ROME has been hurt

Started by Voice, November 20, 2003, 02:49:37 PM

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The Weasel Liberation Mov

Quote from: windhound
the ...  was the best symbol invented ever..  it allows me to not finnish a thought..  and move about at random..
I totally agree...  :lol: I don't really think that Nero deserves tons of attacks... He was a lot nicer than most of the Romans...
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


 I was right for once. I knew who you were. (That makes two Romans I know...) Odd thing was you didn't mass skiffs this round... (or did you?)
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 If your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.  The actions of ROME were intolerable.  Even 6 attacks against someone who you have the full knowledge will not attack you back was too many.  All ROMANs hid behind the wall of unity.  Attack one of them.... and you have a massive retaliation by all of them.

All of ROME was guilty of this.  Strategically, this is a good idea, until you're broken.  Once that happens, you have a lot of really upset people who couldn't retaliate before for your attacks, but can most certainly retaliate now.  That is what has happened.  All the people who could do nothing before, can now attack.

Your name, Nero, was on the list because you, like everyone else on ROME, controlled and manipulated the game for all the other players.  You were content to sit on the top, driving away all opposition.  And for that, your empire had been marked for destruction by all those who ever wished to be in the top 10, but was denied even the chance by ROME.


 Isn't it the goal of all to be in the top 10, or even the number one position? If they would have stepped up, organized, and taken us out, then it would have been a ligit take-over of the top ten, and they would have gotten their goal, but it had to be taken through hacking and treachery, so really those people who you sympathize with were just robbed of the chance to prove themselves.


 It is indeed the goal take the top.  But it is also a goal to have fun.  

There were only 11 people having fun until a two days ago.  ROMEs actions in forcibly keeping all out of the top 10, threatening those who tried, and attacking anyone who even considered attacking ROME removed all fun from the game for those not under the ROMAN banner.

Quoterobbed of the chance to prove themselves  ???

People have had the chance for a quite a long time.  Some people tried and failed.  Others tried and succeeded.  ROME is trying to place their downfall on the actions of only two people.  That is not right.  The breaking of ROME was the result of the actions of many.  All of you who participated in this know who you are.  Your courage and strength were invaluable to the strike.  

The fall of ROME was not two people.  It was an army of people.  It was people were had decided that ROME has stopped this game from being fun, and that had to stop... and they stopped it.  Many joined together to take down ROME, and their names are know by their comrades with honor.


 Would the members of ROME stop complaining and face the facts already.  You were beaten, SO WHAT!?  You knew it was bound to happen, yet you didn't want to believe it.  Now that you have been taking out you are tryin any way you can to complain about it and get back your positions.  UH UH NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

user posted image


 You're so full of gas, Voice.
I believe you're Wolf Bite.

Lost all hope in the human race.

The Lady Shael

 And your belief is wrong.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

The Weasel Liberation Mov

Quote from: bob3You're so full of gas, Voice.
I believe you're Wolf Bite.
I know who voice is, but I can't tell you. As Shael said, it is not Wolf bite.
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


QuoteThe actions of ROME were intolerable. Even 6 attacks against someone who you have the full knowledge will not attack you back was too many.
but they did retal..  notice that people have actually Attacked me?  very few broke, sure, but that was mostly due to my pointy gaurd towers..  I didnt mass skiffs this time like I woulda liked to because I was concerned about staying up with the rest of the romans, for nero was certain that if he fell behind he would probubly be crippled by thoes angry at Rome, not only himself...

oh, and
QuoteIf your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem
that is wrong.  what about the likkle hordes down at rank 100?  they most certainly didnt try any attacks, so they wernt part of the solution, and they werent causing any problems either...  so..  yeah...  Nero was only a problem because very few who wished to could break him, nero thinks that it almost would have been better to Smash everyone within reach and be within the top 5 rather than the bottom of the top ten..  

QuoteWould the members of ROME stop complaining and face the facts already. You were beaten, SO WHAT!? You knew it was bound to happen, yet you didn't want to believe it. Now that you have been taking out you are tryin any way you can to complain about it and get back your positions. UH UH NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Nero has only complained about unjust accusations of him playing unfairly, as it is perfectly fair to build plenty of gaurd towers and have over half of thoes who attack be repelled..  And nero hasnt been beaten down..  infact, he has rised...  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 ROME made it clear that any attempt to get into the top 10 without their permission would result in unplesant results.  As a member of ROME, you lent your voice to the group.  My not rejecting their dishonorable actions, you are just as guilty as any other member of the ROME clan.

And for those actions, many are avenging themselves against those ROMANs.  For not turning rejecting the terrible actions of clan ROME, you too are on the list.

All members of ROME who did not reject the wrongs that the clan was doing are guilty.  There were two who saw the damage the clan was doing to the game, and chose right rather than wrong.  Everyone who chose wrong right to the end, your choice has been noted, and you will feel the consequences for that choice.


QuoteAll members of ROME who did not reject the wrongs that the clan was doing are guilty

Rofl.  *laughs*  I'm finding this very funny right now...   so you're saying, Voice, that all clans that gain power are evil?  Why dont you just post under your regular name..  I'm partially curious..  Though, I know my request is not going to happen for fear of being completly smashed into pulpyness by thoes former romans you have offended..  tehe..  
Jelousy is what this comes down to.  in the end that is what it is, truely, you didnt get an invite to the clan, and therefor resent it.  Everyone wants to be the best in the game, if you were in rome you probubly would not act like you are saying to, I mean, would you really denounce your clan for becoming too big?  
ah well..   please excuse my randomness..  I'm tired, have a slight fever, and am finding that this situation is comical...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 You're still full of gas, Voice. Even if you're not WB.

Lost all hope in the human race.


 Ridicule as you like.  Put on a brave face.  Scorn as you wish.  Your words are hollow.  For that is all that you have left.  Your clan in ruins, your empire being ravaged by those oppressed by ROME.  Your laughter is empty.  Your insults meaningless.

ROME has been reduced to words.  I speak for the people, to the people.  Criticize me as you like, for you have no other power left other than to try and belittle me here on the forum.  I feel no sting from your comments, because I know that the clan of ROME has been defeated.  Destroyed.  They disbanded at the first sign that they could be broken.  A most cowardly maneuver, but understandable.

ROME could only stand strong when it was believed to be invincible.  As soon as it was broken, it crumbled instantly, like a skeleton missing its spine.  The writing was on the wall.  The people saw it.  ROME saw it.

The best ROME can do now is to hide in obscurity.  Try and pretend it was all a joke.  Or announce to the world their true identities in the hopes that their true name, names like Eruptor, Kilk, and Peace, might cause an attacker to pause, because their ROMAN names no long inspire the fear they once did.


 Do they not? Tell me voice. They most certainly do. You are even to scared to post under your real name. And also, if someone checked regular and suddenly Rome controlled the top again, we would still command the same fear we command now.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant