Hey all

Started by Narfel, November 28, 2003, 07:13:18 PM

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The Lady Shael

 Ah, cool. Here in Florida, because Florida is a very dumb state, they now allow you to graduate with 18 credits, instead of 24. That means people can get a high school diploma as a junior. But my school is different from all the others, it's sorta weird. There's a lottery to get in, and it's 7-12. It's not a private school, or a millenium school, just a very weird public school. But my school requires us to get 26 credits, or we can't graduate. It's a geek school...it gives out much more homework than the other school, and that's not fun.

If I really wanted to, I could work to skipping another grade, but I really don't want. High school is fun, and I don't feel like cutting it short.

On the gifted stuff, I'm in GSP, which stands for Gifted Student Program. (Whoa.) But to tell the truth, it doesn't really do much good for you in high school as it does in elementary, down in Florida, that is. Except by looking good on your college transcript. They might do it differently in other schools, here at my nerd school, they just separate the gifted and non-gifted by homeroom. And that's basically it. Maybe the gifted kids go to some seminar once or twice a year, but nothing more than that.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.

Garagas Ledavas

 Well I live in Florida and I have to get 24 credits to graduate. But I think its because I go to private school.
Reg- Garagas Ledavas #248

Turbo-Garagas Ledavas II #139

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Garagas Ledavas #152 - 10

Darth Bane #47 - Emperor

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Garagas Ledavas #168 - 10

Garagas Ledavas #9 - 2

Garagas Ledavas #7 - Emperor

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The Lady Shael

 *nods* That could be it. Private schools are always different from public schools. Where in Florida do you live? Anywhere in Central Florida?
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Here's to top 1% on standardized tests!

One of the few things where my laziness doesn't kick in...............eh! Also heress to the program for "gifted" people at our schools. which I and many others are in. I'm thinking about actually finishing high school early but doing other stuff last year or so like Cal did.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome

Ashyra Nightwing

 I'm not very clever... but I can spell. *proud*
I failed Physics..




 Anyone can spell *copy paste*antidisestablishmentarianism, Ashyra...


 Meh, I'm in Gr.8, I'm currently going to a school with 26 people *laughs*.  My grades are with the 80-90 percent.  My average is 88.9%.
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?

Ashyra Nightwing

 My grades are aroung 60-90%.. it depends what subject..

Garagas Ledavas

QuoteWhere in Florida do you live? Anywhere in Central Florida?

I live in south-western Florida near Tampa.  
Reg- Garagas Ledavas #248

Turbo-Garagas Ledavas II #139

Former Reg. Accounts-

Garagas Ledavas #152 - 10

Darth Bane #47 - Emperor

Former Turbo Accounts-

Garagas Ledavas #168 - 10

Garagas Ledavas #9 - 2

Garagas Ledavas #7 - Emperor

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The Lady Shael

 Hm, neat. I was in Tampa earlier this year. I live near Melbourne, just on the other side.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.

Garagas Ledavas

 Melbourne is on the east coast? Or in central florida?
Reg- Garagas Ledavas #248

Turbo-Garagas Ledavas II #139

Former Reg. Accounts-

Garagas Ledavas #152 - 10

Darth Bane #47 - Emperor

Former Turbo Accounts-

Garagas Ledavas #168 - 10

Garagas Ledavas #9 - 2

Garagas Ledavas #7 - Emperor

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Wolf Snare

 I once went to Florida! It was fun stuff!! :D  :lol:  :D  
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 I'm 15, and a sophmore in high school. I don't know how many credits I need to graduate, I don't know if there's a program for gifted kids, and if there is, I don't even know if I'm in it. Oh well. *flops over*
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."

Wolf Snare

 *points at Aminrael*
Are you generally smart?
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 Heh. No one should care...BUT:

In Wisconsin, where the education system has been labeled everywhere between Excellent and DearGodWhatAreYouDoingToTheChildren?!, I keep at least a B average in my classes, but I'm a senior, so we'll see how long THAT lasts, I stopped caring midway through Junior year, hehe...Thought I'm in the top 1% on the ACT and top 2% in the SAT, that doesn't help me get into college because I get to go and play football...Leastaways I found my calling, and it has very little to do with education...'Cept maybe if it's just common sense like the ACT and SAT tests...