An idea

Started by Orcrist, November 15, 2003, 08:59:06 AM

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 I know in other games I've played, when I don't notice I'm outta cash, I lost 3% of troops and my turns are stopped. Unfortunately, I didn't notice I was outta cash when I was building and my net dropped 20%. If it's not too much work, could the admins add something in where if you lose 3% troops, your turns are stopped?

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Sun Jian

 I agree!!! Oh my precious stoaties.... ::cries::  ::cries::  ::cries::  
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

Ashyra Nightwing

 yes, it's pretty evil... my poor skiffs...

Retto would we decide which of the buildings were built with the turns you had, and which weren't?

We added in a warning thing, so that if it looked that you were going to run out of food or cash while building, it would pop up a notification. If you see that, you're taking chances while building.
The 'ittle otter,


 Ah- I never noticed that- thanx Retto.  

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 That warning thing is so unreliable it isn't even funny.  Butchered my Turbo account no end following its faulty advice.


 it's...approxamate-ish. I'll agree that it doesn't put in all the different variables...
The 'ittle otter,

Ashyra Nightwing

 hee... that thing's useful. Well, I find it useful anyway. It helps quite a bit..