Wolf Bite Unmasked

Started by wolf bite, November 07, 2003, 01:16:18 AM

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wolf bite

It has long been wondered who exactly I am.  Well, the way I see it that most has gotten out or getting out, so I will put my cards on the table.

I am indeed an adult.  My kids live out of state and I thought that joining the game they play would in someway keep me in their thoughts as I could play with them everyday.  If I can not toss a ball to them, at least I can send them a billion cash.  I thus joined the first era.  I played the 4 attack rule and kept a list of all those that attacked me and the land they gained. I only attacked back for my land.  Then I saw some bullies and became a ? bit more aggressive to show that only honest dealing and fair play would win a game because loyalty is a much higher value to learn then simply winning.  I have never betrayed an ally nor broken a promise.

I know I have been controversial over the year, but most of the people that oppose me are ones that I have never attacked.  I also do have a life.  However, I have the benefit of having a computer at my desk when I am working and one at home.  So I could flip fast to see if I had been attacked.  I know that I would show up as being on for ten minutes and it always looks like I am on line.  In reality I would simply be walking past the computer every now and then and look, then go along with my business.

In my time here, I found that most of the teenagers that hang around this site are very mature and intelligent.  I made many friends of some great people.  Although some people have decided to resent me for holding the top so many times, I have found respect for everyone on this forum.  Even those that speck against me I like in some way.  I think as an example of one person that was a sworn enemy, but after an Aim conversation that he convinced me I was wrong at holding him responsible for a past era, he helped me set up a better Aim program.  Another long gone enemy came back to the forums with honesty about his deeds and gained my respect.  There are many examples, but just assume I speak in some way about everyone.  

I then realized that more important then what my rank is the enjoyment of players.  I became the one standing behind the new players to get them up to speed and protect them until they could hold their own.  This was the most rewarding job I have held.  Unfortunately, I could not live down my more aggressive days to be as much help as I would have liked to be.

So who am I?

Real Estate Broker
Los Angeles Fire Department CERT member
Los Angeles Police Department Specialist Reserve Officer
Vice president of CEMP Search and Rescue
Bachelors of Science in Law
Doctorate of Juries Prudence

Proud father of:
Blood Wake
King of Heats

The one and only ? Wolf Bite

*poof - gone*

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles



 Technology brings new things to this world everyday.  It is hard to imagine all the things it will be used for in our future.  There are a lot of problems in this world.  We have one man here with the only way to play with his kids is using an online game to interact with them.  Whom are we to judge him for who he is and why he plays.  If i have learned anything from this game is that people no matter their sex/race/or even age are people and have ideals, dreams, opinions and feelings.  I have stressed in the past that my infatuation with this game was because i was blessed with a vivid imagination.  One of my dreams, may i become a very rich individual, is to have a castle, a modest one.  And in that castle have a community reading center, where in my old age i would read the redwall series, tolken series and many other imaginative books to young children of the community.  My future work will take me into the problems of this world.  I can tell you right now with all the training i am receiving i will not be prepared nor will i have the answers to these problems of this world.  I have also tried to stress that most of the time i post in here i post under Ereptor and not Chris.  Ereptor is a blood thirsty something or other that loves power and would enjoy throwing the rwl community under another shadow that would last a thousand years.  hahaha.  Everyone has a dream, no?  heh  

So the point?  No matter who you are, Nick, Peace, Kilk, Wolf, Holby, Merc, Beatles, Shael, or some newb....heh heh just kidding.  Remember that there are people behind these names.  I don't consider flaming wrong a'tall.  In fact calling someone a river rats dirty uncle is quite funny.  But when it becomes personal that is another thing.  And something we all need to remember is that this is a game and to have fun.  Making fun of your enemy is a political statement.  But using Politics like those who use it today is just horrible.  Imagine if one of you ran for gov. in california.  That is kinda a joke and kinda not because everyone and their mom ran.  heh heh anyway my point is that arnold is getting flamed everyday on very personal and private levels.  This is sad in many ways.  We need to know somethings.  But do we need to know who he slept with and when?  No, i don't think so.  Wolfbite i hope you continue to play but i will not hold it against you either way.  You will always be my arch enemy and i will always watch for you if and when i play.  Peace you remind me of myself in many ways.  I cannot argue with what the admins have done.  Wait it is a free country course i can.  Listen people what we need is to remember that this is a game and play it like the game it is.  Flaming people is part of it in my opinion and if you don't like it you are a dirty nosed snot faced weasle.  ahahaha.  *pulls out his sword and slashes the air*  Bring it on rwl.  And keep it above the belt.

*walks off into shadow*
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*



You can ramble from one point to what seems to be a totally unrelated one in a topic that has nothing to do with what you're talking about in ways I'd never have thought possible.

...Way to go!

General Austin

 Do you have any houses for sale in Virginia? MAyhap you could make up a thriving business here! I personally like mansions and stuff...*dreams*
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.



The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not


Quote from: fingoWhat's your job?
QuoteSo who am I?

Real Estate Broker
Los Angeles Fire Department CERT member
Los Angeles Police Department Specialist Reserve Officer
Vice president of CEMP Search and Rescue
Bachelors of Science in Law
Doctorate of Juries Prudence
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


General Austin

 Who cares? Was that to me, or Wolf Bite? I personally like knowing all that stuff, makes me feel like I know them better. If I wasn't Austin, I'd say that was a semi-flame..
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Badrang the Tyrant

 I have known that Wolf was the dad of Sonoras and Kingdom Hearts (is he still here?), but not Blood Wake.  

Thank you for opening that up to everyone, Wolf.

Directed to everyone who doesn't care:  You all can go dip your head in a toilet.  Wolf has changed this game considerably and is a great friend.


 This is so pointless, wolf bites done this like 5 times in the past... it's getting a little annoying.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Badrang the Tyrant

 Wolf has never been as personal as this before.  Usually he starts from where he first began to play.  He then ends with his latest accomplishment...


Quote from: Riverpaw
QuoteSo who am I?

Real Estate Broker
Los Angeles Fire Department CERT member
Los Angeles Police Department Specialist Reserve Officer
Vice president of CEMP Search and Rescue
Bachelors of Science in Law
Doctorate of Juries Prudence
There is more then one job there are they the jobs he's done or what?
The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not


Quote from: General AustinWho cares? Was that to me, or Wolf Bite? I personally like knowing all that stuff, makes me feel like I know them better. If I wasn't Austin, I'd say that was a semi-flame..
semi flame?
you're joking me right?
and its a general thing for this WHOLE topic...
its like SPAM


Quote from: Dilf*DRUM ROLL*

who cares??
What you posted was spam.

I found that very touching, Wolf Bite, It's always good to be in touch with family.  Jedi?! is my brother here (but I think you already know that).  Also are you leaving?
*bites nails*
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?