5 billion dollars!

Started by redwalldestruction, November 08, 2003, 06:51:34 PM

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 I am offering a bounty on special forces (#86) in turbo. the killer will recieve 5 billion dollars. my friend will ensure that if you are the individual who kills him, you will be payed, for he is suplying the cash.
c mon people, EASY MONEY!

Badrang the Tyrant

 Hah!  Easy to kill Bloodrath?  I find that way too funny, especially when he has already set up his army...

I doubt someone will get this kill easily...

Sun Jian

 He.... ROFL.

Company could.... Maybe TSC...... But.... Don't get your hopes up...
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.


 I realize that this will not be an easy task. though i want him dead, he is a coward and a liar, and i am willing to raise the bounty to 10 billion dollars to the killer. it is a major expense, but to whoever is willing to risk it, there is a grand reward..... whose with me?


 Hmm. He seems to be mad since he was disabled from the game, when he sent me a message containg content which would most likely get him banned here on the forums.( Now when I look back into my message box, there are actually three messages of quite lengthy swearing) Well, I have a bounty on my head. Not the first time. Also, I am not a coward or a liar. What have I lied about? You seem to be not to bright up in the head my friend, and now please calm yourself.

Also, if you want me dead, why don't you do the dirty work then? Seems to me like you are the coward, not I. Now, get your facts straight before you start accusing me of total worthless junk. I don't like when people do that to me.

So, go ahead and try and kill me. It is not like I am alone. I have friends in the game who would most likely come and help me if I asked and I am at a decent spot in the rankings, so I consider myself pretty safe.


 i feel that most would choose 10 billion dollars over protecting the likes of you. yes, you are a coward, for you attacked me several times when you were at your current "decent ranking" and i was many ranks lower. you made many obscene threats to me over the in-game messaging , and attacked me several times after swearing on your oath that you would give me some space, and time to develope, instead of continually attacking. thus making you a coward, liar, and quite a jerk. Taking that much land from an unstable and quite small warlord for no reason at all can not only make yourself look bad, but also ruin the near future of the warlord you profusely attacked. Yes, i have been disabled, for god knows what reason, but i will start fresh, and will help out in your destruction. I will not be doing all of the "dirty" work myself, for I know that you are not a weak warlord, and to be able to destroy you entirely on my own is out of the question. Therefor my offer stands, 10 billion dollars goes to the warlord who destroys (#86).


 *wonders why everyone is fighting and wonders why they don't just quit or ignore it* ;)  


 its not that simple......


 Yet it is.... you just STOP  It's a game, you win you lose and hopefully you have fun.  If you don't, you quit, and only those that are foolish will think you are a coward for leaving.


 well, i just want him dead, and who, in the entire game, could not use an extra 10 billion?


 First, when I first attacked you, I was not at the rank I am at right now. No way. I was about half of what I am. Now, I attacked you for land and steam rolled you. You hit back. You didn't break me. I hit you some more, you hit me. Then you start messaging me, asking for aid. What is this? I attack you, and you ask for me to give back what I took? My, what has this game become? You asked for aid around three times, and the answer I gave you was no. You thought it would be fun to try and break me in leaders. Not a smart move. However, I didn't attack again. Then I log in, find you tried and hit me with rats. I was like " Man, this kid has no brains" At that point I was at 70 000 000 nw, and you were at 15 000 000 or something. And you really thought you could break me? All during this I was talking to Jack, as he may tell you and me and him were laughing about how you were trying to take me down. Now, after 5 or so leader attacks and a rat attack, which didn't hurt me in the least, I thought I would attack you to keep you quite. If you would have just left me alone, I wouldn't have booted your account to ruins, but alas, you didn't stop.

QuoteYes, I have been disabled, for god knows what reason, but I will start fresh, and will help out in your destruction.

Also, this is funny. You just stated you have basically no idea why you were disabled? I would post your 3 messages of vulgar here, but I have some common sense and won't do that. I would think, as someone with some common sense should now, you don't swear mindlessly in the in game message system.

Also, just to add, I have some friends that would help me rather then take the millions you are offering because we have fought together in past rounds, all the way back when this game first started.

Quoteyou made many obscene threats to me over the in-game messaging , and attacked me several times after swearing on your oath that you would give me some space, and time to develop, instead of continually attacking.

Hmm. Yes, I did tell you that if you didn't stop messaging me and wasting my time I would have to attack you. However, I never did swear on my oath that I would give you space to develop. Like, what kind of lies are these? I just told you in my other post to get your facts straight and stop calling me a liar.

Just for the record, I call ever rank but first a decent rank.


 as a matter of fact, you did attack me from where you are right now. you attacked about 6 times and destroyed about 3 million rats an attack, until i was down to a miserable 5 million networth with zero troops. i call this the "weakling vs. pansy" stratagy. either way, im still willing 10 billion to whoever takes this jerk out.


  Yes, I hit you at 15 000 000 nw when you tried to be smart with me and try and hit me. I only hit you, as I just explained because you were trying to hit me. Of course I knew you wouldn't break me, but attacking warlords at least 6x your size is just plain idiocy, and for that I hit you. I have nothing against newer players to the game, but when you just do not use common sense, that?s when I say this is enough and let?s finish it.

Now, kindly stop calling me a "jerk" since I am not that. In my fifth year on the ROC, being called a jerk is something that you don't often like to here after you put a lot of work and dedication to something, in this case, the Redwall Online Community.

Edit- Oh, this is very clever by you. Your new warlord name, special faggot (#154). Now, everyone who is reading this can honestly see how smart you really are.  :rolleyes:


 Hm... Odd because I got a message asking me to attack Bloodrath after a did a bit of a land grab on redwalldestruction.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Wolf Snare

 LOL! wow, thats really something.....i think that this is all quite rediculous... although i do think that you were in the wrong, attacking a n00b at your networth.... even if (I can't see how) he was making you mad......
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)