • Bran Stoneshield
  • Calria.. who is also my beloved
  • Checkerpaw
  • Cindarin
  • CoolClaw
  • Dead Eye      
  • Dixie Ros?
  • Dilf
  • Der fuhrer
  • Deathclaw
  • Duke Aubres
  • fingo
  • Germania
  • General Austin
  • Gen. Volkov
  • griever
  • Holby
  • Kazaar
  • Kilkenne
  • Kenny Boy
  • Klamath
  • Mark
  • Menatus
  • Mikalae DarkKnight
  • Peace Alliance
  • Quamicauzilot
  • Ragefur
  • RazorClaw
  • Retto
  • Riverpaw
  • Rough Raiders
  • Scarwake
  • Shael of Torethevel
  • Sha
  • Shytalon
  • snowspine
  • Stormclaw
  • Teufel
  • The Beatles
  • The Lady Shael
  • The Weasel Liberation Movement
  • TR Shadow
  • Trident < Miss her
  • Tsarmina
  • Urran Voh
  • wolf bite
  • ~>John<~

    Ok.. now I'm at 1834.. what else can I do to waste characters... hmmm... .............................................................

    OOUuu.. I know...  I could many dots with different colours and all that..


    By the way... I'm sorry for all this.. I will take it down and post it like I did before with the last race........ how this could take a really long time.. I wonder which idiot have changed this to allow 50,000 characters hmm??? HMMM?? I mean..  this was changed to stop people making REALLLY REALLLY long siggys like I have done.. so.. come on.. who did it? was it you Wolf bite? or You Retto or Shael?

    Meh... Can't of been me.. I'm not a Admin anymore. ~moos sadly~ I guess .

    By the way..

    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah
    I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah I love Sarah

    Ok.. now whatelse can I do.. I could always say, I love you all.. but I already do.. OOOU.. I Could just link to a large picture.. but nah..

    Hmm... I think I just add this picture.. since I love it muchly

    WOOT.. heh. I hope  you can see it. it really a good picture.. I love it.. it is a team work of me and Beloved Sarah. She drew the picture and I coloured it in.

    I now shall add all the poems I can remember done here

    Lost in Love
    Warm and safe,
    In the Womb
    Of love.
    Lost there,
    Never Wanting To be found.

    Together Forever,
    Lost in the Forest.
    In the Warmth,
    Of The Sun.

    Born Each Day
    Next to Beloved


    Flowing off your hand,
    Between your fingers.
    Losing touch,
    Your will

    Time ticks, lost forever
    Clinging as sands roll off
    Why her, Why him
    Lost completely

    As you fist
    Holding the last few grains of sand
    Only to let go

    And End it all

    Through the tears I shed
    My cheeks soaked Yet untouched, uncaressed

    You care for me, you'll touch and caress my cheek
    A soft kiss, is all I need

    My heart hurts, names called to upset
    Hands tembles

    You'll hold my hand, Tell me names are false
    A soft kiss, is all I need

    My body shivers, the air chills
    All alone

    And you wraps your arms around me, sharing warmth
    A soft kiss, is all I need

    So many miles away, we are stuck
    Away from each other.

    All I need, is a soft kiss and I know we are together

    Alone in thoughts,
    Playing with a blade in my mind
    Dancing with fire
    Cold in the night
    Stars blacked
    Darkness cloats
    I, useless
    Should be beaten
    Messed and thrown
    Like dirt, that I am really is.
    This is who I am
    Dirt, unwanted, discarded
    Uncaring and false

    Something cold rest against my skin
    Pressed by force known
    Caused by the past
    Following now
    Cuts and dark blood flows
    Wetting the hand of the force
    I hate you, echos
    Blood, dark, flows.
    Draining Life as love is lost
    Wanting that sweet blackness
    Deeper it cuts, more darker blood becomes
    Wonderful Poison Thy Taste
    Forced by known
    Hate filled
    Stronger then love.
    Evil, I are true love

    A Kiss Blown
    A kiss blown
    A kiss caught

    thousands of miles
    The kiss went

    Not thrown
    Not brought

    A smiles

    I and My Silent World
    Oh how I watch the world pass.
    Stare in amazements at every object,
    Curious to what secret it may hold.
    From my silent world I watch.

    I see you, feel you, smell you,
    Even taste food from you
    But never to hear you.
    I watch, I see, I try.
    I see your face, read you lips.

    My mind and heart works together
    As a couple, right for each other but not mature.
    My hair to hide my secret.
    To cover what man made for safely,
    For my understanding.

    I shy first but not the second.
    I seem normal but am not.
    For I have get understanding for the world around.
    My heart hears music, my mind hears music but not ears.
    I have a body full of care.

