So back to NON-ROME discussion...

Started by Menatus, November 20, 2003, 11:05:48 PM

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 I don't care about this whole "Rome fiasco". Therefore, I shall play my victory song!

Standin? on a street light
Tryin? to get away
Guilty, Guilty I hear you say
Countin? down the hours
But I haven?t got the time
23rd Precinct jumping on the line

What I wanna know
Is will I get death row
Or is there a second solution

What I wanna say
Is will I die today
Or will I get second solution

It was never meant to end this way
One shot violence I hear what you say

Standin? on a street light
Tryin? to get away
Guilty, Guilty I hear you say

Since everyone else posted lyrics. And I'm not victorious, anyway. ^_^;;  On another note, watch out for which shall be my art site! Mwah!

And how about that mysterious new clan on turbo?

The Weasel Liberation Mov

 That, my friend, is spam! An so is this! But it's more fun than talking about ROME!
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


 Spam > ROME.

Hey, I made a fomula!


^_^;; A note to all people concerned about Rome, hackers, roman hackers and hackers of Rome:


The Weasel Liberation Mov

Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th