
Started by wolf bite, November 21, 2003, 12:39:00 AM

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wolf bite


Dear Romans,

It seems you are talking a lot about supposedly being hacked.  You went to bed with 50,000 land and woke up with under 20,000 and most of your towers gone.  Well ? 7 million Stoats can do that to you.  Stoats take towers more then any other building.  If someone had wanted to hack into your accounts, then why did they not send away your armies or delete your land?  That is because you were not fought unfairly.  

I can prove this to you, here are your stats right before the attacks started:

Tacitus (#33)
Turns  44 (max 450)
Turns Stored  0 (max 150)
Rank  #1
Land Acres  50,223
Money  $2,900,721,743
Food  2,233,912,950
Loyalty  2,487,368
Networth  $95,395,034  
Health  100%
Tax Rate  10%
Rats  5,473,684
Weasels  8,002
Stoats  3,180,251
Skiffs  5,538
Leaders  2,806,

Titus (#26)
Turns  35 (max 450)
Turns Stored  112 (max 150)
Rank  #2
Land Acres  61,558
Money  $1,178,852,503
Food  79,796,424
Loyalty  9,931,047
Networth  $83,211,252
Health  100%
Tax Rate  10%
Rats  14,029,296
Weasels  202,057
Stoats  6,443,560
Skiffs  172,889
Leaders  4,2

Scipio (#60)
Turns  206 (max 450)
Turns Stored  0 (max 150)
Rank  #3
Land Acres  53,058
Money  $47,399,648
Food  20,322,588
Loyalty  1,917,398
Networth  $51,825,972
Health  100%
Tax Rate  10%
Rats  3,492,047
Weasels  611,108
Stoats  3,205,650
Skiffs  617,222
Leaders  1,539,467

See, all the armies are there.  Your highest stoat holder was Titus, he had 6,443,560, which gave him an army DP of 19,330,680.  7 million Stoats have an OP of 35,000,000.  So that would leave an OP of 15,669,320, or in other words could take 31,338 towers.  All the others did not have nearly as much of defenses.  There was no need to hack.  Happy to clear that up for you all.

But then my point is not how you where attacked, but why.  Ereptor and Kilk are great guys in chatting despite the words they use on the forums.  Both have warm hearts.  But once in power, they seem to forget that a game is only fun when all are having fun.

The fall of Rome was your own doing and came from your own actions against the meek.  You see, it was said that Rome was going to stop all hostilities after the photo opportunity of holding the top ten, then they were to become guides of the game, not rulers.  There was a small farmer that was a protectorate of one of your clan.  In a way he was helping your clan by also sending aid into your clan.  But because of a small bug, his net jumped a few times.  You put a bounty on a farmer that had never made any attacks.  In fact he could not as a protectorate.   He sent letter pleading to several of your members, the only one that responed, Dead Eye, was with a threat.  In causing him to be wiped out, you actually almost caused the downfall of the one Roman protecting him because of loss in troops.  Then you placed bounties on several others just for having the nerve to dare play the game.  You forced the farmer to pick up his pitchfork and plot the downfall of Rome.  

As far as those you feel betrayed you, it is Rome that betrayed them.  You promised them a country to govern, but gave them a wastland of dictatorship.  You promised them students, but gave them slaves.  

This is not unlike many times in history.  The rule so oppress that the villagers have no choice but to revolt.

I would like to thank all those that played a part in this military uprising.  The war is not over ...

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Wolf.  I thank you for those kind words.  Titus had a great defense.  Now pray let me be heard.  ROME was built to own.  It was built to see if a bunch of great players could get together and form a union that was unbreakable.  Unfortunately this was not so.  I played peacemaker between players and those not in our clan.  You speak as though you can read my thoughts.  These things you say are most untrue.  Holby and smiley showed no discontent.  In fact everytime there was anything wrong in the clan it was solved.  You see there was no dictator in our clan.  I was a knights of the round table if you wish.  We all held a vote and determined who went to war and who became diplomat.  Beatles was voted assistant but dissapeered one day without much notice.  Holby replaced him and all trust was given, because it was holby.  Now wolf i want you to very carefully look at those that received bounties.  Go back on the forums if nessasarry.  I think you would agree that those merited bounties.  Except for one Right arm.  Which I stated in the forum that any wrong done to him buy having a bounty on his head would be paid back in FULL!  He replied on in game messages with thoughts in my mind to pick a fight and to say look at me you hurt me and now i am going to make you pay.