    To look at, I?m odd,
    To see beyond me I?m unique.
    I can see what other people don?t.
    I believe in heaven, earth and who made it.

    In the world I have no time to stand and stare.
    In my peaceful world, time moves slow.
    I fly free across the sky of blue and white.
    As a male I am as strong as one but I care as a female.

    For people who know me, they will understand me a little more.
    People who don?t know me, they will have
    more understanding of my silent world and I

    We love
    Through tears comes love.
    thought love comes tears
    No matter how painful, love breaks through.
    Powerful as the Sun, always
    My love for you still grows
    Like a oak tree, tall and old
    Distance between us won't last forever
    Love bonds and pulls
    But one day we'll come together
    Never pushed or pulled but under own power
    People and distance will no longer hold us back from eachother
    Love overcomes life
    Love overcomes pain
    Through tears comes love
    Through love comes tears

    Soul is free and priceless
    Many Soul are all one

    The heart is open and clean
    Abused body never touch

    Mind control the skin
    Clear and stong

    Love is never one
    Always true

    I, A freind, open to you
    You, a friend I never met

    We, a love
    A love never break

    A love never break
    A love never break

    A love only change
    never break

    Each Day
    Each day
    Each hour
    Each min
    Each second

    That I have stopped dreaming
    Each of these dreams is about you

    Each day
    Each hour
    Each min
    Each second

    That I wanted to be with you
    Each of you

    Each day
    Each hour
    Each min
    Each second

    That I wanted to give you a cuddle
    For real

    Each day
    Each hour
    Each min
    Each second

    To be there for you,
    There in your eyes

    I dream that distance was never true
    And I'm there, right next to you
    If you're in need
    If I'm in need

    Each day
    Each hour
    Each min
    Each second
    Not once, have I stopped dreaming

    I long
    I long for your touch
    That touch, that tells me everything it's alright
    That touch, that tells me how much you love me
    That touch of care
    That touch
    That touch, that's real

    I long for your arms
    Those arms that will warp me in love
    Those arms that soft and strong
    Those arms of bond
    Those arms
    Those arms, that's real

    I long for your movement
    That movement, that tells me of where you are
    That movement, that's is free and careless
    That movement of freedom
    That movement
    That movements, that's real

    Just to be close
    I long for you
    With your touch
    With your arms
    With your movement
    I love for them to become real to me

    Life's Path
    Life follows a path
    Many route to float a long
    Random and by choice
    Always follow one
    Life is your
    Free to lead
    Run, walk, crawl
    Take your own speed
    Other follows
    Place each step
    One after another
    and your life follow the path
    On always
    from the start to the end

    Tap A
    Tap D
    Tap A
    Tap M

    Tapping ADAM
    Keyboard Rules

    That sound
    Fast, Slow
    In your ears
    You learn not to hear it

    Tap B
    Tap E
    Tap L
    Tap O
    Tap V
    Tap E
    Tap D

    Tapping BELOVED
    The sound of someone on a keyboard
    First try, looking for letters
    Listen to them speed up
    Years of tapping
    Speed only equal more tapping

    Tap.. oh Joy I've put with it
    Tap.. Easy to just listen to it
    Tap.. Going Crazy?
    Tap.. Oh stop
    Tap.. Just do what you learn to do
    Tap.. Stop listening to it
    Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

    Meaning of Same
    Images of mind
    Does not work
    Missing of one
    My pair true
    Next to me
    Of one self
    one of faces


    I wonder.. If I should add colours to these poems.. ~does so~

    ok.. now I've added to the poems.. and it only jacked from characters up very small.. I'm sorry all for you all that is really annoyed by this.. but I had to do it.. for old times sake and fun.. Man... I always loved this race. Ow.. my hands hurts from typing so fast for so long now.. I'm not going to give up now. Not when I'm at 11290 characters count............. WOOT that's 1/5 of a way there. Come on Addy.. You can do it. I know you can.. GAHHH.. I need a drink.. MAN... I really need a drink.. brb all


    BACK.. man I need that drink badly. Anyway what to add next... Hmmm... I KNOW.. the story I've been working on.

