Kilks Marauders

Started by Fenix, February 05, 2003, 11:10:41 AM

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 Wickedclaw is a horrible forger. He'll go to prison if he tries the forging business, lol.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Wow...Aus being serious about something...


 Aus, You're a hypocrite.
You say that emperors make the game boring, while you hid behind 2 of them, to retain your position in the top 10? I've fought against emperors, unlike you.  I'm the first emperor that I've ever heard you talk about overthrowing!
You're worthless to me after reading that post.
I can't believe you'd say taht to me, especially after I disband my clan, to NOT be another emperor.  I've fought against that too long to become it.  I dislike you.



I am a terrible forger, lol. Please explain that to me, how the bloody **** that I would go to prison for my bloody forger?!?! One more thing, forging business??? Do I get to make money for it, who would like to work for the bloody forger?
(bloody is a fun word to use)


Why do you have a bounty for 1 billion on me? I see that the message is new when you posted it so what have I done lately? Just wondering why I have a bounty on me head.



 I said if you pursued forging in real life, you would be arrested and would end up in prison. I could add forging to my mercenary and bounty services...
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Aaargh, the thing that is really eating me up is how I have(or had) a bounty on my head and I was not even the one that playing the attack. I was simply asked to assist and I did. That was all, now I know I shouldnt have but I didnt realize that it would have such bad effects, and I know that some people were at the chat that would stand here and say that I am lying and that I planned it, but I wasnt even there half the time. So believe what you may, but I do take partial credit for what happened to Kilk. But once again, those who were at that chat who post here saying this is all blamed on me, you are a disgrace to this game, and you are a vowed enemy of mine.


p.s. One other thing, what about those peopl who were at the chat who didnt try to stop the attack??? Think about it