Martens Rule

Started by wolf bite, February 11, 2004, 06:43:50 PM

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wolf bite

 Of the top ten, there are 9 Martens and a Crow. Of the top 20, there are 15 Martens.

I think that sadly the power of Martens have been shown to everyone by now.

And a Big congrats to the Crow who has the worst powers of any.  Good job to him/her!

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Martens do rule!  Oh wait... is that a bad thing?  Well, I think Martens are the best race by far.  Their mercs are cheaper than normal, they can train troops well, they pay less for troops than normal, and they can make tons of money with Gold-Mine.  The only real downfall is that they have slightly worst than normal leaders, and their troops are cheaper.  Martens should keep the Gold Mine ability, but should be made slightly weaker in their race bonuses.


 There is a wolf up there now too.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Gen. Volkov

 *Shall soon add a Fox to those ranks, just to prove he can* Martens are good... but I like fox because people can spy you and get the wrong thing. Actually I would be Marten, but I hate to follow the crowd...
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Agreed Marten is too powerful. Wolf is not saying that poeple can't succeed with other races, just Goldmine gives an advantage that is way too strong.
I think it should be reduced and made more expensive.
I will not deleted this

Peace Alliance

 Let them have the money boost, just make leader defense much much harder so its easy to steal the money... why not make it so guard towers don't have a leader bonus for martens?

I think there should be another race with the special ability to boost mercinaries. that would be really good to combat Martens abilitys.


 Gaurd tower have a leader bonus??


 Yes, they contribute somewhat to leader defense, though i doubt anyone know exactly how much, wish they'd release the dang code. Marten are op. Goldmine is what makes them op, they are essentially the cashing race of rwl, like gnome on qmt. Goldmine is a huge advantage, actually leaders are op in turbo and very strong in regular, I say nerf leader over-all. Lower the amount of land attacks give you and make leaders come slower.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance

 thanks juska... for that... news?

IF Retto decides to keep the bread concept in the regular code for RWL. Leaders will no longer have the powerfull effect on turbo that thay have now. Bread didn't ruin leaders, it just made it harder, and brought leader stratagys down to the same level as other stratagys.

It would also leave a problem for martens, even though even with bread, martens would still be way too good. like i said, they need a counter-race.

ohh, and if you make it so the counter-race can not only boost their mercinaries, but can steal money easier, then that would mean that their stratagy could be to seek out martens, steal their money, and spend it. how spended!


 yea marten is definatly the best by far...... i agree they should make the goldmine more loyalty or either take down the amount of loyalty their leaders can get each turn or make the mercenaries worth more

i disagree with it making it easier to steal the money...... i mean they use all there turns to get it and you can use a couple of turns to steal it all for yourself? thats not fair!

it will definatly be hard to make changes to get the races to be somewhat equal but i think no matter what people will continue to use marten just because of the cash and the amount it costs for mercenaries

i mean with the clans you can feed one person money for a while and then they can buy there army for a week i mean wheres the strategy for that other then getting money and sending it away.... to easy!!


Guthorm Swordmaster

 I agree with Peace there should be a rival race.


 So you guys want a whole new just so it counters marten? I mean come on, nerf marten don't make a whole new race because you want to counter it. Get rid of the marten +20% training bonus, but don't get rid of any bad things, at least.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Badrang the Tyrant

 As I said before, it took too long for the Marten to get this popular...

The Marten could easily be countered by anyone who masses Leaders (or more than the Marten user).  Right now, I'm a Wildcat and I can take almost anyone's money (that's around me) and they're all Martens...


 Never been a Marten. Wildcat is best. You can gain like 10 times the normal ammount you would get in two turns.


 wildcat is definatly not the best, sure there good for defense and offense but you can only get them up to a certain point with so much land
and what do you mean by they get 10 times the amount in two turns??

doesnt make n e sense to me!!