Ermine Search...

Started by calria, November 22, 2003, 05:07:58 PM

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 Do the newest races in BAX have their leader abilities yet? Will they ever? I keep trying to do Ermine:Search, just to see what it does, since it's not in the Game Guide, but it never works, and it just kills off my leaders.

Can one of you adminny-types let us know what's up with this?


 It's double-power scout according to somewhere. Very high ratio needed!
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 Go to HELP then to General's Hut the last race on the list is ermine this is what it says,
Ermine - Search
Definition -
A higher powered version of scouting. Returns 155% or regular scouting yeild.
Leader Ratio Required -

PS: to find your leader ratio needed take the number they say you needed + the leaders that got killed + your current leaders divide by your huts = Leader ratio needed. I think that works, In the game guide it says Wildcat - Pressagng needs a 90 ratio, but I have tried it and I think it needs a 110 ratio. Which is reall hard to get seeing you stop gaining leaders once you have 100 per hut.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Where do you go to use it?  Or if you have a ratio of 100 is it a passive affect that works on scouting?


 It's in the General's Hut.

I've tried it with extremely high ratios, to the point at which I was about to start loosing leaders, but I still can't get it to work. *sigh*


 It's not in General's Hut for me... :(  


 It's a race-specific ability. You'd only have it there if your race was Ermine... which mine is.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Yee.. Ermine sounds like a fun race for HPRs.. but I'm a rat? I'm sure I selected Lizard..


 I selected Ermine because it has really nice ratios for most of the stuff I use...
Ermine, Stoat, and Painted One are really the only species I like.

edit: I tried it again with an insane leader ratio, and got this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: saveuser() in /home/redwallw/public_html/t/spells.php on line 692

Abby The Rat

 It's been fixed by our loverly Retto. It should be working now. Go and have fun everyone.

Basically, you got it to work because you had the right ratio, but there was a few errors and so it didn't work. It should work now.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 Oh yay!

Now if people would stop stealing my hutsies away with their big bad ratties, I could try it out...


 If they steal your huts... then your ratio will rise I think :lol:  


 This, however, doesn't work if you go from 100,000 land, 10,000 of which is huts, and with 1,500,000 leaders to 30,000 land and 2,000 huts... That ratio's just a little TOO good.