
Started by Scwummin, February 04, 2004, 07:31:27 PM

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Browser re-started after a huge explanation. Blast.
Loyal Rebel


Son of  Scurmy, Son of Halofas, Son of Duke Aubres.

Play my game if you want! (Soon to be updated as the commanders edition)  Warlords

Gen. Volkov

 I believe I already made the point about Woof ruling Hack.. and I'm sure you could break many people in the top ten there, unfortunately that era is over, but when it restarts, so will Woof. ANother thing is, I was in AA in WB2.. and I have never been in Loren here, though I have been tempted to a few times. So I agree that Loren is just a RWL thing.. however, I am interested in trying to take it down, but I'm not claiming any altruism here, truth is, I want the top for myself and Woof... we may or may not turn out to be a better ruling clan.. I really don't care.. like I said.. I just wnat the top.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Gen. Volkov

 Sorry bout the double post... computer problems...
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Fun For None

 Loren is:

Let's all join the biggest clan in the game with alot of alliances because then we won't get attacked so it is easiest to clog the top 20.

Also known as:

We cannot play on our own so we practice a herd mentality and no one is intelligent enough to attack us.

Also known as:

The more of us there are, the more of us will come, and the easier it will be.



 Strength in numbers. But also in our skill. :)
I will not deleted this


 Fun for none- I have been in Loren for quite along time, and it is infact nothing like what you just said, and admins, i wouldn't normally say this and I'm sorry, but fun for none, Just shut up!
"It has purple inside, purple is a fruit.." Homer Simpson


 Your alliances have alot to do with your so-called skill, when i joined NIF i think i hade 85+ mil net at one time, not being attacked helps.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 I beleive your point about Hack Infiltration and Warbands Two is taken, guys. I apologize for  the misinformation. I went to both of the servers about a month ago and saw the WWII Rerisen guys acting all snooty to me, and talking about what server they'd take over next. In Hack, I remember Loren having alot of power, and in Warbands II, I saw them ruling the top ten. In those games, they were extremely aggressive. In RWL, you guys aren't that aggressive, but I'm afraid you will be later on.

If you would check again, I only said in the beginning topic that we should band together and ask Loren to disband. Not to start a war. I just want to clear that part up.

WLM, I'd like to respond to your points, but you put a ton of stuff up, and it's too early in the morning for me. I'll do it later, if'n you don't mind.
Loyal Rebel


Son of  Scurmy, Son of Halofas, Son of Duke Aubres.

Play my game if you want! (Soon to be updated as the commanders edition)  Warlords


Quote from: JuskaYour alliances have alot to do with your so-called skill, when i joined NIF i think i hade 85+ mil net at one time, not being attacked helps.
You traitor. I harboured yiu in LAppren, aided you, and then you go off and attack us. Bah.
If you don't believe we have skill, how about testing the theory out with me, eh?
I will not deleted this


 I did something for you and in return you did something for me, now I'm doing what bests suits me attacking Loren members.  
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Fun For None

 Sure thing:

a.) Disband the clan
b.) Kill yourselves off
c.) Come back as warlord not in huge clan
d.) See what happens!

Juby (Tercios)

 how about....no.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


Quote from: JuskaI did something for you and in return you did something for me, now I'm doing what bests suits me attacking Loren members.
You did something for the game- you are part of the game. Don't get that mixed up with a favour for me.

QuoteSure thing:

a.) Disband the clan
b.) Kill yourselves off
c.) Come back as warlord not in huge clan
d.) See what happens!
:lol: I LOVE that, funny as.
I will not deleted this

Badrang the Tyrant

Quote from: The Weasel Liberation MovementEhhh.... So many points to answer.

This is gonna take a long time...

Here goes...

What Aus has said:

Sorry to say, but I find this humorous.

For one, we DO NOT rule Hack. Woof rules there. Members of Loren and/or AA take up only 2/10 of the top spots. I personally on that game have rank 6 or something with 1,800 land or so. If I wanted to, my ratio is so insane I could take land from anyone. But I don't because I'm just leaving that game alone.

For two, we DO NOT rule WWII. If you hadn't check there recently, Immortal and I rose up against the clan containing mostly AA members and crushed them. Right now, the rankings go Brock, Rebel, Rebel, Brock, and then Rebel or Brock. I did what I wanted to do on that game, which was take down the ruling clan and give Brock a fair shot.