    (By the way.. the only rules is.. no over repeating (like MILLIONs of dots, a few dots are ok.. and no copying other peoples works. Just so we are clear)

    Chapter One
    Surprise of love

    Her Dad shout out ?Lucy we?re going to be late.? Lucy enters the room and heads straight searching through the drawers of the desks. ?But I can?t find it,? she reply ?it not in any of my drawers.? Looking down the back of the sofa, Alex or ?Max?, as he like to be called for the reason is only know to him, sighs ?Leave it you find it later,? almost ready to drag his half sister to the car ?I must find it? cried Lucy ?I never go anywhere with out it. What happen to my locket?!? After searching the back of the chair, she slowly pulls out a chain, which shines in the light and on the end of chain is a locket. In side is a picture her mum, she has long blonde hair flowing in the wind, her face staring at you with deep blue eye seeing through you and her cheeks so soft and golden it impossible to describe it. ?I love you Mum!? she whisper. ?I got it dad?, who stranding at the door, looking at his watch hope it?s fast, wearing a dark suit and blue tie.
    ?Right then, let go.? He said getting impatient ?Don?t forget the money.? Alex, age 16, stuffy as a lad can be in school uniform. He take great pride in his black hair, which is really a hedgehog, combing it back and walks to the car. Lucy come running out the house and flies into the car. Dad gets in, put the seat belt on, turn the key and drive off. Lucy has just turn 12 beginning to look just her mum. The different is height and that she has brown eye like Dad and Alex. She looks out the windows and sigh, watching the countryside roll by merging into building and offices blocks. 15 minutes later pulling up to a large old school one of the oldest school in the world still stranding today. Alex dashed off with his mates, waving bye to Dad. ?Off you go then love, you?re making me later then I am now.? he said impatiently.
    ?Ok dada, love you? she spoke softy, kissing on the cheeks ?see yer later.?
    ?Bye? reply Dad, and off he drove waves as he goes. Lucy walks in on her own. She has no friends and prefers to be alone but there are times when she wishes for a true friend, someone that understand without words.

    Walking into the classroom, she is already becoming the cleverest in the class. For some strange reason she felt really tried. She just could not understand it, normally so wide wake she never miss a thing. Eyes slowly drops until she is so deeply asleep for the next few moment nothing happened. Suddenly she woke up, looking around there no one there, not even the school hamster running around in the cage. ?How odd? thought Lucy ?No one here?? She looks and looks all around the school and just was not able to see one living thing, that if you don?t count the trees and grass. ?It must be a dream? as she walks into a lamppost this hurtled Lucy. ?Ah? she cried. A thought has crossed her mind ?What if I fell asleep before some horror came!? The sun still shining brightly as ever before, walking around, looking high and low, east and west, north and south, wondering what ever happen. Fear filled her and she ran home, stopping, now and then, for a breather and take in the scene, still not one person or animal around. After awhile she reached home, key into lock and just as she was to open the door, she felt a presence behind her, taking a look she found there was nothing there. Walking on in, calling out for Dad or Alex only silent and peace that surrounded her. Walking on, she passed a mirror, something made her gasp, her reflection, it was different. She wasn?t a 12-year-old girl but a 16 year old and behind her was an image of a person. Shocked by the image, stepping back right into the arms of this person. This was not just some person, but her long lost mother. ?Mum?? said in amazement, ?Is it really you?? Turning around just carefully and slowly. ?But you left us.? Hating to say that ?D? word. ?How could it be, oh, I love you.? Wrapping her arms in a deep love embrace as no tomorrow would come. After time the arm soften it grips just so she could look up into her eyes, her face so beautifully happy but yet serious.
    ?My daughter? She spoke finally ?I?m here to tell of many life changing things. You have a gift that no-one save one have. Everything you say or do with have affect forever. Don?t worry you will have help and guidance.? Passing a small object into Lucy hand ?This is called a Y?n, keep it safe has you kept that locket safe.? She hums a soft and wonderful tune, so sweet that Lucy felt sleepy, weary and happy. The surrounds grew dimmer and dimmer until black. The tune still float around when she spoke once more ?Lucy, your gift must only be know by your companions whom you be meeting soon, once together you and your companions will learn to use this gift more and only then will you learn it true name? ?How will I know them?? Lucy called back ?You will know? was the reply. ?Your companion has different skills in the gift. Our time grow shorts for time still goes forward only more slowly on this plane.
    ?Plane?? said Lucy, ?What do you mean?? she now really confused ?What is this plane? Where am I?? The silent took hold and only the deep breathing from Lucy is heard.
    ?Listen.? She said softly ?What do you hear? This plane is Silent Dream. I have to go, never worry fore that you will learn more.? She softly moves back into the darkness, speaking her last words? You have a gift that is beyond the understanding of other but of your companion.?
    Lucy started to hear other voices as the darkness grew just before it grew complete she cried into the darkness ?Bye mum.? Before she knew it, she was wide awake staring at the teacher shouting at her ?Wake up Lucy, this is not a bedroom and that desk is not a bed! Now, could you tell me what H20 stand for??
    Lucy answered, blinking back ?Water??
    ?That is right. So have been listen while you been asleep or something. Anyway?? And the teacher carried on.
    Lucy gave off a sigh ?So it was a dream.? Opening her hand to gasp the pen, a small yellow object fell out. ?It was not a dream.? Thought Lucy happily ?So what is this gift I have?? That question have filled her head for the rest of school.