 This saddened me because i did not want a total war against ROME.  The messenger of Rome never promised a newbie acadamy or any of those things you say.  That was deadeye's big mouth and beatles to boot.  You can imagine as can i how hard to it is to keep tabs on that many people and what they say and don't.  Deadeye continued to run his mouth throughout the game making it quite clear who he was.  Beatles made the mistake of basically telling everyone who he was.  Sigh, so many things went wrong.  With Rome i hoped to give the game more depth.  Instead when players could not get into the top ten, they got mad and "revolted".  This as you say was your doing.  I am guessing you assumed that once we held a place higher above any reach than the game would not be fun because we had won.  So you with your close relationship with holby decide to overthrow us.  

For what reason?  For your own i am guessing.  Some people were upset at our quick domination.  Somepeople because they got hit more than others.  Well this is war people, war is not always fun.  

I will admit a loss in this particular battle.  A loss that made me lose respect for a friend and a clan mate.  Respect and trust are gained and earned, and when broken it takes a lot to gain it back.  I learned this the hard way.  BTW if anyone brings up the fact that i backstabbed people to get to wear i was i can tell you this.  I did not know anyone that i backstabbed by much more than a first name basis.  Wolf this planning went on for awhile and i am not impressed.  You claim we were unfair and were going to or allready had made the game unfun ( except for us ).  If that is true than there is nothing you could've done about it.  You see, you planned Rome's fall and it came.  I'll give you props for at least that much.  But the fact that you did it is proof that we did not have a tight hold that couldn't be unbroken.  Only i had a defense enough worth bragging about ( wishes he had taken out his trops in the market that night )  If Holby would've told me he was unsatisfied i would have been ok with it rather than him planning with you to overthrow us.  We were all dissapointed.  

Well you have accomplished what you set out to do, in your own that you were taking down an "evil" clan.  Let me just say that evil my friend wears many faces.  And making it right does not require "at any cost" mentality.  That is what is wrong with this world.  Religions think they are right so they do what they think is right at any cost.  I,E; The crusades, 9-11 bombing, Iraq war, prejuduce against homosexuals, white power, JFK assasination, ect ect ect.  I could go on forever.  Our country is based on the rule that if you take someone elses freedom away by having your own you are breaking the law.  Now that is a law that is something to be proud of.  We are now seeing our libirties slowly dissapeer since the 9-11 bombings.  I hope all of you realize that.  America is changing, our government and our country is now referred to as the "homeland."  Does that not sound Nazish?

Thanks to any and all who took the time to read this rambling.  I don't usually post this much so i don't expect to see complaignts.  heh heh.


The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Well, I'm not going to post a great big long post like them, but I just want to say something.

On the whole "The Romans" did not think that they did any more then then Dictate the whole game, they literally controlled the game.  At the same time they did something else...they ruined it for everyone else for no one reason.
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?



The only differences between Slayer & ROME, wolf, are that Slayer was  even more boring & idle.

Talk about your hypocrits...

EDIT- & one good reason why land might not be deleted is because they'd be wanting to take it.  That's a no-brainer, wolf, I'd expect better of you.


 That was one good point in case of hypocrisy, Raine.
The other was when you called Holby and yourself, both skilled players, "farmers".

I'm severely disappointed overall. Er.... without going into specifics, I am wondering if it's worth the time at all to make friendships on the internet? If you can't know someone, really, then what does a friendship mean? If it disappears at first hint of a crisis, it's not friendship. There's something to be said for misanthropists.

Losing faith in the human race increasingly rapidly,

Lost all hope in the human race.


 Friends don't test their friends.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


Good sort of chappie friends warn their friends when there's trouble afoot.
Bad sort of chappie friends slander their friends when they pull that, or just break friendships with them. As you and Holby did in that order.

Lost all hope in the human race.


 Well Beatles, I misread it, so I have to apologize to you, even if you don't consider me a friend.  

