Loren vs. Blades war

Started by General Austin, February 13, 2004, 02:17:06 PM

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 A small army trudged along the rugged countryside. They had marched many days, but were still mostly made up from new recruits and a few foreign mercenaries... the forces of the lands of their mysterious warlord. They had heard that his name was Sir Richard, but few had heard his voice, and none had seen his face. They only saw his armor, black and shining as he strode in front of his army. He had come out of the North, taking up the lands of his foes with a few loyal rats and stoats, and with skiffs in every river of the land to aid his fight. Now, his army marched towards the great battle between the clans of Loren and Blades. Many in the army did not even know which side they were fighting on, and whispered rumors abounded as they stalked towards their destination.
"We're fighting with Blades! Sir Richard is really the second cousin of their leader!"
"Noooo, we're going to Loren's side! Sir Richard knows what he's doing!"
Not one of them knew for sure.

Finally, on the eve of their entering the battle, Sir Richard had "his" captains call together his scraggly army. Standing on a stump, "he" surveyed them, then, slowly, took off the helmet that had represented their leader many months. Their leader spoke.

"I am your leader, Sir Richard... better known by some as the Lady Calria Ulloa. We will fight long, and hard. We will fight to the next-to-the-last man. We fight... alongside the clan of Loren. Pack your things. We enter the battle now, before another moment has passed."

With this, she replaced her helmet, and began taking steps towards the distant din of steel on steel.


 The day was dark, it seemed as if a giants shadow was casting itself over the land. A wolf stood at the head of this vast army in full armor with his sword in it's hilt the raiders were scared of the collosal figure but they knew to respect and serve him. He announced to his raiders "this is were we go to war" in a booming voice. After 2 miles of walking his second in command said "sir we have purchased all the mercinaries in the area" Good work Forbag Lasirus said but what should are army side with send a message to General Volkalv telling him we will fight against the blades just send a crow telling are army were to move in.

IC: in the distance i here a faint howl stange I wondered It sounded like Wolk bite but i did not care.
At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS, President Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the

Gen. Volkov

 OOC: Decent.. even if the spelling and grammar makes my eyes water, also your entire post was IC.. you only need to specify when you are talking OOC.

Back IC:
Well my fine lads, it seems the battle is over, but the war is just heating up. Ley us oust Devari from his castle and use it for ourselves. What do you think Aus? Dead Eye? I am preparing for my assault as we speak. Gathering more and more troops to my army, making it as great as it was in days of yon.

"Cuchulain! Gather the troops! Train the new recruits! We shall soon march to war!"

And with that Volkov went into this tent with Dead Eye and Aus, to discuss the next step. He discussed with them the disturbing news that his scouts had reported. Calria was back, and she was fighting for Loren.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Cal had gotten a sort of sick pleasure in lifting off her helmet again as she and her army's officers marched along the frontlines toward the other warlords of her clan. She'd made sure that all of the spies and messengers had gotten a good look-- the older ones would probably know her face on sight if they had been to any of the previous clan wars, and the new ones would surely recognize her flag-- six silver diamonds on a field of deep scarlet.

She finally stopped a rather sickly looking rat, holding a ball of string and looking for all the world as though he'd just seen a ghost. "You, there, where's the command centre for the heads of Loren? I wish to report to them for further instructions."

The rat said nothing, but pointed into the distance. Cal looked where he pointed, looked back, and he was gone. "Well, that was helpful," she said wryly, going in the direction he'd indicated, her two best captains following her as an honor guard, and hoping that the idiotic little creature had been right.


 OOC:sorry about the previos post, I must have not read a few...
the loren reinforcements had been marching for days with little rest or food when finally their leader stops marching. A small rat comes up to him and asks "Oh master, why have you stopped?"."Quiet!" says the leader. Everyone went silent imediately. They could faintly hear the sound of a great battle in the distance. The leader turns to his horde and speaks, "We are near the camp where the battle is being held. We shall take a short rest and march there at dawn". Then he turned to the small rat, "And Splinteye" he said. "Y-Yo-ou kn-n-now my nam-me?" said Splinteye. "Yes" said the leader, "And just call me If" "If?" "Yes, just If"
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up again...as I fade away from all existence.

Rocc Arrem

 A crazy looking squirrel carrying a sword charges over a hill screaming I hate Loren!!!!!!! and promptly slaughters all associated with them
Rocc Arrem, greatest swordsbeast in all the Northlands,father of  Trisscar Swordmaid!
Rocc Arrem #63

I love cats I have one that fetches

Cool People:
Gen. Volkolv
Guthorm Swordmaster
Wolf Bite
Boar the Fighter

Juby (Tercios)

 The Armies of Tercios cross the plains and notice a grave quiet has fallen where corpses lie. Flags are risen far apart on the battle feild as armies ready for another round of battle.  There however is one other person with the armies of Tercios in no man's land, a crazy squirrel attacking the trees and yelling various insults to specific trees he was calling Devari, Holby, Juby and Amoraq.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


