RWL's most Wanted

Started by Peace Alliance, January 13, 2004, 05:52:24 PM

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The Lady Shael

 *pats* Well, if you insist...

:P  Just kidding, I already voted anyway...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Ashyra Nightwing

 Why is there all this hate in the world? Let's all make friends, and go to live in Happy Pony Land, where the grass is always blue and the trees are always in fruit!


..or not..


Quote from: CheckerpawYou know, I would actually be bothered by the fact that I have seven votes for me, if it weren't for the fact that my votes come from

Almost certainly Peace and Nevadacow

Do you start to notice something most of these people have in common?
Good players? :P
~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


Quote from: Ashyra NightwingWhy is there all this hate in the world? Let's all make friends, and go to live in Happy Pony Land, where the grass is always blue and the trees are always in fruit!


..or not..
You forgot the blue pastel-painted skiffies all filled up with butterflies and baby bunnies sitting in the little rainbow-coloured streams singing nursery rhymes.


 Peace.  What are you complaining about not being way ahead?  I mean at least you got voted for  ::cries::

Can't beat my spontaneous stupidity oh yea~! ^_^
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

user posted image

Peace Alliance

 i TOLD you they hated me more then you.

and ashy/cal, this is a game of war... how many soldiers of the allied forces loved the nazis in wwII??

The Demon Hunter

 Peace, i voted for you because i HATE you! *hates peace alliance*
I am...

The Demon Hunter

Learn to fear me


 Oh yeah, well I hate people who hate Peace, so there, how's that?

The Demon Hunter

 SO DO I!!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha!
I am...

The Demon Hunter

Learn to fear me


Quote from: The Lady ShaelAww, I don't hate anyone up there...*nulled*

*thinks* I don't think I hate anyone right now...
Don't worry, I'll come into effect soon enough Lady Shael.  :D  


Quote from: Peace Allianceand ashy/cal, this is a game of war... how many soldiers of the allied forces loved the nazis in wwII??
To what does said comment refer?

Ashyra Nightwing

 There has to be some nice, spiffy, My-Little-Pony-related things in war..

Peace Alliance

Quote from: calriaHuh?
To what does said comment refer?
you and ahyra were commenting on how people whould always bee happy go lucky joy joy McLOVEy... Or something to that effect

Anyways, i think its funnny taht the same people who use stormy's quote "this isn't Redwall: happy pony raisers its redwall: warlords" (or something like that) are the people who are now saying they hate nobody and everyone shold get along and give eachother huggles and smooches and skittles and cheese.


Quote from: The Demon HunterSO DO I!!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha!
haha, that cracked me up.

Peace: Was Ragefur, sorry.

Random: I voted for Other. *Hisses* I hate Other! It's always inaccurate! *Hatesies*
I will not deleted this