It would be worth your while

Started by Burninate, December 15, 2003, 04:02:50 PM

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RNN Reporter

 I can vouch for Checkerpaw in the fact that he's smart, polite, and quite humorous at times. I also would like to politely ask PA to quiet down on the semi-flames, just to keep the debate civil.

Just like to point out an opinion:

QuoteWolf Bite is both opinionated and biased. Anyone involved in that many fights...

I personally think that the number of fights that you are in does not account for how biased or opinionated you are. In my mind, it can also mean that you have the guts to stand up for what you beleive in. Even if what you say is true, you also have been in a great many fights yourself, and therefore have little right to accuse others of the same "crime".


 Good point, RNN Reporter. (Holby...?)

now, let me sort this out.....
Quotefunny... I dodn't really see TROG make a point. other then stuff that had been said. :\
Well Peace, thanks for pointing that out to us all. The point of me coming into this debate was not to repeat what was already said. I ask that you  all just think for a moment. There are alot of kind, well thought of people in this forum, that deserve to become mods; we all know it. a fair point, thought as Shael said, we do not want to over croud our forum with mods. Therefore, I again ask you to rethink your nomination. Is this person really deserving? I do not wish to make a big fuss over something so small, though I feel it would be wise to think it over, rather than hastily choosing the most popular person nominated. No, I'm not asking you to dissect one anothers personallity, or anything of the sort. I beleive that a less popular player, who is intellegent, honest, and an all-round fair player would be a better choice than someone who is simply more popular.
Now Peace, why you must always attack people before you hear them out, I will never know, but I am sure you understand my point now?
Of course you may just be against the thought of me saying wolf bite would be a good choice. Although you have an obvious grudge against him, you must note that he would be a wise pick. Argue this if you must, but you cannot ignore the fact that he has just as much right of being here as you.


 On Wolf as an admin- I think that would be good in the sense that he would catch little insults and such, but I think he might go just a tad overboard in that people have to understand that sometimes, they are wrong and therefore, if that's pointed out with a little jab, they should take that instead of saying "look how disrespectul so and so is being" or "look at this mean thing someone posted about me". People should learn to deal with it. My personal favorite is windy- in all my time at RWL, I have never seen him insult anyone for any reason. He is also not at all biased and is kind to everyone. That's just my 2 cents. Feel free to disagree with it, because if you insult me about it, I could care less.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 Orcrist- I agree with you completely. And yet, if people would grow up a little arround here, these pathetic arguements could be easily avoided; half of them make no sence, the other half make no difference in the long run.
Yes, wolf would make a great mod, but when I take a closer look, as would windy. Both great players, and I personally like both of them. If two mods are to be selected, they would have my vote.


 Let's drop the personal arguments or get out of the freaking topic, OK?
That goes for Trogdor, Peace, Checkerpaw.
Drop spam or leave the topic
That goes for Dixie Rose, Ashyra, Cal.

This isn't meant to be flames or spam. If you want to make it that, get out of the topic and find another place to take your issues or spam.
~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


 I see yourpoint in wanting to keep it clean in here, and can deal with the sterness in your statement.
However, I am here simply to get my point across, and am not flaming.
though as of your request, I will choose what I say more carefully.


 Me? Um. Wow. *attempts to avoid blushing*

Anyway, as for me not being around.. I'm just not around when other people are. I'm usually reading the forums at about 7 AM Eastern time when no one else is around. I don't post because there's really no point to posting when you have nothing to say on the topic or what you want to say has already been posted.

And just a comment: I find it amusing how everyone (well, most everyone) is trying to act mod-like in this topic. It's great. =D I'm so proud of you all!

And as for needing moderators, yes, I agree, just because there's so much going on here, and not a lot of people to help. The moderators and admins we have now all do a good job, there's just not enough of them. And whoops, now I've repeated what's already been said. Bad Sha.


hmmmm......let's go through this
QuoteIn my experience you havn't either, so we're even

For one, I think your experience doesn't count for very much, and your one of the people I'd like to see leave the game. [Also, thanks to Peace for backing me up]

For another, as our experience started with you doing 30 attacks with me and partially ended with me smushling you in the ground, your bound to have a negative thought of me from your experience with me because you attacked me a lot so I smushed you. The reason it's partially is because whenever I'm in your attack range from now on I'm going to atttack you until you not in my attack range any longer.

