
Started by Boze (Admin), November 11, 2003, 09:54:22 PM

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Boze (Admin)

 In light of recent events, I have decided to leave my own game. Why? Simple, really. It's the cool thing to do. You see, people get mad at me. So then I act like I'm leaving. People post happy posts and say "don't leave"! It makes me feel good about myself. I make sure to fill my godby p0st ful of ponctoation and spelling mistaes;. I lurk around the forums, reading the wonderful things people say to me. Sometimes, I use one of my multiple forum accounts to write messages of admiration to myself. After a few weeks, I return. Everyone misses me. I'm cool again. Sure, I've played the game for far few months than others, but leaving and returning turns me into a respected member of the RWL community. I R CO0L.

That's me!


 My thoughts exactly.

How many of the people who have made leaving posts have actually left? About two.

And yet I respect the people a lot who leave without a word. Seriously, I haven't made a leaving post since the first age, which was last year. I've learned from my idiocy.

Wait -- who hasn't had a leaving post?


 I will not laugh, I will not laugh, I will not...

Ahhhhh! *dies laughing, falls off her chair, and continues laughing*


(Note: Sha loves irony. Sha does. And sarcasm! Wohoo!)

Edit: I haven't, Tania! Wohoo! But, erm, I did leave. Hrm. *ponders this*

Peace Alliance


 :) not to mention that the people who are "leaving" post all around the forum. Seriously, if you leave, then go. If you're gonna browse, at least log off. ^_^;;


 *smiles and chuckles at menatus's comment* I dun think I had a leaving post except that time when I was almost posotive I would be gone from the interent.   However I did leave for a long while and that was without a post at all I just kinda vanished.  That is the way it should be, people don't drag out long posts about how they are leaving so then everyone is like awww we miss you and luff you so stay!  And then the people are like ok since you love me I will stay.  Yeah that has been going on for how long?  It seems that this same argument has been around for almost what 8 months now?   For as long as I can remember people have been needing the confirmation people want them around and so they make polls, "how much do you like me"  "should I leave?"  "who hates me"  "how do you feel about me"  Yeah it goes on forever.   As far as I can tell, it will have no end.  People go through a lot of (once again edited myself) every day, and come here to vent and get away from it.  Then when here gets to be bad they just say they want to leave until everyone is happy again and is all like okee dun leave.  Then the person in the beginning says yeah ok things are good againt hey love me so I will stay.  [This Whole Thing Is Cluttering Up The Forums Themselve]! (hahaha no all caps can't edit that :P [hahaha Yes, I Can.]) So everyone stop posting about everyone leaving and just let them do what they want.   If they say they want to leave, then just wish them a bon voyage and let 'em go on their way.  *twitches and disapates in a cloud of skittles.*

[It's the spirit of the rule, Beem.]

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."

Boze (Admin)

 I didn't direct this post at you, Peace. But if you feel it applys to you, so be it.

Well said, Beem.

I'd like to add that I don't have a problem with anyone leaving. If the game takes up too much of your time, or you have simply grown tired of it, feel free to leave. All of us will miss you. Many of us have grown into good friends over the past year. But please do so quietly without fuss. A sudden absence will likely make a greater impression than a "MISS ME!!111" post. When a third of the topics in the recent discussions are "goodbye posts", and when 95% of you end up returning, the clutter is quite annoying.
That's me!

Peace Alliance

Quote from: Boze (Admin)I didn't direct this post at you, Peace. But if you feel it applys to you, so be it.

Well said, Beem.
Applys to valkov then?

You can't see the destruction in your own game... don't mock the ones who can.


 *slaps forehead*

Boze (Admin)

 No, I was targeting the general populous, not anyone specifically (though the use of profanity in his farewell post did anger me somewhat).

And please, speak of this destruction. I must be a blind fool to miss it right beneath my very eyes!

By the way... I thought you left.
That's me!


 Apparently not. But who has?


 I said the same thing boze is saying about 3 months ago.  All this leaving for attention really doesn't fly with me.  So if you are wondering why i don't talk to you on aim or return your messages it is because you told me you left.  hahahaha
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Boze (Admin)

 I put my body in motion... and I started a commotion.
That's me!

The Lady Shael

 I saw the title, and then the author of this topic, and clicked immediately. ^_^ I wouldn't have missed reading it for the world...

What people can't understand is, that the legendary disease of RWL addiction really does exist. And if you posted on this forums, you're a victim. It's quite contagious. I gave up fighting the symptoms ages ago. Peace, Ju, all of them tried to leave, and they always come back. Even Raine did, after a very sharp prod in the back.

Boze is a marketing genius. He's made a game that no one can stop playing.  :P  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Yeah. It's like a...locomotion.


Heh. We could sell it for millions! You're a genius, Shael!