Re-balencing the game

Started by Peace Alliance, January 26, 2004, 12:36:39 AM

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Peace Alliance

 OK, so you may have heard my complaints about BAX so far, and they're pretty much as follows:

Offending is way too easy. Its way too easy to take land, and move ahead. Thus, the game is landstarved. Both regular and turbo have much less land then usual. In fact, regular has gone DOWN in land. The avarage amount of land in the game now seems to be less then it was a few weeks ago. This is because its too easy to break people. So the guy in 15th is always attacking the guy in 10th, and 10th attacks 5th. And what happens it that the same amount of land keeps going around and around with very little growth. Before BAX, however, defending was easier, and what would happen is people owuld have to attack below them, that would bring the land up. When someone takes land from someone below them, they are bringing land from the low ranks all the way to the top, and thats why in the first eras of turbo there was much, much more land.

So my suggestion is to make defending easier. First by scrapping the Attacking stratagy thingy nobody uses, and then by making defenders have more of an advantage over offenders. I also like this idea because it brings another puspose into the game. Before BAX, i found it was a victory simply to be able to break through somebody. Now however, i've been driven to killing people before any sense of victory. the only "winning" is when your in first place for immortalization, or have become an emperor. So making it harder to break people, would give more of a sense of victory.

OK, i don't want to sound like i'm rambling, but another advantage is that it will stop massing. Presently, warlords can spend the first 50 turns (talkin turbo here) attacking, and then BOOM, they've got the most land in the game. Then they have 400 turns to do what? well, they used to mass food, but thankfully retto has finally made food worthless, so now they mass money and but out troops seconds before immortalization.

Now for the downside of this change, Clan take-overs. We've seen it before, even in BAX it still managed to make an appearence with ROME (which i wasn't a part of). Making defending easier, plus if theres a clan bank, would essentially make clan take-overs easier, and unstoppable. But there are better ways to combat that then by making attacking easier.

One suggestion i came up with is a system that gives offensive advantages to warlords that are in clans and aren't in the top 10. So lets say johnny is in 20th place and in clan BOOG. and fred is in rank 5 in the overpowering clan GOOB. johnny could get a 5% attacking bonus, whereas fred gets a 5%defending reduction. This would make it so attacking is easier for only the specific clans and warlords who are fighting other then everybody suffering. of course this effecct would only take place if the clans are set to war, and only on regular since turbo doesn't have a problem with clan take-overs.

*pats you on the back* congrats for reading all my mumbo jumbo.

comments from admins and extra smart people?


 You know what?  I actually agree with Peace.

Must be something wrong with me.  :rolleyes:  
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


 I also agree for some reason with Peace.  Its too hard to defend in BAX and land is harder to find, especially when you're having to strike at the same land sources over and over, until they're like dead....

Can we like also get rid of the "Your army has come to the aid of (insert name & number here) against (insert name & number here)"
That thing is really annoying, it takes too much room up and causes lots of people to have to scroll a long ways just so they can get to the more important stuff, like who sent them aid or who attacked them.

Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

Boar the Fighter

 I'm new here. What's BAX ?


 It's the new version of Redwall:Warlords. Retto upgraded the gameplay a few months ago, named the upgrade BAX.
Loyal Rebel


Son of  Scurmy, Son of Halofas, Son of Duke Aubres.

Play my game if you want! (Soon to be updated as the commanders edition)  Warlords

Ashyra Nightwing

 There is another expansion- an upgrade of BAX- coming out one day.. maybe this could be incorporated into it.


 I that idea alot, for regular not very much land is being cirrculated because of Loren monoploy(not like thats a bad thing). You want to make it easier to defend against attacks..... No bonus is going to stop a rat masser from breaking a staot masser. I say boost tower effectiveness vs. leaders and maybe tower def. points overall.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 I'm pretty much against the whole BAX thing. Once one figures it out, they can just rule the game. There is no mark of superiority, it doesn't matter how long you've been playing. With 450 turns each, 5 players can entirely take this game because of the powers that this game has let them have. I prefer the original RWL much to this because it was much harder to take out the people on the top, and made it a challenge...This land-starved joke is getting tiresome to read about.

(Yeah. I'm in study hall at school, soo boooreed...)


Quote from: Peace AllianceOK, i don't want to sound like i'm rambling, but another advantage is that it will stop massing. Presently, warlords can spend the first 50 turns (talkin turbo here) attacking, and then BOOM, they've got the most land in the game. Then they have 400 turns to do what? well, they used to mass food, but thankfully retto has finally made food worthless, so now they mass money and but out troops seconds before immortalization.

This was just a stray thought...but...what if you could buy other people's troops? Like, with a certain leader ratio, and 4 times the market value of the troop, you can buy an enemy's existing troops out.
The 'ittle otter,

Ashyra Nightwing

..that is a scary idea.. good, but scary.. *clings protectively to skiffs* 'twould inspire people to get a better leader ratio..


 For starters, I think Reg has plenty of land, but Turbo is very deprived of it.

On Reg, Loren, NIF, and other allies are completely taking over the top ten.  I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing, because Loren and others are helping other players, but they still prevent others from getting very high, because any warlord that isn't an ally will be seen as a land source, and all of the clan will hit that person.

Now Turbo on the other hand, is a massing game.  This round, I massed loyalty, used that to mass cash, and them massed a whole bunch of troops at the end, and I have a net of over 1.5 bil, which is 3 times above the second placer, who I know is doing pretty much the same thing.  I don't have that much of a problem with massing, not just because I'm good at it (because I can do other things, mind you), but because the game resets every month, and the point is to be at the top when it ends.  The best way to do that: MASS.

It is very easy to break people, rats are used by many, and unless the defending warlord has towers, you only need half as many rats at them to break.  This means that someone that is half as good as a person can break the best player in the game, which should prove to be more difficult.  Getting rid of the new attacking system probably won't affect the game much because I don't even know anyone that uses it.  Making changes in defenses would be a nice change, it would make emperorship /much/ more possible.  It's pretty hard to do it nowadays unless you spend a ton of stored up money on troops or have a lot a allies around you.  Just my views... I dunno what I would do to change the game much XD

Peace Alliance

 Regular has much less land then it usually would at this point, not to mention the fact that its gone DOWN in average land from a couple weeks ago...

and ya, thats a pretty cool idea retto, but i don't think taking other people military will make it any easier to defend... :-D  

Ashyra Nightwing

 I think Reg. has hardly any land at all.. Once someone gets into a high rank, it's difficult to remove them from it, as so much of their networth is non-land-based.. this game seems to revolve around leader strats these days.


 I'm in NIF. I had about 50,000 land. Then I got hit and I was down to 8,000 land. And yet, there's nobody to take land from! I see people who are two ranks higher than me with 60,000 land that I know I'm stronger than that I CANNOT ATTACK because they're in an allied clan! Right now, my entire net is based on troops. I have no land. And I only have $816 cash. Since I'm allied to Loren, I can't git any land. I'm just hangin' around the forums waiting for the reset...

Peace Alliance

 lol, then razerclaw why not leave the clan, sell your skiffs, weasels and stoats, and whoop everyone with rats or something? thw whole point of the game is to have fun and attack people.