For three, we have to make a distinction between AA and Loren. In the Loren clan alone, there are only 4 members of AA, the ruling clan of Warbands 2. In LAppren there is only one person from AA. Most of the people are not AA members, needless to say.

Just a bit about me - I started the remade Loren (which is mostly not of original Loren members anyway) back at the end of October. At that time, I only vaguely knew that WB2 existed. (In fact, I didn't :huh: ) When AA (which I got in to by complete chance - I had pretty much left my WB account for the dead) finally took down the ruler and established itself, I sort of abandoned my account there to come back and administer Loren. When I heard that AA wanted to come and take over RWL, I told them that they should forget it and just join Loren. That's how I got them in my clan.

Then they decided to go around saying that Loren is AA. How wrong.  :rolleyes:

Wrong. We CAN be beaten. Even ROME would have been defeated eventually. No clan can stand up against the whole game (organized), not even if it has the best players. Anyone can be beaten, but it is VERY hard.

And... er... You know, we aren't a closed clan. We do accept low members.

And you know the best thing about getting "fat and happy"? I don't attack anyone. I've kept to myself for 5 days, except for some espys. I don't need more than my 23k land, so I don't take any. I only plan to attack in retaliation or if someone has been really hitting my low members. I might do some espys, but only for my other members. In fact, I'm considering offering aid to low people. I don't have much money, but as long as I'm left alone I don't need it.

3. It's ebil. Angrod and his buddies in the beginning were fun, but now it's like an empire. It's resorted to spying out clan forums before/during a war, cutting off communications before the guidelines were set, and other measures. (Blades and Loren wanted a set-up war to shake the top up. Loren cut off communications with me before we set the guidelines, and Loren sent out several spies into our forum to see what we were talking about. Eventually we stopped the war preparations altogether, because many didn't help out Blades.)

I'm assuming you mean evil. Don't know what ebil is. ;)

Adressing your points:

Loren this era has not many members from the original. It basically is a different clan.

The spying bit.... Ok, here is ze explanation:

I was given the Blades forum pass by a friend who had joined with Blades. I DID NOT tell him to join Blades, and I did not ask him for the forum pass. All I asked for was simply a bit of news. This was all before the war talk began.

Sooo... Naturally, I checked the forums and then left them alone. I think anyone would have checked it if given the password. I was actually rather pleased to see a former enemy acting so nicely towards us.

Then all the war talk began. I had been consulted prior to the whole Slayer thing, but only by Holby. And that was a different set of clans. So I don't see where this consultation of yours is coming from. The spying was a pure accident, come across when I clicked "View New Posts".

And what is "your old RWL"? Where oldbies dominated instead of newbies? A good amount of my good clan members are new to this game. (I started in late October myself.)

But please, do define your "old" RWL? Do you not want new players winning, or just the same old?

As I stated before, Loren doesn't rule those other games.

I'd post more, but I should go to bed soon...

*snickers* And all of the AA was set up by me on WBII!  To think I could have caused all this mischeif! :P  

Gen. Volkov

 Ugh.... *Shakes head* Loren is not going to disband on its own, and the only to get rid of it is to bring it down. NIF has already stated that they support Loren, but if LApprn is not attacked, they will not attack (specifically Holby, one of the best players in the game) So the two big targets if there were to be a war would be NIF and Loren itself. This is similar to the ROMe thing, not that the clans themselves are like ROME, but the way people are going about it is similar, lotsa talk, not much action, and the game is not going to banmd together, because everyone is too preoccupied with saving there own skins.

If you really want to take down Loren I propose a few things that must be done. One, don't try to involve the independent warlords, it just won't work. Two, postponing the whole thing until the clans that wish to be involved are stronger would be a very good idea. Three, planning out actual attack runs in a secure place would infinitely benefit the cause. Lastly new, good warlords need to be found, because to put it frankly, Loren has the best, big clans aren't always on top. the caliber of the members matters alot too. Look at the Sun Commanders vs ROME thing at the beginnning of BAX. Rome took over easily because Sun Commanders had nowhere near the caliber of players ROME, yet for awhile Sun COmmanders was larger, not to mention Rome had way better organization than Sun Commanders, these are my ideas, accept or reject as you see fit.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES