
Started by RazorClaw, November 10, 2003, 09:48:12 PM

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 To everyone here: I'm sorry for the things I have said on these forums. I didn't mean them, and none of you need people like me polluting these forums. Oh, and to the admins; my comment on the game was meant to the players; the admins have done everything within their power to make this a great game. But, unofficial rules like 2:1 retal ratio, ect. HOWEVER; I am in fault entirely for these comments and actions, and have brought that upon myself. Anyone who wants me gone, please post your wishes, I'm not as sure about leaving, now that I'm out of my pathetic and imbecilic rage, but I would like to see who wants me here and who doesn't. *grins* Yes, I'm having trouble fighting the addiction. So please, do tell your comments; I'm making a poll on it as well.


 Razorclaw, I will say this, although alot of the times you and I have been farming each other and such, I think that you are one of the few people who has half a backbone to at least not join in with the crowd of newbs that just complain about everything. You also have the backbone to defend yourself. I commend you on that and ask you to stay, but that's your choice.

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 That ties into THIS for some reason. Read it and find out.


 I don't think you should leave. I never said 2:1 was a big rule or anything. I don't think there's anything wrong with fighting to get to the top. I just don't believe that anyone should get so upset and leave about a silly game. But it happens all the time and pisses me off.

I attack someone in-game that I'm friends with. Okay, this doesn't mean I don't want to be their friend, or that it has anything to do with that. It's a game. But the people take it so seriously. It bothers me.


 OK, fine. If three of my most-respected forum members don't want me to leave, I'll stay. Also, I will continue to break ratios and farm, but with my new technique (mass skiffs and guards and leaders) I'll just beat back when someone retals my retal, and I'll stop being a "whiner".

Legacy Warriors

 Nicely said RazorClaw! Now stay!! Or else........ <_<  
A Fatal Error Has Occured! Usere validated!.......Am I really that bad?


 good to see you have come out of your "imbecilic rage"
i liked that ;)
everyone has a bad moment where they just want to vent anger etc bla bla bla
so yeah - i forgive you ;)
i knew you wouldn't leave anyway ;)

Ashyra Nightwing

 RazorClaw, if'n you try to leave, I will superglue you to the forums and prod you with a pointy stick until you promise you'll stay.

:)  :)
^The smileys look a bit weird... so does my siggy... time for a new one, methinks..


 I remember a Monty Python skit where John Cleese tries to teach the rest of the actors how to defend themselves against fresh fruit, bananas in particular. So, he grabs a banana and says, "This! Is a banana! Now, here is how you can defend yourself against someone attacking you with a banana. you takes the banana and eat it, rendering your offender defenseless!" Then one of the guys says, "What if he has a bunch?" "Shut up!" What if he has a pointed tick?" "Shut up!" It's much funnier in the real thing, but...


 Yeah, definately don't read. Definately don't give away your strategy, either :) I've never not broken you, you know. And now I know your secrets! Mwaahahaha!


 Methinks I'll have too many gurads for you... plus on me new game I'm at 3,000,000 net with like 150,000 skiffses, and gaining many every turn...