
Started by Orcrist, December 05, 2003, 06:48:55 PM

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 I, Orcrist Blueeyes, am placing a bounty on #118 Earth Demons. The person who lands the last killing blow upon him will be paid 3 billion dollars in cold cash. A note is that, no matter your previous affiliation to me, I will pay the bounty to anyone who finishes him off. Start at it!

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Ashyra Nightwing

 Hmm.. 3 billion is a lot of money.. What did he do to ye?


 3 Billion is alot of money? Do you ever play a storer strat? Earth demons have 50mil net a nice bounty would be 1 billion dollars for every 10million networth, but i think I'll go after that 3 billion dollar bounty anyways.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Ashyra Nightwing

 It's a lot of money for someone like me..

The Weasel Liberation Mov

 Be warned - the attackers will have the full wrath of Loren.
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


 I was thinking about going after this, but I don't know. Pros. I get 3 billion dollars and land if I can keep it
Cons. I have to go to war with the whole of Loren, or at least the half that can break me so it is like 1:4 if I get my clan into this 4:8 and earth demons is very strong. 3 billion split 4 ways is like 750million and that is not worth the risk of going to war with Loren and the more people I can get on my side the less the cash will be. 6 billion and I would diffinetly go after, but only 3, Ocrist I suggest you increase the bounty other wise the only people this is going to appeal to are players with over 40 million networth.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Increase the bounty? Sorry, but this isn't turbo, so I don't have a ton of cash floating around. Besides, Loren is not THAT strong of a clan. I'm sure that a clan of about 5 people with an average net of about 15 million could destroy them. I mean, we almost overthrew them when we had about 40 million networth each. All I have to say is normally, when people are up in the top ranks, their land is worth about 50% of their net. That leaves 50% of their net to food, money, and troops. Just do the math and mass a specie of troops. It's that simple. Finally, if you destroy their troops, take their land, and build alot of guards (aka 50%+ of your land), you'll be able to hold the land. Just some advice...

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

wolf bite

 Hummmm, so Loren is weak?  Just a reminder that even if I don't carry the flag of Loren, I am co-founder and still a member.  That makes 3 members in the top ten.  Loren is the largest clan with 11 members at the time.

Bounties are bad, people that place bounties are evil, Poeple that take bounties are fools.

The attack that was organized against Rome when they held the full top ten and took Rome down was because of the bounties Rome placed.  

There are several leader fighters that are more interested in distroying any bounty recived by fools then gaining land.

With that added informaiton, decide wizely.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Cons. I have to go to war with the whole of Loren, or at least the half that can break me

And remember that Loren has allies.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)

Shadow Knight

 well said wolf bite.


 Ocrist I know how too play I am just saying it is not worth it unless you are going to kill him yourself I suggest increse the bounty, My clan doesn't have an average of 15 million net and we only have 4 members.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


Quote from: wolf biteBounties are bad, people that place bounties are evil, Poeple that take bounties are fools.
Hehehe- so bounties are bad now? Does that mean that I'm evil? Oh wait, that means that almost 2/3 of the people invovled in this game and in running this game are evil. Oh well- I guess I'm part of the crowd there. Also, I never said Loren was weak; however, it's not exactly a powerful enough force to be called a ruling clan. On the topic of Loren's allies, that is not at all a threat. If you haven't noticed, if 2 clans are allied and one of the clans is taken down to the point that the other is a good deal stronger than it, then the stronger clan normally farms its former allies. This doesn't always happen- there are some clans that are allies no matter what, but 2 clans that are allied and vying for the top normally end up backstabbing each other. Finally, on the topic of this bounty, it seems that no one in this game has the guts to attack someone higher than they are. So, if you want to take me up on this offer, PM me and we'll work something out.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

The Weasel Liberation Mov

Quote from: OrcristOn the topic of Loren's allies, that is not at all a threat. If you haven't noticed, if 2 clans are allied and one of the clans is taken down to the point that the other is a good deal stronger than it, then the stronger clan normally farms its former allies. This doesn't always happen- there are some clans that are allies no matter what, but 2 clans that are allied and vying for the top normally end up backstabbing each other.
Trust me, Loren's allies are not back-stabbers.
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


 Wolf's intimidating isn't he...

Runith and Hidith.

Beware the wrath of his computation skills...

All should cower...

Bounties are the work of evil teenagers. Luckily there is a lawyer here to keep us in line.  


Quote from: wolf biteHummmm, so Loren is weak?  Just a reminder that even if I don't carry the flag of Loren, I am co-founder and still a member.  That makes 3 members in the top ten.  Loren is the largest clan with 11 members at the time.

Bounties are bad, people that place bounties are evil, Poeple that take bounties are fools.

The attack that was organized against Rome when they held the full top ten and took Rome down was because of the bounties Rome placed.  

There are several leader fighters that are more interested in distroying any bounty recived by fools then gaining land.

With that added informaiton, decide wizely.

Wolf Bite
Wolf would be more inteimidating if he, as an adult, would learn to spell fairly decently.

Words not spelled correctly: "people," "destroying," "received," "information," "wisely."

I do often have my skeptical moments about some messages left by the most talented wolf bite...