Peace leaves

Started by Peace Alliance, January 27, 2004, 11:45:38 PM

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Peace Alliance

 sure sure, most of you care not that i'm leaving. Slap me silly if i didn't go and get another failing mark in my math class. Now how could somebody who is an all round smart guy fail in our countrys education system? Could it possibly be because its no longer an education system at all, but a series of tests to see if you can memorize enough EXACT information to pass at a certain level. Where people who i can tell, are dumb as bricks pass with flying colors just because they're got an unjust gift for dioing exactly what they're told, exactly the way they are told to do it. Frankly i'm quite sick of the "If you don't succeed now your life is over and you might as well stray a cannon to your legs and jump of a bridge" BS they've been fedding us. I've failed math for the second time now, darn close to passing though, my teacher tells me he will give me the credit should i only drop down to a grade 11 collage level course (here in canada collage makes you a plumber and university makes you an engineer). Dropping down below a University levl course ONCE again means my life is ruined, any chance of me becoming anything i want to be is ruined and i'm going to end up poor, living off of welfare. So i'm going to beg. Get down on my friggin hands and knees and ask my teacher if he will let me into a collage/university course, just so i might somehow be a success in my life. But to this guy, i'm just another student, and making my go into collage seems to give him a perverse pleasure that i truely can't understand. Does he understand that he is in essence ruining my life? Sure, maybe i'm the one who can't cope well in this lob sided education system, but isn't he a part of that too? Maybe he's just pissed off at how he could fail to get through to me twice... but naw, he doesn't have any passion for teaching, it doesn't give him any pleasure to know he's helping kids, he just likes lookin at the little grade 10 girls all day and maybe he'll get a chance to get in reeaaal close to help lil mary-sue with her triganometry!

Ahhh, the long and the short of it is, i'm quite angry with myself for failed more then once to meet the expectations I never chose to set out for me. RWL takes up too mcuh of my time, without it i would spend virtually minutes on the computer, check my e mail, The Homnelands, Devart, then i'd have nothing but free time to try and drill more stupid facts into my head before the 2 hour exam that decides the fate of my life.

BTW, once turbo is immortalized, i'm gonna reveal my secret identidy. I'v been hiding this once for quite a while.

[edit] Oh yes, and wheni say leave RWL, i not only mean leave the games and forums, but i'm no longer gonna be on AIM, if you would like to leave me a message or something, post in the imperial forums and i'll check it on a spare weekend or something. (PW: occupation)

The Voice

 Wow. well Peace, over the last few weeks I have gotten to know you better. Your a great guy, and I hope you do better in school. Have a great life, dont listen to people when they talk trash. I will see you at the homnelands.  
So quiet
Another wasted night
The television steals
The conversation
Another wasted breath
Again it goes unnoticed.

Please tell me you're
Just feeling tired
'cause if it's more than
That I feeel that I might break
Out of touch  out of time.
Please send me anything
But signals that are mixed
Cause I can't read
Your rolling eyes
Out of touch  
Are we out of time?

Close lipped
Another goodnight kiss
Is robbed of all it's passion,
Your grip
Another time, is slack
It leaves me feeling empty.

I'll wait until tomorrow
Maybe you'll feel better then
Maybe we'll be better then
So what's another day
When I can't bear
These nights of thoughts
Of going on without you
This mood of yours is temporary
It seems worth the wait
To see your smile again
Out of the corner of your eye
Won't be the only way
You'll look at me then.


I'm missing your bed  
I never sleep
Avoiding the spots
where we'd have to speak
And this bottle of
beast is taking me home.
I'm cuddling close
to blankets and sheets
You're not alone
and you're not discreet.
You make sure I know  
who's taking you home.
I'm reading your
note over again.
There is not a word
that I comprehend
except when you signed it
"I will love you always
and forever"

As for now I'm gonna
hear the saddest songs,
and sit alone and wonder
how you're making out
But as for me I wish that I was anywhere
With anyone
making out

I'm missing your laugh,
how did it break?
And when did your eyes
begin to look fake?
I hope you're as happy
as your pretending.
I'm missing your bed,
I never sleep.
Avoiding the spots
where we'd have to sleep.
And this bottle of
Beast is taking me home.

Your hair
It's everywhere
Screaming infidelities
Taking it's wear

Consider the odds
consider the obvious.
The martyr is meaningless
the campaign has died.
In the planning stages
and the fallen faces
are the singular proof
that it was ever alive.

This purchased rebellion
has been outdated
denounced and rescinded
and left to die championless.
I begged you not to go.
I begged you  I pleaded.
Claimed you as my only hope
and watched the floor
as you retreated.

Hope has sprung a perfect dive
a perfect day, a perfect lie.
A slowly crafted monologue
conceding your defeat.

Does it comfort you to know
you fought the good fight?
Basking in your victory,
hollow and alone
to boast your bitter
bragging rights
to anyone who'll listen.
While you're left with
nothing tangible to gain

Whatever poisons in this bottle
will leave me broken, sore and stiff
But it's the genie at the bottom who I'm sucking at,
he owes me one last wish
So here's a present to let you know I still exist
I hope the next boy that you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips

But I got a plan (I got a plan)
To drink for forty days and forty nights
A sip for every second-hand tick
And every time you fed the line,
?you mean so much to me?
I'm without you

Tell all the English boys you meet
about the American boy back in the states
The American boy you used to date
who would do anything you say
Tell all the English boys you meet
about the American boy back in the states
The American boy you used to date
who would do anything you say

And even if her plane crashes tonight
she'll find some way to disappoint me,
by not burning in the wreckage,
or drowning at the bottom of the sea
Jess, I still taste you, and thus reserve my right to hate you
And all this empty space that you create
does nothing for my flawless sense of style
It's 8:45 (it's 8:45), the weather is getting better by the hour (rains all the time)
I hope it rains there all the time
And if you ever said you miss me then don't say you never lied
I'm without you

