Public Market

Started by Juska, December 18, 2003, 06:05:15 PM

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 Also see: Warlords Guide: Military

Buy Goods Sell Goods
Unit Avail Cost Afford Buy
Rats 18,446,744,073,709,552,000 $700 575  
Weasels  82,352 $1,200 335  
Stoats  801,104 $3,000 134  
Skiffs  14,696 $6,000 67  
Food  817,193,756 $25 16,126  

Who could sell that many rats???

Edit: I go rid of my troops totals so it doesn't look the way it might, this was on regular.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


What does ROFL mean firstly and secondly what are ints? And why do we love them?
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Ashyra Nightwing

 *insane cackle*
Sometimes things can go below zero. And if that happens, they shoot out somewhere near 16 septillion or something..
I remember a time on Warbands..


 Ints are like...huorns. You know how he's got the Oliphaunts for the Elephants, and he's got the Orcs for the Elves, Ring-Wraiths for Humans, etc, etc. Well the Ints are sort of like the Huorns and the Ent-wives, parodies by Sauron on the Ents.
We love 'em 'cause they're kind and bubbling idiots. Also, they grow only aboveground.
~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


 What in the world does that have to do with my post?
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 You asked what Ints are. (capitalize it)
Also, ROFL is Rauroth Om Flia Levenoth. It is just basically Elvish for 'Many Troubled Waters'.
~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


 Andiron sanitarum.

Anyone who can translate that gets a PRIZE.


 I meant what did your orginal post have to do with my oringinal post.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Dixie Ros?

 I know what that says...
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


 Why do you even bother to ask? It's the Burninate triplets of doom... they're the official forum trouble-makers. They don't need a reason to confuse you, though they can probably invent one that will confuse you even more.


Quote from: calriaWhy do you even bother to ask? It's the Burninate triplets of doom... they're the official forum trouble-makers. They don't need a reason to confuse you, though they can probably invent one that will confuse you even more.
We have a reputation

She said "you don't understand what I said"
I said "No, no, no, you're wrong"
When I was a boy everything was right
Everything was right
~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


 -puts on Beatles record 'Revolver.  Listens to the song which Burninate has just quoted.-

-hums the tune.-

Also, ROFL is ACTUALLY rolling on floor laughing.

caedo caelestis

 INTS are integers,
integers are whole numbers,
unsigned meaning non-negative,
to sum it up positive whole numbers,
loved since they aparently cause bugs,
ROFL meaning rolling on floor laughing,
in the end I really don't know.


 Oh, thanks it least you make more sense then the triplets of doom, I guess quadruplits of doom, lol.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19