The Warlords of Almar

Started by Volnar the Hooded, January 25, 2004, 06:38:57 PM

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Volnar the Hooded

 I am Volnar, the Hooded One, the initial Warlord and Protector of Almar.  I am welcoming you to join the Warlords of Almar and protect the Blessed City of Almar.  We Warlords protect the Blessed City with our lives, all else is secondary.  Do not let the City of Almar fall.  If you join the Warlords of Almar, first you must take this oath, to protect Almar at all cost, even your life. and to give aid to al other Warlords of Almar.  If you wish to join and Protect the Blessed City, then send a message to #519.


 This is scaaaaaaaaary... What's the big deal with the hood? Is it a magical hood? I almost bought a magical hood off Ebay, but decided against it.


 It's swaggering new-people that make me want to be able to play again and crush them badly once more...

*Waits patiently for his 4 weeks*

The Lady Shael

 *pats Kilk* Aw, don't go scaring them off now. At least he's attempting a story line. We need some more new people in here anyway...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Quote from: KilkenneIt's swaggering new-people that make me want to be able to play again and crush them badly once more...

*Waits patiently for his 4 weeks*
And boastful vets that make me glad I joined up again so I can crush 'em.
I will not deleted this

Fun For None

 And people with their leader-massing, food-massing strategys that make me wish I hadn't joined up.