Kilks Marauders

Started by Fenix, February 05, 2003, 11:10:41 AM

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 He hurt his knee very badly, and says he does not have access to his computer..  He said he'll miss talking to me, and asked me to tell Raine about the dilemna ... His last words were : "avenge my horde josh"
Anyone who attacked him is going to die. Good day.

General Austin

 "Tis a lie, I think. You told me to attack him, Josh. I also asked for forgiveness from him, too. This is just a silly ecuse to kill me. Do it if you want, but I don't think this is something to get revenge about"
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

The Beatles

 LOL, Fenix. Forge better than that, y'know.


 ....It's in a PM.
I can show it to you, or you can use my account password to look at it, if you don't believe me.
Raine knows my password, he can take a look at verify it.
Don't you dare accuse me of lieing.

Also, could you guys please pray for his knee?
I know that he really liked doing two things, one, playing medal of honour: allied assault, and two, swimming.
He can't do either right now, because he has no access to a computer or a knee to swim with..please, save a spot for him in your prayers.

The Beatles

 I know he likes swimming; so if it's true I will pray for him.

General Austin

 LOL. If it was in a PM, then he would have had access to a computer. I will pray for him, but I don't think what you're saying is true. Sorry if it sounds like you're lying, but I think you've done it before to me, so I can't beleive everything you say right away.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

The Beatles

 That were my feelings entirely, when I wrote the post. He has yet to give us the pwd to show us or something, but it's always best to be on the safe side.

[edit]I guess it is true, apparently. He did have Kilkenne's PM in his inbox, and a reply in sent messages. So, let us then really pray for him. (Chris)


 Yeah, I had 25 yards left in the entire season, I almost won conference for the 100 yard breast stroke, I hurt it on the last turn. Ripped a quadricep muscle in half and pretty much destroyed the knee.

Anyhow, Austin is not to blame, he was pushed into attacking by Josh, and he can use the land how he pleases, he's a good guy and he should have it.


The Beatles

 One billion is nothing. Ken stole 3 billion from you too, y'know. I mean, Wicky is too high up for that to be a good offer.


 Chris, find your way to aim, please..
Chris, Austin acted cowardly in the pre-empt against you and rallied alot of people ot kill you.. Even today I couldn't attakc Austin, after the little jerk failed my test and proved a traitor.
Hope you get better bro, I'm glad to see your posting, ttyl bud, and Wickedclaw.... I'll...consider .. ughh..

Talk to you later.

General Austin

 One thing. Who wouldn't rally lots of people against a guy 4x larger than he was?

Second thing: I am not a jerk. and I nevr, ever, called you a liar. I just said I thought you were lying.

Third thing: I was never aware of a test, I am still not a jerk, I have never sworn alleigance to you, or joined one of your lcnas, there fore I am not a traitor.

Fourth: I dislike EMperors in general. They take the fun out of the game. *no offense, Stormclaw or Josh or Retto*
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 About the Emperors thing...
You mean they take the fun out of the game for other people.
Emperors don't bother me- unless they're double digiters, of course.

I will not deleted this


 Excuse my interuption, but isn't telling someone they lie and calling them a liar the same thing, just with the way it is said being the only difference?
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 The  "test" was when Wickedclaw the Spy sent us those fake stats. And if we attacked Josh he said that u were no longer his friend
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome

General Austin

 Erk. I hope not. I just said "I think he's not telling the truth. Never actually accused him.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.