Hey all

Started by Narfel, November 28, 2003, 07:13:18 PM

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 That's..  spiffy..
Comp Sci and Ancient History are both really neat subjects, but politics..  meh..  windy no like politics..  too messy..  

mefailing Physics not because its hard, actually I find it interresting, its just that I find it hard to show all of my work all of the time, and for that I lose incredible chunks of points..  25 points off the last test and the problems were Correct..  *fumes*  unmoving teacher, wont admit that she's wrong in some things...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Mikalae Gildar

 Ouch, windy.  Yeah, politics are messy, but I'm one of those people that are irritatingly stubborn.  I'll probably get assassinated if I did go into politics: probably the first thing I would do would be to attempt to remove the Federal Minimum Wage Law.

But my quotes for my political yearnings are the following:

"Thus, whether I am believed or not, I declare that I do not mean to attack the intentions or the morality of anyone.  Rather, I am attacking an idea which I believe is false; a system which appears to me unjust; an injustice so independent of personal intentions that each of us profits from it without wishing to do so, and suffers from it without knowing the cause of the suffering."

-Frederic Bastiat, "The Law"

"To know how to say what others only know how to think is what makes men poets or sages; and to dare say what others only dare to think makes men martyrs or reformers-or both."

-Elizabeth Charles
"A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place, to force them to acknowledge your greatness."

"Then you kill them?"

"...Only if it's necessary."

--Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Sacrifice of Angels"


 Yay for Polysci!

I got a full scholarship to Baylor University to study Political Science, but I refuse to go to a religious school of any form or shape, and anyway Baylor's Baptist and I'm a semi-Lutheranish person.

*growls* You know, Mikalae, for someone who's probably one of the smarter people on here academically, you sure have some issues.

A conservative???

You've lost all my respect, man...
*trumps around her socialism, ultra-liberalism, and a poster of Nader*


 Well, fourteen, ninth grade, homeschooled. I sound average here, heh. Never taken any of the major tests. Took a couple of IQ tests though, MENSA teritory. That's about it.

Quote from: Mikalae DarkKnightSave America from the liberals!
Ditto  :rolleyes:
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

General Austin

 Alas, to be around horrifyingly smart people is very un-nerving!

Age 13, Grade 9.  In the fifth percentile (Smartishness-ly) in America, and my I.Q. is 136. My favorite subjects are History, Language Arts, Soccer, and certain species of Wallaby. I'm hoping to go to Community College for two years and then apply to William and Mary college, although I have my doubts about making the grade. I don't do well on big tests...
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.