
Started by Peace Alliance, January 20, 2004, 10:45:50 PM

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Peace Alliance

QuoteI guess that's not used so much because of the ease of breaking people anyway.

Exactly, its more important to choose a race that can get your networth up higher rather then a race that helps you break people.

I think that you've finally made food worth what it should be worth, because people can no longer simply mass food, but the problem with turbo wasn't food massing, it was simply massing in general. and to stop that there are a few things i think you could do. First is to make defending easier then offending. Second is to make land worth a LOT more in networth, that means if you want to be in first, you gotta have the land to do so.

Making it harder to simply take land will do a lot of good. see what most people are doing is making a ton of money, then buying out troops. You could make troops more expensive, or make it so you can't buy as many. But i think if it were harder to get land, then people would be able to use the land they have properly. Instead of using the first 50 turns getting the most land in the game, they would have to use turns getting a big enough army and breaking them. Thus, they would have to have enough land to support the army they plan on using to break the opponent. When buying troops, the player never has to have a lot of land because they're lust going to spend about 50 turns trying to support the army while they're attacking.

furthermore, making it harder to break people above you in ranking, will mean more people are attacking people below them. Although that seems unfare, its actually a healthier cycle. If rank 20 gets attacked by rank 15, then 15 attacked by 10, and 10 attacked from 5. That means the guy in 5th just got the land that 20 used to have, and thus the game has MORE land. presently, if everyone attacks above them, thats pulling the land back down, and starving the game of land.

In the old days, at the end of thse server, people would have hundreds of thousands of acres... this season, i doubt if more then 1 person will have more then 90K.


 Just a note: I'm rank seventeen! And I'm a "Painted One"! Woohoo!
Loyal Rebel


Son of  Scurmy, Son of Halofas, Son of Duke Aubres.

Play my game if you want! (Soon to be updated as the commanders edition)  Warlords


 I have done fairly well with the wildcat before and I like that race quite a bit but like Peace says, the inequality makes the cat not fit the cut.

Badrang the Tyrant

 The Wildcat is what got me to rank 4 in Reg.  Just before Ereptor decided to become Sauron.

I have done very well with the Painted One at the very beginning of BAX.

Fun For None

 Leader strategys are the only things that are effective. The days of huge militarys are long gone.

Simply because: A player focusing on armies can never win against the leader-massers.

Make leaders less powerful/prominent, and problems go away. Or make armies more powerful. Perhaps lessen the land gained by leaders and the effectiveness of spells. Or allow armies to embezzle/steal from Leader players.


The Weasel Liberation Mov

 Or increase land gains from troops...
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


 I am really liking this idea of making it so that land is much more important and that you will actually need it in order to come first. I think it would be cool to see the top ten at the end of the month each with huge armies, massive amounts of land, and the stockpiles of food and money to have the networth worthy of being there. But i think it would be even cooler if they also have a mile long battle record showing how they got said networth. They didn't just strip-mine their land they took their land from those around them and thus have made it to the top for a reason.
Though once someone gets as high as Sparticus did though, i think the whole hitting thing becomes retarded cause no one was in his league. Why not try it for one game where anyone could hit anyone, but keep the cap of the amount of hits. Sure it means the big guys can really hurt the little guys but it also makes the little guys work that much harder to get up and challenges are always fun. Plus we might see some real wars going on as well if the clans were increased so that if a band of little guys did get together then they could make a change.

Well either or, it was a good race it was a fun game, and it should be interesting to see what all the newbies (myself included) learned from last month and see what they accomplish this month.  
Turbo: Capt Term 3rd
Normal: Still playing which is surprising since it gets really boring some times.


 I pretty much agree with thraka. I'd also like to add, that maybe we should [ideas] make gaining leaders very hard, and make the leader missions return half as much as it does now. Boosting up the military stuff would help, too. Huge military battles are more fun than having trillions of dollars sitting around.
Loyal Rebel


Son of  Scurmy, Son of Halofas, Son of Duke Aubres.

Play my game if you want! (Soon to be updated as the commanders edition)  Warlords

Gen. Volkov

 I think that making it harder to break people and encouraging actually having a military are great ideas, because at the moment, even I, Gen. "Stoatmasser" Volkov, am doing a leader/cash strat.. its just too easy to get cash and troops... another good idea would to reduce the amounts of troops available on the black market, this would encourage people to make their own troops, instead of just buying them, because right now I think alot of people are selling their troops after they attack, getting lots of cash, and then buying them again when they run outta turns.

Oh and, I am Fox race.. and I was doing quite well, until I messed up my change over from the first strat I was using to the new one.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Ashyra Nightwing

 My old Turbo strat was to mass food until you have an extremely high networth, then use Weasel: Corsair, gaining about 230,000 skiffs every time you did so.. But now it's too hard to mass food..