 IC: Keep marching until we see signs of battle, "Yes lord Lasirus" In the dis tance I here a faint scream and I run up to see what was happening and find two dead squirrels and one unconscious. I said captain report. Our archers spotted these squirrels in the trees we toke down two and the third tried to get away but I used my sling and knocked the squirrel right out yes did sir. Dispose but see if you can get any information out of the third if not send it to my hut. We make camp here. Then the horde cheered but  stopped short to here we leave at sunrise.
           So squirrel what were you doing spying on my troops we were not spying but trying to get away (sniff, sniff). But then your vermin killed my friends and almost killed me. First rule when talking to Lord Lasirus you always end with sir, master, or lord second try not to insult me or my troops got it. Now there nothing holding me back from killing you right now except what you know. But I dont know anything I just live in the woods. What about a battle have you heard anything about that Well... No. Then your useless. Gaurds have him dispathched I dont care how you do it but quetly and quickly. Then I heared a scream and a laugh the squirrel was mad he had bitten the gaurds arm I took up a bow and let an arrow loose striking the squirrel between the shoulder blades. I came to the gaurd and said I have no room in my horde for incompatence no heal your wounds also tell me your name Snirus sir good I will have to remember that and pushed the rat on the ground.
At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS, President Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the

Rocc Arrem

 Rocc Arrem slowly regained his senses. There was a firery pain between his shoulders he reached back and pulled out the arrow. Snapping it in two he flung it to the ground. Two days on the flatland had caused Rocc to go into a coma-like trance.He remembered it better now: ther were loren members all around he was desperately trying to get to holby, yes holby. But now he realized it had been a mirage. What he thought had been a blow from Derani had been a slingstone. The now sane squirrel crept off into the night back to his army. Loren would die.
Rocc Arrem, greatest swordsbeast in all the Northlands,father of  Trisscar Swordmaid!
Rocc Arrem #63

I love cats I have one that fetches

Cool People:
Gen. Volkolv
Guthorm Swordmaster
Wolf Bite
Boar the Fighter

wolf bite

 Slowly sipping his iced tea by the side of a calm stream in a small clearing is the yellow wolf.  Around him is 6 shrews feverishly working as diligently as they can to highlight the wolf?s fir.  Wolf Bite had ordered that ?Champagne Blond? color.  
A horde of noisy rats from the armies of Loren approach from the north, just as archer mice from the Blades enter the clearing from the south.  The leader of the rats yells ?charge the mice? The marching is heard in a quick beat.  The archers align their arrows waiting for the command to fire.  

Then both sides notice Wolf Bite having his beauty treatment in the clearing by the stream.  Both sides slowly back into the woods as quietly as possible hoping his rest was not disturbed.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Ashyra Nightwing

 OOC: oooh, can I join? It'll just be IC, I can't really fight with my actual account..

The lone wildcat perched in a tree, overlooking the battle from a distance. She sighed deeply. She missed those days of horde commanding, when her navy was the largest in the seas, and people would recognise her name when it was spoken...
Those days were long gone now. She had left her shattered and half-sunken floating city to rot in the waters. She wouldn't go back? She would start afresh one day, but, for now, she was happy selling her services to the highest payer as a mercenary.
This battle looked? interesting.
The cat jumped down from her tree and set off towards the battlefield.


 Wake up my raiders today we dont stop until we get to the first signs of battle. Why is he making us go so far a lowly rat said I am so tired. Better be quiet there mate or lord Lasirus will have your head. Alright then but I think that squirrel dissapeared could something have taken the body. I heard there were snakes in the area. Naw thats just a myth mate snakes have not been in this area for centuries.          Just then a band of crows sprang out of the trees and a but a few feathers were seen fluttering in the air. Did you see that I saw a snake grab one of those crows. I told you there has not been any snakes in this area for centuries thats along time you just had to much ale my friend. Rubbing his eyes the lowly rat said I could have sworn it was a snake, But I did have alot of ale.
      Just then a pit viper launched it self at Lord lasirus but a weasel got in the way to be bitten and killed, then Lasirus took out two daggers jamming them into the snakes eyes. The snake lashed out wildly but Lasirus had an iron grip on the snakes neck. It was the he took out a dagger and jammed it into the snakes nervous system. After the snake died he said have this worm skinned give the skin to me when your done then take the venom gland and let the archers dip the short swords in it then put the rest in a vile and give it to me.
At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS, President Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the


 Calria watched from the distance as wolf bite got his beauty treatment...
Pompous, arrogant twit with a blonde coat... hope the bleach goes bad and it all falls off...

With a smirk at that thought, she picked up the nearest weasel, kicked him soundly in the tail, and screamed, "Why aren't you out fighting! Go, you lilly-livered coward! Take the rest with you."

Please, for the love of mincemeat and swiss cheese, could you guys follow the rules of good RPing? Third person and past tense if'n you don't mind! *mutters* My sensibilities are hurt and my dander becomes riled...


 OOC:(I'll use a different account name since Immortal would be kinda weird)

Whisperwind sighed as he viewed the sight below, his leaders all lined up under holby's command along with what little mercenaries he could gather with the loot his leaders had gathered. Whisperwind was sure he had given Holby some quallity leaders even and turned the hawk around and flew back toward the river to talk to Wolf Bite.

An hour later...

"Wolf, since everyone one else is bloody well murdering themselves, mind if I have a chat with you?"
Purity of mind
Currently relearning the ropes of RWL but I seem to be doing ok.

wolf bite

 Wolf Bite takes the cucumbers off his eyes and sees Whisperwind. With a snap of the wolf?s paw, a chair and iced tea is brought out for Whisperwind. 5 jester foxes dance balanced on large balls as the minstrels play.  Whisperwind slaps away at the approaching shrews carrying tin foil and blond colored brushes.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles