Peace leaves

Started by Peace Alliance, January 27, 2004, 11:45:38 PM

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Pink Floyd

 Ah cool.  I love history.  Not necessarilly american, but in general history is cool!

The Lady Shael

 I'm good with world history, but I'm just sorta "ehhhh" when it comes to the US. And yes, I'm taking APUSH. From what I've heard from my AP teacher, and other AP students, AP American history is the hardest and most demanding AP class they've ever taken. And by golly, I believe it.

I /never/ want to see the acronym "DBQ" again. Ever. "FRQ" can go too, but DBQs are so much more annoying. Gosh, I'll be so happy after May 7th, after I take that exam. I can't wait to take other AP classes though, if this one is the hardest.

Someone's eventually going to ask, so I'll say here that APUSH stands for AP United States History.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Wow... for once, Peace, I actually agree with your points.  My advice is this; join a Distance Ed school.  Like Sides.  Or whatever's in your area.  Read the Teenage Liberation Handbook, by Grace Llewellyn.  Study the homeschooling groups and non-school clubs & organizations in your area.  Do some research.  Then propose the idea to your parents.

Of course, I don't know your parents.  Chances are they'll say yes, chances are they'll say no.


 Hehe, I never thought a topic about Peace leaving would turn into a intelligent conversation about school XD

J/p, I know school can be pretty messed up... some schools are bad and the teachers can be evil ;)  


Quote from: The Lady ShaelI'm good with world history, but I'm just sorta "ehhhh" when it comes to the US. And yes, I'm taking APUSH. From what I've heard from my AP teacher, and other AP students, AP American history is the hardest and most demanding AP class they've ever taken. And by golly, I believe it.

I /never/ want to see the acronym "DBQ" again. Ever. "FRQ" can go too, but DBQs are so much more annoying. Gosh, I'll be so happy after May 7th, after I take that exam. I can't wait to take other AP classes though, if this one is the hardest.

Someone's eventually going to ask, so I'll say here that APUSH stands for AP United States History.
What in the name of bob is an FRQ?

I dislike my school. It just gets frustrating. I'm not sure if it's the kids, the teachers, or the course work.

You know it's not really bad, but it just seems so silly. When I get out of school I want to know a lot more than when I come in. Sure I know a few more things but only 1 or 2 courses. Math (Because it's one of the few classes they let kids accelerate in before they get to the high-school), and Spanish (because I have no out of school learning on that and it's not quite as redundant)

I think a large part of the problem is the fact that I go to a public school. I also go to a school district that cut its gifted program in favor of increased spending on those students who are below average. Is it just me or does that sound stupid?

I also wish you could telecommute to school. That would be so great...

I mean on choice of course, because it's always good to see your friends. Other days (like today) when there's just enough snow to make it annoying to stand in but not enough to cancel school. (27 minute periods because of a 2 hour delay is stupid).



 *grins*  I've been outa school since monday..  no school atall this week..  maybe friday we'll go, probubly not..  atleast, not a full day, north carolina schools are reallly wierd, we got about 2-3 inches of snow (which is quite a bit for this area) and about an inch of ice total..  which is just as well, since I have no heater in my car and I'm not even sure if it'll start..  heat in the summer and cool in the winter..  wonderful system..  *mutters*

I loved AP Earth and Enviormental Science last year, the teacher really was odd..  the year consisted of a review of middle school science, all the class was really wondering weather or not we were learning what was going to be on the test, then the teacher leave us (no warning, just up and leaves) Two Weeks before the AP test.  Two Weeks.  We had a substitute for about a week, then we got a new teacher in who reviewed with us the last week..  The scary part was that the AP test was what we had been studying, so yeah, amazingly easy test..

The AP US History test was insanely hard, I failed it unforchunatly, but ah well, DBQs are annoying, there is no just getting used to them..  I was going to take AP European history this year, but I couldnt due to scedual conflicts..  just as well, as Calc. and Physics are evil and taking up much of my time..  Physics is ok as a subject, relitivly easy, its just the teacher plays favorites and windy somehow managed to not get on her good side..  one of my problems is that I show only some of my work, the hard stuff, the easy stuff I just take for granted that the teachers know that I know how to do it and dont need to see it..  not so it seems..  I got a 76% on a test that I got all the answers right but didnt show some of the work she wanted..  

*yawns*  thats one of the longer posts I've ever posted..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Juby (Tercios)

 I know what you mean peace, the new Ontario curriculum has me shuddering at the thought of college, I got like a 52 in 3U Math (1 = grade 9, 2 = 10, 3 = 11, 4 = 12, C = college, M = College/University, U = University, I think open = O but never takin one, thats ontario HS in a nutshell) and I barely passed pysics and chemistry, i had a huge problem, I was allergic to homework and homework makes or brakes those classes, thank god for Social sciences, mmmmm CIA 4UK (economics), CLN 4UK (Law), CGW 4UK (World Issues), HZT 4UI (Philosophy), CHI 4UK (canadian history), CHY 4UK (European History from 16th century to present), just thought I'd mention the courses to make Ontario seem cool, but I'm university bound, if you can't get the math you don't have to give up on University, but maybe you should change from things like engineering to a social science, yay political science, I basically get good marks by spewing communist rhetoric in every debate and essay.  The main thing that makes them easier is that science and math are homework everynight classes, and summative and culminating assignments, Social sciences will have like 7 summatives and culminating essays or tests that YOU HAVE TO DO and the rest is pay attention in class, I have yet to do homework questions and I'm pulling off good grades, so don't give up based on math.  shudders, college, ewwwwwwwww.

edit: almost forgot, ENG 4U is the god of all courses for Social sciences, every single University will take your English mark into account, so Social Sciences are only a good option if your English mark is good, it's kinda like the Math of social sciences.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 Well, i do like my social science classes, anthropology is my favorite, i hate history though.

Lovin english too, and i'll get good grades in that. and ya, i hate the new curriculum, harris was a crack head.

The Lady Shael

Quote from: windhoundThe AP US History test was insanely hard, I failed it unforchunatly,
*looks around nervously* Thanks, windy, that doesn't make me feel much better. I'm still getting 4's on my practice essays.

FRQ stands for Free Response Question, where they give you a statement or something, and you usually have to analyze or evaluate it, using your knowledge of that topic. DBQ stands for Document Based Question, which is like an FRQ, except they give you a packet of documents, usually including a chart and a political cartoon, which you are supposed to analyze, and include the information into your essay.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.