
Started by Dilf, November 06, 2003, 01:11:01 PM

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 Right - ok this isn't goign to be as spectacular as it should be (unfortunately)
but i have waited FOUR days to do this and i failed, not due to my gaming skills (ooo no ;))
but due to the game

i hit said empire 7 times (fair hits, just normal landgrabs)
i then get retalled 21 times, 3 hits of which are MURDER on my empire
i didn't like this at all, NO WAY was i going to accept this (3:1 retals - yeah - [edited]), so i waited, got full turns, decided - yeah i know - i'll kill the idiot for what he did
so there i was, logged in, thinking - YES i can do this :) shouldn't be too hard - lets go for it :)
so away i went

i started hitting the empire, all was going well, got to 20% health - ah - i best build to get health up, so i build.
hhmm health is only 37%, ok - i'll try HEALING - WHAT - NO WAY!! How much am i going to have to pay to HEAL?? - (I am so stupid itit - guess i'll scout for 50 turns, ok much better
*hits away again*
gets to 10% health, ah yes - need to heal
builds land, hmm only 27% health, i can't heal, oh well, there goes another 50 turns
(there is a point to this just wait)

so i continue doing this long borind / TEDIOUS process, wasting 50 turns every now and then

at the end, i wasted 175 on healing my empire using SCOUT (im not sure if there is a way to raise your health by 2% by using scout / forage / proganda etc or whatever)

but 175 turns is RIDICULOUS!
and i ask you - why did i waste that many turns?
[Because the Healing Function Here Is Way Toooooo Expensive]
I mean, oo hang on, lets all let our empires be OVER RETALLED and destroyed by little brats who couldn't care less about teh game and want to screw up everyone elses game and country
what can we do?
erm- nothing except knock him down to about 300 acres, cause you don't have enough Mana (loyalty) to do the heal spell MULTIPLE times!!
so in conclusion this is what i have to say:

Heal spell should be lessened a bit, if not a LOT, yes make it the most expensive if you want, i don't care, just take a look at it

Grain - grain value to empire is WAY too high - lower it

if you don't want to make healing less, then make something like SCOUT / FORAGE and call it HEAL where it heals you 2% each turn(higher would be good), [edit] that would be an improvement

attacking - this is a little weak IMO, mabye an extra 175 MIGHT HAVE HELP  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  

anyway - if i get my turns back quite quickly - i will be killing off #65 for his over retalling, but its more likely that my empire will in turn be murdered to hell / all its land stolen, because he is still alive due to teh GAMING FACTORS that i showed above

BAH BAH BAH -  :angry:  :angry:  

oh and btw - my original message would have been:

[Do Not Over Retal Or Murder My Empire Ever Again] - as this is what will happen (show dead empire here)
however i don't have a dead empire to show you the consequences, but it wasn't my fault!!
the game i tell you
the GAME!!
*shakes fist*

oh and WHAT IS THIS: You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message.  eeerrrrrrr??? no way!!!

[Read the rules. No swearing or using allcaps for more than 4 words in a row.]

The Weasel Liberation Mov

 Which empire was this?
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th

Guthorm Swordmaster

 Id like to know who did it as well.

The Beatles

 Intelligent lad. It was a fixed value before, but oh no, they don't listen.

[EDIT: Really, Beatles? It's as if you think we're stupid or something]
[Without reason? <.<]

caedo caelestis

 Emoticon limit should be one IMO.
It takes 100 turns to regain health from 0%.
There is nothing wrong with the game.


Quote from: caedo caelestisEmoticon limit should be one IMO.
It takes 100 turns to regain health from 0%.
There is nothing wrong with the game.

and Beatles - TY ;)

You have obviously not tried to kill someone for doing something to your empire
i bet you probly sit there and let it happen

The empire in question is #65
i have 260 turns now, but i doubt i'll take 390 acres - somehow...

blah - this [edit]

[Yea, that word is considered unacceptable too.]

Ashyra Nightwing

 Ehehe. 3:1 retal? That's pretty evil.. I've been hit a lot more for no reason on Turbo..


 I say 3:1 retal is ok for what you did *shrugs*


 When people retaliate it isn't usually tit for tat.  You want to be taking more off of them than they took off you.  Usually you have to, as well, because being hit hard screws your economy.


 Yeah, the health thing can be a pain, but it makes the game have more depth.  By the way Dilf, if he retalliates against you three times as much as you attacked, you smashing him up best you could is the same thing ;)  


 i hit him 7 times in teh first place (I am so stupid itit
that is reasonable
21 retals is NO WAY fair

so i don't know why you say 3:1 retals is good for what i did?
what did i do?
LG him 7 times, fairly, did i destroy his networth by destroying his troops using MURDER?
did i farm him?
so - erm - he dies, and this code, just makes it very very slow for me to carry out my justice...


LA_Death (#65) 66 $431,027 Loren Wolf Southsward 96 (73%) 169 (14%) 0

getting there
from 309 acres to 66 in 294 turns (should be WAY more than that... but oh well - not my fault)

and the not healing does NOT add dimension to the game,  not at all
it just means suiciding empires can just ruin peoples sets and they can't do anything to get rid of them

i bet hardly any wars are fought here, and if they are, i bet nobody wins...

oh well - hopefully by tomorrow, he should be dead :D


 If the health wasn't like it is there?d be lots of dead warlords.
The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not

The Weasel Liberation Mov

 Oh, LA_Death is who you are mad at. I guess this means that:

1. You are Soul to Squeeze (#78).
2. You are losing tons of troops and thus will be an easy, Land-fat target.
3. LA_Death is toast.
4. I have to start recruiting more members.

[Edit] 5. You have put Loren on war status. Thanks for bringing my whole clan into this. One member of Loren (who should be booted) is the reason you have set my clan to war. Way to go!  :angry: So now your clan can just pick off the rest of us.

[Edit2] Sorry, but I have booted LA_Death from my clan. Please take my clan off war status. The person you have quarrel with is gone, booted.
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


Quote from: Ashyra NightwingEhehe. 3:1 retal? That's pretty evil.. I've been hit a lot more for no reason on Turbo..
Ashyra, you /did/ advertise yourself as free land...  :rolleyes:  (Really, I have the original message, I think.)
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



Quote from: The Weasel Liberation MovementOh, LA_Death is who you are mad at. I guess this means that:

1. You are Soul to Squeeze (#78).
2. You are losing tons of troops and thus will be an easy, Land-fat target.
3. LA_Death is toast.
4. I have to start recruiting more members.

[Edit] 5. You have put Loren on war status. Thanks for bringing my whole clan into this. One member of Loren (who should be booted) is the reason you have set my clan to war. Way to go!  :angry: So now your clan can just pick off the rest of us.

[Edit2] Sorry, but I have booted LA_Death from my clan. Please take my clan off war status. The person you have quarrel with is gone, booted.
i didn't bring the whole clan into this
NOW that LA DEATH has detagged
how [edited] am i going to kill him now?
surely untagged mpires have hit limits??
our clan has NO intention of picking you off
i don't really have an interest in your clan

LOREN was put on war status and was told NOT to be touched whilst i killed this guy
but fine - if you want to make this a crusade against me, then i will detag
and create my own tag and have muchos fun attempting to kill ALL of your empires
that of course IF you want it like that.

Meanwhile, i am waiting for turns attempting to kill an untagged empire, for which im sure the hit limits will NOT let me kill him

blah blah blah

well - At least i would prefer there to be a nice heal function for using turns

oh and the guy i quoted - you're out of war slot

[Once again, read the rules, Dilf. There is no swearing/demi-swearing on this board. Consider yourself warned.]