The Empire

Started by Ereptor, December 14, 2003, 03:17:37 PM

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 The Empire is a clan created by me, Ereptor The Great.

If you know me or not i am inviting you to join.  Anyone is welcome to join.  We will help those who don't know how to play and encourage honor and skill.  PM me in game #26 to join.  As soon as Retto changes my name the clan shall be up.  

The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Abandoning the idiotic LOTR ripoff, are we, Ereptor?


 Calria, shut up, will ya? There's no reason to berate him. He lost. Why do you have to rub it in??? How would you like it if it were you? You aren't even in the top ten, much less Ereptor's equal, so be quiet.


 Oh, goodins. Who cares? This is about his clan, nothing else. So no other topic shall be discussed.


 Exactly my point. Wait! Strike that, reverse it. My point exactly.  


Quote from: RazorClawCalria, shut up, will ya? There's no reason to berate him. He lost. Why do you have to rub it in??? How would you like it if it were you? You aren't even in the top ten, much less Ereptor's equal, so be quiet.
You may not tell me to shut up, be quiet, or any other euphamism for shutting my trap, ok?
I'm allowed to make any point on these forums that I want to make as long as it doesn't break any of the forum rules, which it doesn't.
I'm simply sick of people like Ereptor, and others, making half-thought-through and almost entirely un-original storylines, getting worked up about them, creating half a dozen topics about them that are all carbon copies of eachother, and then falling all to pieces when it doesn't work out.
Rather than berating me for having my own personal opinion, some of the people on these forums should spend some time reading a book or watching a movie that didn't have a special effects budget, or doing something else to expand their storyline-creating abilities.


 Wow!  Geeze such anger.  Falling to peices?  Shesh what are you on?  Besides a personal high on YOU.  You know what i hate?  People like you that assume that other people have no life when really it is you, you need to be looking at.  Personal attacks are a joke.  Let me do my clan and you try to stay in the game.

My story lines were for my fun and hopefully to get other people more interested in the game.  

I failed in doing that in some way.  

1.  I can't take on the whole game.
2.  I don't like people like you who to me seems to be acting jealous.  

btw i read the lotr books way before the movies were even thought up.  So keepyour ideas and assumptions about me to yourself.  

On a personal note.  It is people like you that are poison to this forum.....
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 It's people like me who stick around when nobody else has time to keep it alive.

I love the LOTR books. Read them for the first time when I was eight. But when I'm on a Redwall themed game, I want to see Redwall themes occasionally.

Ereptor, I am not jealous of you. I'm not even playing right now. Too much going on for me to upkeep a decent horde in either server.

Abby The Rat

 HEY NOW....

no need to tell each other to shut up.  At all.  This is flaming, " It is people like you that are poison to this forum....." Outright flame. I'm not having it.

Don't jump on another person about his or her opinion. If he or she states his or her opinion.. and you don't like it. state yours.. go ahead.. but don't shout back and flame them for it.

Sarah was only saying, that she doesn't like the idea of you using a old storyline. Fair enough. No need to tell her that she is poisioning the forum. Or tell her she got anger.

Sarah.. you already said you dis-liked the idea of using a old storyline no need to go on. Let it drop just don't take any notices. Don't post, "I'm sick of people like" try, I'm "fed up of people using old storylines." Don't point fingers.

I'm locking this.. please don't bring it back up again. Thank you.
Not around, please ignore.

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