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

The Weasel Liberation Mov

Quote from: wolf biteTacitus (#33)
Weasels  8,002
Skiffs  5,538

Titus (#26)
Weasels  202,057
Skiffs  172,889
Oooo... If only I'd known they had so few Weasels and Skiffs. Dang!
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


 (I thank you for your kind words, wolf bite...but...)

I checked my attacks. Nearly 100% of my guards do not destroy themselves, and the rest don't turn into open land. My account was used. Turns were used. I should have had 50 more turns than I had at that time.


 I accept that apology, Orcrist. Forgive me for thinking you a /complete/ human too. You've got some better stuff in you.

Lost all hope in the human race.


 Well, here we are, yelling into each others' faces with the insults hypocrite and traitor, not to mention accusing each other of a crime greater than any other. However, let me get a word in. I ask you to please only respond to this in a civil way, no flaming. First, this is all just a game. I don't care how much you eat and sleep RWL, it's just a game. Whatever happens here, it's not as important as the real world. Also remember that brutality within the game is not always a sign of bad character. The forums reflect our nature; the game our abilities. Next, is there proof you were hacked? I can tell you from experience that some pretty stupid (and odd) stuff has happened to me on Promisances everywhere. Machines are not perfect. Once, on WBII, I sent a message and ended up losing 130-some-odd turns. Another time, I lost /all/ my guards due to ten or twenty attacks. What is to say that there is a perfectly logical explanation? Ask the admins to do an IP check, then you can start this.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



QuoteThat was one good point in case of hypocrisy, Raine.
The other was when you called Holby and yourself, both skilled players, "farmers".

Holby & ME?



QuoteWell, here we are, yelling into each others' faces with the insults hypocrite and traitor, not to mention accusing each other of a crime greater than any other.

What, paedophilia?  Genocide?  I don't think they've been mentioned thus far...

Please, let's not get into this whole thing of blowing things out of proportion & having a breakdown as soon as people start disagreeing.  

QuoteHowever, let me get a word in. I ask you to please only respond to this in a civil way, no flaming.

We're all being perfectly civil.  You can make a negative comment about someone without it being a flame.  Again with the stilted, false "We're all friends here!" atmosphere.

First, this is all just a game

Not only is that totally irrelevant, but EVERYONE is sick & tired of hearing it.

On-topic, well, I trust Kilk.  I also trust Holby, &, having spoken to him, find it to be highly unlikely that he engaged in the aforementioned activites.  It just dosen't seem to be in his character, for one thing.  I think that something's gone wrong, somewhere, but Holby, Smilie & wolf all seem to have legit arguments.

Even Beatles, shady activities or no...I don't think so.  He's a nice guy, but besides that, I can't really see the logic behind his doing it.  I mean, why?  Wasn't there a disagreement between ROME & him upon letting Holby in, anyway? It seems a tad pointless, to my mind, & thus unlikely.

In conclusion:  Argument is good, in some situations. This is one of them.  If we don't argue this out, then things'll be worse in the long run, becuase there'll be all sorts of hidden bitterness, ignorance, unspoken feuds & dislike between people.

Nobody's flaming.  No-one is resorting to BASELESS insults, no-one is being coarse in their use of language.  If you can't handle even the tamest of disagreements, then, wow, good luck in the world of work...

The Lady Shael

 Beatles, you used to be a great person, and everyone knew you and loved you. I considered you a friend, like I consider the other RWLers, the friends I never had.

The definition of a friend and friendship? Well, according to my dictionary...(I've had a disliking for online dictionaries)

friend (frend), n. 1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. 2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friend of the Boston Symphony. 3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe? 4. a member of the same nation, party, etc. 5. (cap.) a member of the Society of Friends; Quaker.

friendship (frend'ship), n. 1. the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person's friendship. 2. a friendly relation or intimacy. 3. friendly feeling or disposition.

I think of a friend as someone who is willing to give up their own time to help other. Someone who gives comfort, and companionship. Beatles, we know what you've been like. I don't know why you've been doing all this lately, but I, and probably some others out there, don't consider you an enemy. A friend doesn't have to be tangible.

I remember this time of year, one year ago, the same people were not arguing. They were friends. Playing RWL with a friendly disposition on the forums towards others. So much has changed since then. People have changed, and I don't like it.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 *sad violin music*