I could go on, but just to recap: Windy good mod, Peace just right, Checkerpaw bad monkey, wolf bite not good mod.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 What's even better is when people SAY they don't wanna be mod, but have big little puppy dog eyes. ^_^;;

Peace Alliance

Quote from: Checkerpaw*decides just to quote the whole thing instead of taking out just the stupid parts... for practicality*

I'd like to point out to everyone how polite and respectfully Peace is treating me.

You names crock whether you like it or not! lol

Haha, Peace, you really crack me up!  You're an absolute hoot, you old joker, you.

You are new, so you don't know me, and you don't know orcist... And from your posts, its pretty simple you were just trying to be negotive towards the big bad Peace Alliance so you could look good to the others PA hataz.

DOES ANYONE NOTICE THE DOUBLE STANDARD HERE?  Peace doesn't know me either, so how does he know that I'm just being negative to look good to others?   You can ask Dixie Rose, and she'll tell you I'm not that type of person at all.

I don't see how the password thing was at your expense. In fact i was just trying to see if Xen could figure it out, i'll assume you still haven't?

I'm really starting to see what Wolf Bite meant when he complained about all your semi-insults.  You like to take digs whenever you can.  It's been figured out, by the way.  I'm sure you think you were real smart, pulling that trick.

learn how to use a quote box.

I know how to use a quote box, I just choose not to use them.  Why don't you learn some manners?  And while your at it, why don't you learn how to spell?  And capitalize?

Oh, and get a sense of humer.
hmm, and maybe some brains...

Once again, I'd like to point out how polite and respectful Peace is being.
Awww, 'lil checkerpaw is trying to be the cool kid again. Well there you have it folks, he is the polite one who has a great sense of humer and never hurts anyones feelings. I vote fir checkerpaw! He would make all the mean people go awaysees and we would nevers haves to deals with thems againsees!!!
QuoteAnd from your posts, its pretty simple you were just trying to be negotive towards the big bad Peace Alliance so you could look good to the others PA hataz.
Never said i knew you, just said what i've learned from your posts.

oh... oh wait... is this a semi-flame?
QuoteAnd while your at it, why don't you learn how to spell? ?And capitalize?
maybe not... but had i said it, i'm sure it would be.
QuoteYou names crock whether you like it or not! lol
don't see the flame there... Although i do seem myself kidding around... hm, i must be the only one on the forums who does that... *looks around*
QuoteIn fact i was just trying to see if Xen could figure it out, i'll assume you still haven't?
Once again.. don't see the flame.
QuoteIs that a quote from Jesus or do you seriously think your god??
WHOA!! I like this one, just like last time when it was a flame NOT to be envious of the guy, now its a flame if he's not JESUS?? my goodness... these forums DO need help.

Anyways, this is why i left the forums in the first place, you're all to ... conservitive. every phrase i can make that is either a tad mean... or can be twisted so that its mean, apparently hurts your ikkle feelings.


 OK, John, Peace, shut up or get out of the topic. No  personal feuds, or do it by PM.
~Veranor, The Beatles, Nevadacow, Devari~
Dear Forums,
This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
They said you were not home,
That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

?Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world..."


 Well said, Which-ever one of you who said it!
"It has purple inside, purple is a fruit.." Homer Simpson

RNN Reporter

 While we're semi- on the topic of nominating mods, may I ask a few questions?

1. Are we allowed to vote for ourselves?

2. Who are the current nominees, besides Wolf Bite and windhounds?

3. Are people allowed to nominate themselves into the race, or do they have to get someone else to nominate them?

4. Will a poll be started to appoint the new mods, or will the administrators appoint the mod of their choice?

3. Will they even appoint new mods at all, for that matter, or is all this debating for naught?

I respectfully ask a moderator, or administrator to answer these questions in a timely manner.

Also, I would like to say that if it came down to it, my vote would definitely fall in with either Checkerpaw or windhounds.

wolf bite

 When I posted before in this topic, I did so thinking that it was immaterial because it is up to the Admins/Mods if, when, and who may be asked to help the forum and that everyone had been nominated to be one anyway.  It now seems that there is a remote possibility that I may be considered for the position.  Therefore I think I should clear up some matters and give a straightforward response to some concerns that the citizens of this community may have.

