The Defenestrater is Back

Started by Holby, November 17, 2003, 08:58:05 PM

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 Yes, I, Holby, have decided not to leave the forums after all.

Thanks to my loyal friend, Jules, I have returned and I believe she should be doing so soon too.  You see, Jules and I made a bet reguarding who could stay in RWL longer without leaving.  And the Veteraned Cheese Theif shall win, methinks.
I will not deleted this

TR Shadow

 The Defenestrater can not fight a Troodonised Penguin Squad controlled by the all-powerful Julie who is not Jewls, Ju, OR Jules.  

The Lady Shael

 Heh, now that's ironic.

Ju's the one who keeps leaving herself, and she's convinced Holbs to come back. ^_^ Yay for Ju! We missed you muchly, Holbs.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Ashyra Nightwing


*explodes in a shower of cheeserifficness*


 Watch and learn...

$victims = array ( "Julie, who is not Jules or Ju", "Holby the Defenestrator" );
$size = count ( $victims );
$temp = 0;
while ( temp < size ) {
$currentvictim = $victims [ $ temp - 1 ];
print ("**binds " . $currentvictim . " to the RWL forums using super extra-sticky duct tape with magical powers then attaches " . $currentvictim . " to the forums using supermagnetic forces and renders them unable to escape using mind-control and the threat of skiffies and cheese** );
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*




Now Holbs, go and take Ereptor down and take #1 again!

( I mean cumon you only need another 100 mil NW, how hard can it be? :snicker: )
My siggy died :(


 Yes! O Mighty Creator of Hysteria, thou art back! *cheers* And so is... Jueles. New spelling. Same pronounciation. Now, the forums seem complete, with Calria, Julie, and Holby back...