An inspiration...

Started by RazorClaw, November 15, 2003, 10:03:51 PM

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 I have an idea for the game. We could have a personal warlord section. There, you use turns to up your own warlord's stats of speed, strength, etc. Then, you have weapons for that warlord. He can have seperate classes of axes, lances, scimitars, rapiers, cutlasses, daggers, throwing knives, bows, etc. With higher grades of these weapons it is easier to break the warlord you are attacking. You gain more land from Warlord attacks then normal ones, but you have a limit of 1,000 land per attack. You can attack a limit of fifteen times. Net isn't increased by the attacks, though. Now, let's say you had a black diamond scimitar at level 40 and you attack someone with a rusty sword that's level 5. The max. level is 100, with increasing levels until then. You gain less stats for attacking a weaker opponent. You spend turns increasing your warlord's stats. Your stats increase every time you gain a level, and you have to have a certain level of stats to gain a level. When you succesfully break an opponent, your stats increase. Good equipment should be pricey, and you would be able to buy armor as well. So, if you have 400,000,000, you could use ALL of it to buy the best armor, scimitar, ect. This doesn't transmit the idea as well as I'd like, but what do you think of it?  


 All right, now that it's in GD, I'll be more serious. This is a good idea, but with perhaps a bit too much complexity. It'd be nice to pound someone with another new type of attack. However, you must first consider a few things. How exactly would these level ups work. Also, if weapons and armor are to be sold, then the markets would need to be redone. Right now, they are selling a certain number of different items (5), but they would need to b programmed to sell variable numbers through the use of php strings and arrays, not a plesant thought. I suppose Retto would be able to do it, the question is whether he's willing to spend the time on this while certain bugs still loom about BAX. Well, more later if I ever think of it...
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 Hmm... this is interesting... I like the style of it anyway :)  


 Yiss, I know it's too complicated, but the admins, I'm sure, could at least do something with the idea.

Ashyra Nightwing

 yes, it sounds fun... but it would be very complicated..

TR Shadow

 Like multi-tasking with a rubber board and card tree.