Q:  Have you long dreamed of being on the ?team??

Dr. Wolf: Not at all, actually I had never thought of it until a week ago.  I had on the other hand offered and thought of being an in game admin to help spot cheats.

Q:  Do you think there is need to expand the ?team??

Dr. Wolf:  Yes I do.  I believe the present team has good intent and are good people.  But the more people you have that are responsible will catch violations sooner and can take better care that this is the proper place it should be so that all may enjoy.

Q:  Do you want the job and would you take it?

Dr. Wolf:  I don?t really want the job. My feeling would not be hurt not to get it.  However, I think that I would be an asset and would happily perform my duties if asked.

Q: You have a forceful personality, would you try to override the other Admins/Mods?

Dr. Wolf: Absolutely not!  I have been on several Board of Directors, the ?Board speaks as one.?  Once a Board decision has been made, the full Board enforces the Board decisions.  It is death to an organization to have the management publicly disagree.

Q: How do you think the forums should be run?

Dr. Wolf:  I think there is no need to ever attack the ?person?, only the ideas of the person.  Simply, personal insults is bad debate form.  Without personal attacks, people are free to express their thoughts and topics stay on topic.  But again, this is the decision of the Admins as a whole to keep a consistent team.

Q: Are you Biased?

Dr. Wolf:  Far from it.  I have read books stacking to over my height when in law school about cases dealing with fairness.  Maybe one of the present downfalls is that some people receive more leniency then others.  This is a mistake, rules must be followed by all.

Q: Can you enforce the rules?

Dr. Wolf:  I have no difficulty listening fairly to information supplied and making the best possible decisions based on that information, then carrying through with the proper response.

Q: Would you misuse the privileges?

Dr. Wolf: No!  When I was at war with a clan that I had been given the password to their forum and I knew they were planning against me, I never reentered their forum. It would be unfair.  I have tried of being warlike and have turned my hordes to be defensive rather then offence.  My morality would have me delete my account, if needed, then create a conflict of duties.

Q: What about having to keep quiet about information you may receive?

Dr. Wolf:  Of all people here, this is the easiest for me.  I am under a legal confidential restriction where only under certain instances may I speak of information voluntary obtained.  My friends here will admit that I have often not responded to information that I knew about the identities of even their friends without the person?s consent.

Q:  Any final words?

Dr. Wolf:  I would like to repeat that I am not pushing for the job, just willing to faithfully perform it if asked.  The decision is with the current Admins and they may make the decision passed on what I said above.  

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 For one, I think your experience doesn't count for very much, and your one of the people I'd like to see leave the game.

That is very nice to know.  :)

For another, as our experience started with you doing 30 attacks with me and partially ended with me smushling you in the ground, your bound to have a negative thought of me from your experience with me because you attacked me a lot so I smushed you.

As I recall, you attacked me first, and I retaliated.  I am not calling you a liar, but I do know for sure that I did not attack you anywhere near 30 times, and I have no idea where you're getting that figure from.  Yes, you smushed me, but I had only been playing the game for a couple of weeks.  I think you'll find that I've improved a little since then.  But I hold no grudge against you.

Awww, 'lil checkerpaw is trying to be the cool kid again. Well there you have it folks, he is the polite one who has a great sense of humer and never hurts anyones feelings. I vote fir checkerpaw! He would make all the mean people go awaysees and we would nevers haves to deals with thems againsees!!!

Nice Gollum accent.  This speaks for itself.

Never said i knew you, just said what i've learned from your posts.

I never said that I knew you either; I just was commenting on what I've learned from your posts and actions.  And believe me, I've learned quite a bit.

oh... oh wait... is this a semi-flame?
And while your at it, why don't you learn how to spell?  And capitalize?
maybe not... but had i said it, i'm sure it would be.

This was in response to your telling me to "learn how to use quotes."  I was trying to illustrate a point.  Apparantly, you missed it.

Anyway, this'll be my last post in response to both Peace and John.  Don't want to tarnish my image and ruin my chances to become a mod!!
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)