
Started by Menatus, December 21, 2003, 04:59:45 PM

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 Ooh, I have a tablet. Unfortunately, since we're poor, I had to pay for it with my own money :P Which is Christmas money from family last year. Since I don't get allowance. Except to get fed.

Tablets allow me to draw things.

Like clouds, lightningish things, and Ragey!


 Ooooh maybe that's why I'm horrible at drawing things. *craves one*

Dixie Ros?

 Oekaki goes really well with tablets...
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"



  • Everyone to be happy (Peace's nice, too, but if war happens to make everryone happy... so be it.)
  • A tablet (and art skills)
  • A video game, just one, for once. (Note: I got one. My first one. Yay! Now can I have another?)
  • Fame!

I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Garagas Ledavas

 Material items-

-Cell phone
-Good computer
-LotR Risk (Risk is the best game ever!!)
-LotR Two Towers Extended Edition DVD

And of course peace, and happiness.
Reg- Garagas Ledavas #248

Turbo-Garagas Ledavas II #139

Former Reg. Accounts-

Garagas Ledavas #152 - 10

Darth Bane #47 - Emperor

Former Turbo Accounts-

Garagas Ledavas #168 - 10

Garagas Ledavas #9 - 2

Garagas Ledavas #7 - Emperor

user posted image


 I want Retto to admit he's wrong.
~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


 I want Beatles to just be quiet already.
The 'ittle otter,


 Well assuming Beatles is quiet there are still others who will take up this debate. Like myself as I have been.
~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


 This debate is stupid. I want all parties in said debate to shut up for Christmas.

Then we can debate if Tania's family is going to scrounge up enough money to get anything or if we're gonna have family time only. :P


 ~Things I want:
~Soul Caliber 2 (for GCN)
~A car (won't happen until either Feb. or March)
~To meet all of my wonderful friends I've made on here
~This stupid sore throat to go away, because it hurts very very badly

~Things I've gotten:
~ A new computer

~Things I know I'm getting:
~Paintball gun
~MP3 player
~Zelda game for GBA
~Something in a box with a shiny blue lid, that I couldn't see into
~A wonderful holiday with my family
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

Dixie Ros?

 *silently chuckles at Retto/Burn's little debate*

I wouldn't mind some nice Limited Too clothig, either.  
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"

Ashyra Nightwing

 Things I Want:
1. A Gamecube.

Things I'm Not Going To Get:
1. A Gamecube.



 Limited Too?


*dies the death of the insanely indie-punk*

Dixie Ros?


I have a GC, BTW.
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


 *sobs* never in my life have I owned a gaming system that I could play on.
Even now, I have a mint-condition Genesis that's never been played...
...because I don't have any controllers for it. *sniff*