Tell all the English boys you meet
about the American boy back in the states
The American boy you used to date
who would do anything you say
Tell all the English boys you meet
about the American boy back in the states
The American boy you used to date
who would do anything you say,
who would do anything you say

Never gonna get it right, you're never gonna get it [15x]

Okay no more songs about you. After this one I am done.
You're gone.[repeat untill end]

Tell all the English boys you meet
about the American boy back in the states
The American boy you used to date
who would do anything you say
Tell all the English boys you meet
about the American boy back in the states
The American boy you used to date
who would do anything you say
Last night I swallowed liquor and a lighter
and this morning I threw up fire
But it's nothing new
I've been piecing it together and it's got something to do
with every look thrown like a knife across a crowded room
And every slow and quiet car ride I spent drinking in the backseat
Every stupid melody to every stupid song,
and every stupid word that everybody's hanging on

What difference does this difference in age make?
I know how it ends... she'll kill me quick.
Call 911, I'm already dead but
someone should be caught and held responsible
for this bloody mess

Last night I fell asleep next to a liar
and I woke up with a shiner
And it's all that I remember from a night spent lying on my back with a view
of a stone white ceiling and the back of your head
And this quiet dark bed feels like the middle of nowhere
And we beat each other up just like we always do
When I'm talking to myself I'd always rather be talking to you

What difference does this difference in age make?
I know how it ends... she'll kill me quick.
Call 911, I'm already dead but
someone should be caught and held responsible
for this bloody mess

Call homicide, take the case to court
Cause her lips taste like a loaded gun
I'm her number one chalk outline on the floor

They hung her from the bridge on Monday
The gathering turned to a mob out on the lawn
They dropped her body in the river
School and work returned to normal before long
(before long... and no one will mention any of this again)

Call 911, I'm already dead but
someone should be caught and held responsible
for this bloody mess

Call homicide, take the case to court
Cause her lips taste like a loaded gun
I'm her number one chalk outline on the floor

I got a twenty-dollar bill
That says no one's ever seen you without makeup.
You're always made up.
And I'm sick of your tattoos
and the way you always criticize the Smiths.
and Morrissey.

And I know that you're a sucker for anything acoustic.
But when I say let's keep in touch,
I really mean I wish that you'd grow up.
This is the first song for your mix tape.
It's short just like your temper,
But somewhat golden like the afternoons
We used to spend before you got too cool.

I got a twenty-dollar bill
that says no one's ever seen you without makeup.
You're always made up.
And I'm sick of your tattoos
And the way you don?t appreciate Brand New
And me.

And I know that you're a sucker for anything acoustic.
But when I say let's keep in touch,
I hope you know I mean I wish that you?d grow up
This is the first song for your mix tape
And it?s short just like your temper
But somewhat golden like the afternoons
We used to spend before you got too cool.

Yeah, but I wish you were my shadow [repeat 4x]

So people ask my why I have a big signature and I say...
To annoy people


windy too has done quite badly in math this year, mostly 'cause the teacher cant teach awfully well and his tests are insanely hard..  I'm in the middle of my class as far as grades and my adv. so far is a 70..  meh..  half the class dropped out before the first 2 weeks..  if I was smarter I woulda done the same..  ah well..

got off topic, anyways, good luck with your school stuff Peace,
and becoming a plumber isnt so bad..  they make quite a bit of cash over here, more so than some other jobs with more training and such..   :P
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Ashyra Nightwing


Bye, Peacey! Good luck with your exams!

Gen. Volkov

 Ah crud.. just as I was getting to know you. Well good luck man... I had to do the same thing with RWL back in HS.. wait until you get into a real university.. you actually have free time again. See you at Homnelands.. once I actually make an account *L*
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Peace Alliance

Quote from: windhoundand becoming a plumber isnt so bad..  they make quite a bit of cash over here, more so than some other jobs with more training and such..   :P
No, plumber is not bad at all... its just not for me, i'm more of a hands off person, hehe.


 Peace, give him (math teacher) a kick in the *beep* for me! Hope you'll return, someday...


 Well, going to college isn't that bad...Going to college can get you a lot of really good jobs/careers over here..Universities and college be basically the samething here, so...
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

Peace Alliance

 Yeah, here in canada, to go into a there is a big differenve between collage and university. Some people want to go to collage though, 'cause it offeres the type of jobs they want to have, but i'm looking more like a profession... i donno. grrr, i really hate math.

Pink Floyd

 Good luck Peace.  It's a shame you always need to pass tests and such.  I totally agree with you on the point that kids as dumb as bricks pass with flying colours, while the really bright/creative kid totally fails because he doesn't think "inside the box."  Then again, I don't really have much cause for complaint.   :D  

The Lady Shael

 Peace out, Peace. (I've always wanted to say that. ^_^)

I know how that feels, I get a ton of homework about every night, and I still don't quite know how I manage now. AP American History has been like an earthquake to my life this year...AP classes are hard enough as it is, and it really doesn't help that I hate history and it's my worst subject.

Good luck with school, though, don't get sucked in by work too much now. That sort of thing can ruin a person, especially a RWLer.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Heh, so he leaves again, I'll talk to you on MSN man, good luck wiht your school, and your gf  :rolleyes:  she's a looker  :rolleyes:  
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 *is doing extremely well in school, as normal* :D You have AP History?  Cool!  *wants AP every class* Hehe...

Pink Floyd


 *is doing extremely well in school, as normal* :D You have AP History?  Cool!  *wants AP every class* Hehe...

Edit: AP is Advanced Placement...