    Chapter Two
    Meeting of Companions

    After School she met with Alex outside the gates waiting for Dad to pick them up. Alex chants ?Lucy falls asleep?, she kept calm and cool with not one word back, this surprised him since she always tells him to shut up like sisters always do however something things about her that made him stop. She had a slight bluish glow about her which is something he never seen in her. Minutes later Dad pull up to meet them,
    ?Hey Dad, how was work?? He said climbing into the car Lucy following behind still quiet.
    ?Hi, Fine. Lucy are you, alright?? said Dad
    ?Fine Dad, I?m ok? She replied. The trip home with not one peep out of anyone, until broken by Dad,
    ?Alex, Lucy! I have to pick someone up on the way home, ok guys?? He was greeted with silent, ?guys??
    ?Yeah, alright, it?s fine by me? replies Alex
    ?Lucy?? Dad asked ?What about you?
    She answers ?All alright. Who is she or he??
    ?Well her name is Kath and she?s going to be new work mate for me?
    ?Hmm, so where is she living at the moment?? asked Alex.
    ?Ah! I need to ask you guys if she can stay with us until her home is ready.?
    ?What! Another girl in the house. That?s great!? cried Alex in uproar, since he doesn?t really get a say.
    ?That?s fine? sigh Lucy, looking out the window. Countryside, urban life rolled into one.

    The car pulls up to the station, with hundreds of people milling around, leaving or coming. It was easy to find her she was standing still along the crowd.
    ?Hey Kath, over here? Dad called out, waving as if he was bring in an aircraft. Kath is extremely beautiful, long brown hair, shining against the light, green eyes and fine figure prefect if it wasn?t for the scar on her left cheek, how she got that only she knows. After quick meeting and introduction. The group set home.

    Dinner eaten in silent, apart from some odd talk to Kath, on where she is to live, how she feels and so forth.  When dinner was over, they sat down in the living room, save Lucy as she gone off to her room to complete her homework. She opened her book and a picture fell out. The pictures of someone, whom she doesn?t know or have a remote idea of who. ?How did that get into my book,? Lucy thought placing it in her pocket, just in case someone lost it or something. Time ticked by and soon she has done her homework. Letting out a yawn, feeling exhausted from a long day. One quick change, clean teeth, wash and all that, hit the pillow, and there, she lies, fast asleep. Few minutes and Lucy found herself  awake suddenly, not in her bedroom but in a white room with many windows. Dark from all the curtains drawn across the many windows. Drawn to one curtains, she walks over and pulls it open and look out to the green world and there stands one guy, he was the same person as in the picture she found earlier. Middle length hair, that was just right,
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

Gen. Volkov

 *Scroll finger gets cramps* Just noticed... I'm on your list! *w00ts*
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 *never makes anyone's "cool people" lists*

The  <_<  smiley needs to fix!

Gen. Volkov

 You made my list Nohc... lol a list of one.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Admin Are Gods

 Yay!! Someone who likes me!

*And there was a fizzling cheer*
Retto is cool. If you don't think so, then DON'T SAY ANYTHING! IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY IT!

The One And Only Plushie! (Thanks Tugwolf!)
Donuts, anyone? (Thanks Alice!)


Abby The Rat

 Maybe that is because you haven't signed on the forum when I made that list.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 *smiles* I made the list too...

though I'm a pretty awful friend who never gets online...
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 Yeah, tsk tsk....Stephanie....*points an accusing finger* OH WELL, we still love ya!!
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


 Tch. Ad got me visiting here more than once in a two week period... not good at all for my "left RWL" status... not good at all...

~A ubiqitous post from Cal, who is NOT back.


 Welcome back, Cal. Nice ta see you again.
I will not deleted this


 Wow  im on the list,            I hope i dint just take myself of the list...


  ;)   windy just wasnt cool enough to be on Ad's 'cool' list..  hehe..  

*waves*  welcome back Ad and Calria..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Ashyra Nightwing

 Ad and Sarah are back!

w000000tness..  *bounces happily*

Admin Are Gods


I love your avatar!! It's like...Whoa awsome!
Retto is cool. If you don't think so, then DON'T SAY ANYTHING! IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY IT!

The One And Only Plushie! (Thanks Tugwolf!)
Donuts, anyone? (Thanks Alice!)



 *does the odd little happy dance*
I feel like such a dork... I was only gone for something like 6 weeks. ^-^