
Started by Peace Alliance, January 20, 2004, 10:45:50 PM

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Peace Alliance

 *just notices*

OK, the ENTIRE top 22 warlords are either Wolf, or Marten. and 8/10 in the top 10 are all marten!!

Retto, i think you need to make a FEW changes in the gameplay (mainly some of the few i've been griping talking about ;)) in order to even things out. I donno if these changes will be in the final release of BAX, but from i gathered, turbo pretty much gets updated with any new idea with the game right away, so maybe some more changes need to be made?


 Peoples mess around with my Wolf race, Holby gets upset. Funny how there's no Wildcat, but that's only because they know agressive strats are not successful on Turbo.
I will not deleted this

Peace Alliance

 and because its too darned easy to break people.


 deffinalty make it harder to breck ppl and i would totaly change teh game play around.
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all

Peace Alliance

 It used to be so much harder. before you could actually have an Emperor on turbo.

Now its impossible, and i think that was the point of the expansion, but it kind of killed the point of playing. It used to be a victory just to be able to break people, NOW the only victory is to finish first, so its a whole month leading up to one big chance.... its just not as fun. i found trying to break/become emperors was really fun.

The Weasel Liberation Mov

 Top 23...

Did you notice that there is only one weasel in the top 40? And no ferrets, Painted Ones, Ermines, Lizards, or Rats in the top 40 at all... Well, of course no Crows.

Maybe we have some balance issues here? After all, Rat special skill really sucks.
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th

Peace Alliance

 i think the issue is more in the defense. Or rather, the offence and its effectiveness.

Retto, if you get 'round to this topic, would you mind listing the changes that were made (in english preferably) int he expansion? maybe not all of them are necessary, i know many people ignore the attacking stratagy thing.... if you don't mind?


 i think some changes to be made. its all a big stock pile game right now and its loosing interest, streghtingthin ppls defences or bump there numbers up or make it a chanlage or something.
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all


 Ok since this game appears to have been at once a cool, kill or be killed game, why not put a cap on how much coin you can make, or at least make it so you have to hit another warlord so many times per day, just to keep it within striking distance of the smaller guys..  

Now me, I was almost dead a few times, and would have been an easy target, to get, if not for the clans..
But the big guys.. you look at them, and look at their networth, and just know your losing the fight..  and yet they never seem to hit anyone anymore..  Yet they continue to climb in networth..
Why not make it part of the game, that they must hit a player atleast a few times everytime they log in..  or else be moved down a few ranks..

And not just have that for the top 10 or so, but all players..  based on their position on the charts..  obviously you can't have a person who is in 100th place spend all their turns on hitting the guy next to him, but maybe 1 turn.. then the next turns are their to build with,
Unlike the guys upfront a bit.  Who like the leader theory, and all they do is make leaders, and defense..  Why not have it in the game where they have to spend a percentage of their turns hitting other ppl..

just my c's worth anywho..

cheers  (<>..<>)   :ph34r:  


 heee..  isnt it obvious why everyone is a marten?  it's the goldmine ability!  roughly 2x as powerful as leader-loot, it works great..  it allows thoes who use them to focus entirely on leaders and buy whatever military they need..  melikes it, though, sadly, it forced me to abandon the fox species which I had used for every account previous..  ah well...
*nods* it is wayy too easy to break people now.. before a 95% or higher offencive rate was rather rare, now it's quite common..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Ashyra Nightwing

Well, it proves how many people do leader strats...

Peace Alliance

Quote from: VipersByteOk since this game appears to have been at once a cool, kill or be killed game, why not put a cap on how much coin you can make, or at least make it so you have to hit another warlord so many times per day, just to keep it within striking distance of the smaller guys..  

Now me, I was almost dead a few times, and would have been an easy target, to get, if not for the clans..
But the big guys.. you look at them, and look at their networth, and just know your losing the fight..  and yet they never seem to hit anyone anymore..  Yet they continue to climb in networth..
Why not make it part of the game, that they must hit a player atleast a few times everytime they log in..  or else be moved down a few ranks..

And not just have that for the top 10 or so, but all players..  based on their position on the charts..  obviously you can't have a person who is in 100th place spend all their turns on hitting the guy next to him, but maybe 1 turn.. then the next turns are their to build with,
Unlike the guys upfront a bit.  Who like the leader theory, and all they do is make leaders, and defense..  Why not have it in the game where they have to spend a percentage of their turns hitting other ppl..

just my c's worth anywho..

cheers  (<>..<>)   :ph34r:
I disagree, I think land moves aroung quite quickly. everyone attacks in their first 50 turns (usually attacking someone above them in rank who has more land) and then spends 400 turns on getting mroe networth.

Since its so easy to break people though, the first 50 turns is all it takes to get the most land int he game.

also, the new game makes it WAY better to BUY military, i don't think i've used barrackses since the expansion.


 ::has had a thundering good time with barracks::

Of course, to hear from Peace, pioneer of the, "I've got so many barracks that my army regenerates quicker than yours even if I only have 10k land" strat that he hasn't used barracks...well, it's odd.

I would have to point, with others, that it seems most of the problems have occured because of the ease with which people can buy military...perhaps it needs to cost more? Or have less available?

I'm entirely surprised people don't use Lizard. With the expansion, if you're lucky, you can get a 210% boost to offense. (Barb. Frenzy + Surprise + Race Bonus + Flank) I guess that's not used so much because of the ease of breaking people anyway.
The 'ittle otter,

General Austin

 Well, I personally dislike that bonus because I never use surprise attack because it's easier to just do Frontal or somesuch. Like, if someone was a weasel-masser, you'd never get a surprise attack through because of his massive mass of mighty weasel muscle in defense.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Hmm, I'm Wildcat.  And I'm doing pretty good so far.

People use Marten just to get the Gold Rush and then buy troops.  I used that strat the first time I ever was  a Marten.  I'm surprised that it took this long to get so popular...