RemiX (#301) Killed

Started by Cindarin, January 18, 2004, 03:48:33 PM

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 Well, if you pay protection to us.  That would mean we have to kill the 1st person to hit you?  I dunno.  I could be wrong.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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 Peace Alliance, it seems strange that you expect Checkerpaw, Austin, and others to completely explain their posts(And sometimes rudely, I might add), but when someone asks YOU to explain your accusations, you become annoyed and explain in a clear and concise manner that you will not explain them, and in the process, made fun of his demand by talking about blue paint. I'm quite surprised in all of you for continuing this topic when nothing is to be gained but pride. In fact, you won't get even the pride of winning the argument, because neither side will stop the argument. Sad, isn't it, that we of the RWL community choose to respond to topics like these, MAKE topics like these, even carry out a plot like this to stir up the populace into renewed interest in the game. I highly suggest that we start up a good old-fashioned game-plot such as a clan war. Eh, wot?
Loyal Rebel


Son of  Scurmy, Son of Halofas, Son of Duke Aubres.

Play my game if you want! (Soon to be updated as the commanders edition)  Warlords


 *clears throat, yet it sounds more like coughing*

Ok, I have been killed, by this fallapart group that calls themselves Slayers...   I personally think that "Assasins" would be a better name, but the name doesn't matter.  I do believe that this kill was not unintentional, as they have said it their kills would be.  Even though I have been peaceful and sent out aid for the past few days, if not a week, I had a talk around a day ago wiht Naltaca, I'm sorry if I am mistaken and it was another person, but I said that I dissaproved of Slayers tactics.  I have also stated that I will retalliate against Slayer with whatever power I can.

To do this, I'm going to attack any warlord associated with Slayer, no matter the net.  I will likely stay in the lower ranks, and I will be giving out my warlord name, as not to act cowardly, like the members of Slayer are apparently doing.  The ones that killed me were #310, #329, #467, and #457.  I would like to thank Tercios for sending me rats while I was being killed, although the attempt proved futile.  If I could still send aid, my 30 billion dollars and 5 billion food would have gone to them.  Any warlords without a clan that would like to aid me, or any warlord that would like to /send/ aid may message me ingame after I have created an account.  I personally do not care what nyone does to my warlord account, even killing it if I make a clan.  I also do not care how futile my attacks against Slayer may be, my only point is to justify my death.  I think that's it for now...  

Commander Nohc

(P.S. I do have one question.  What is the point of the clan Slayer, and what is the thinking behind it?)

EDIT: I am now Commander Nohc(#489)

Peace Alliance

 Nohc you know better then to take it personally. In fact i didn't even know that was you. not saying that would have stopped me. If i were to spare the people i liked, then i think slayer would only have 2 kills right now.

To answer your questions i believe you should take a look at the former slayer topics. There are a lot of them. Mainly, we're doing this slayer idea because we want to... only there may be several reasons for wanting to.

Thanks for replying civily. I don't think i'll be able to post anymore because tomarrow they're gagging me because i'm... me.


wolf bite

 Non personal is winning someone at chess, personal is burning their chess board.

Non personal is winning someone at pollo, personal is killing their horse.

Non personal is being the best in a game, personal is distroying the game for everyone.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 Sticker 334: so, your not taking it personally right?
Tall Guy 439: lol
Tall Guy 439: Reg was kinda boring anyway... no of course not personanlly

See wolf, not everyone gets all mad and starts blocking me after i kill them.

And there are two ways to play chess. I can position my units untill i've got you in check mate. Or, i can kill every unit you've got... if i do the later, i'm still playing a game.  


 You could at least have spelled it right for me XD  'P E R S O N A L L Y' :lol:

Chess is a bad example for RWL.  It involves only two players, and the point is to kill the other player.  In RWL, most think the point is not to try and kill the other players, which wolf points out could be taken personally because you are only killing some of them.  They might take this personally because you must have some way of picking who you kill, even if you say it's random.  I'm not sayng that you aren't acting randomly, but not everyone is gonna believe you.

Peace Alliance

 Ah see, but I didn't pick wolf bite at random. At the same time i didn't pick (insert wolfs real name here), I picked wolf bite. Get it?

Fun For None

 Peace has invented a method to disrupt and change the power of the game. He's doing an excellent job of it.

Unfortunately all you people on top don't like to lose your lofty positions.

Plus it's funny.

Nice work on the kill.

Ashyra Nightwing

 This killing is getting... stupid. Really stupid.

Fun For None


 I couldn't have said it better Ashyra.  You know, there /are/ ways to have fun without ruining the game for others.

The Weasel Liberation Mov

 You know, I'm starting to think that Fun for None is the Merc... Somewhat similar writing style...
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


 Checkerpaw you are  making me feel bad! AUS! BAN HIM!. LoL. I'm in Loren, but they have a great idea.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


Quotewhich wolf points out could be taken personally because you are only killing some of them.

Hold it right there.  When did we say we were just killing SOME?  It's kind of hard to kill everyone at once you know.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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