I need an honest oppinion.

Started by TR Shadow, November 10, 2003, 04:25:48 PM

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TR Shadow

 I know I wasn't going to post anymore, but Deadeye had informed me of the sorry state these forums are in.  The only 'hot' topics I see here have something to do with Peace and Wolf Bite.  My oppinion on that?  I couldn't care less.  This topic is not about my oppinion, though.  Actually, this is a quite humorous topic because I think, even though I'm not here, the forums are in great need of humor and no one else is doing anything about it.  This topic is about a terrible thing that has been haunting my mind for ages: beefeaters.

Beefeaters are the English guards with the square hats, if anyone didn't know.  I don't have anything against the beefeaters at all except their name.  It sort of makes you wonder: why were they named beefeaters?  I mean, I'm getting this interesting mental picture right about now of the queen of England talking to some guy saying "I feel unsafe-- let's hire some Beefeaters."

Personally, I would feel unsafe if the people I hired as guards were eating beef instead of protecting me.  

The point of this topic, by the way, is to get people debating over the origin of the beefeater's names more than they do about Peace, the banners, and Wolf Bite.



 The Queen: I need guards who are tough!
Recruiter: I know a coupla guys who eat raw beef -
The Queen: Yes. Them. Chop-Chop, todleoo.

::is killed by Ad::
The 'ittle otter,


 Hehe, British people.


Pish posh!

Speaking of British people - HUGH GRANT'S TEETH!

that's my version, anyway.


 Hugh Grant is a pretty good actor. Like...1/4th as good as Mel Gibson, which is pretty impressive.

Speaking of Gibson, there's a drink called the Gibson Beefeater. And a story called Reunion in which people drink them. And mispronounce it Bibson Geefeater.

Maybe that's it?

The Queen: I need some guards who are cheap. Dead cheap. Though not dead.
Recruiter: I know a coupla fellas down at the pub who've been out of work for years. All they do is sit around and dring Gibson Beefeaters.
The Queen Jolly Good.  
The 'ittle otter,


 He's a good actor, but he has British teeth. Which I like to make fun of.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

This went from Beefeaters to British teeth to Mel Gibson to Gibson beefeaters back to beefeaters...somehow...


 I lived in England for three months, and I actually SPOKE to one of the famed beefeaters whilst I was there. I got in an argument with him: I said that the letter "z" is pronounced "zee", but he insisted that it's pronounced "zed". So we argued about that for about half an hour. It was tres interessant.
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."


 He pronounced it "zed"???  Last I knew the only thing pronounced "zed" was the name of some evil dude on an old children's tv show known as the Power Rangers...Evil nemesis was named Zed.....

Anywhooo.....Beefeaters, are those the guys with the big black fuzzy hats in the red uniforms that are supposed to stand there and say/do nothing???  Or are those something else??
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

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 Its definately pronounced "zee" I mean zedbra everyone says zeebra so its pronounced zee right ? Theres no such thing as a zedbra. Maybe its a company that makes bras, but I do't wear bras, or do I...
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!



I remember it very well. We had a thorough "discussion" about zee/zed. He was positive it was zed.

As soon as my scanner starts working, I'll scan in a piccy of me with a beefeater.  ^_^
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."


oooh..  nero likes..  http://www.beefeaters.com/  that intro screen is addicting..  bouncy bouncy bouncy
ok..  on then to somthing more relitive...
pictures of London beefeaters nero found here. (the pic is rather large and these forums load slow enough on my comp as is...)
A Deranged Emperor of Rome?
Formerly of the clan Rome


 *laughs at the first link*
Ooh, Beefeeater people look like.... weird gaurds ^_^


 Mostly because they...are...weird....guards. O__o;;;

This entire post scares me.


Quote from: AminraelIt was tres interessant.
Hm... French... Yup, now one more language left to hear... Spanish
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Ashyra Nightwing

 Beefeaters are scary.

!Hola! !Me llamo Ashyra! !Hasta la vista!


 *runs after you* WAIT!!! Como estas!!!