Potential RedCon 06 activities

Started by Scarwake, November 05, 2003, 09:28:26 PM

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 This is for the general purpose of getting a generalized idea of what activities people would like to see at RedCon'06.  I know there is another topic about this, but its gone spammerific and I'd like to get things more serious and be able to gain more knowledge that way the staff members can have some generalized questions for asking a manager of whatever place we'd like to have RedCon '06 at for limitation purposes.

The following ideas have already been suggested and need not be repeated. These are the only ones I could find after looking around in the posts dealing with the convention for 2 and 1/2 hours so if I missed some just post it and that'll be fine;

Sports- NON-CON Related
Volleyball - 2 teams of a max. of 6 players on each team hit a ball over the net to try to gain points by causing the ball to hit the floor on the opposite side of the net.

Basketball - 2 teams with two baskets, in which the ball may be thrown into scoring points, points range in value from position scored at on the court.

Whack-A-Rat - Baseball with a Redwallian name.  2 teams, one on the field playing the "defensive" trying to get players of the opposing team out by catching balls or tagging the players with the ball that they hit with a wooden,steel,aluminum bat.

RedwallBall - Soccer, with a Redwallian name.  Soccer, is a two team game.  Each team has a goal in which they have a goalie who guards it by "preventing" the ball from entering.

Dirty Dibbuns - Redwallian named Dodgeball.  Consists of 2 teams of any number of players.  The teams throw dodgeballs at the other team, if hit by the ball without catching it then you are out, until a ball is caught on your side.

CON Related
Dance Contest - To be defined more clearly later on...

Convention Dance - Non-competitive dancing, just for fun dancing.  All appropriate music is elidgible for playing.

RWL LAN Game - Real live face-to-face RWL gaming

Muesum/city tours/shopping - self-explanatory

Cooking/Redwallian foods - possible redwall cooking contest, or prepared Redwallian foods, more details later.

Weaponry Activities - possible fencing contest, and weapon demonstracions.

Redwall Merchandise Booths - larger clubs may have a booth where they may sell merchandise, hold small activities, etc.

Re-enacting & Live Rpgs - Recreating scenes from the books and enacting live roleplaying.

Poetry Contest - participants will write a form of poetry & then appointed judges(me & some others) will decide upon the winner.  Winner will receive ummm.....MORE details later....

Poetry Readings- simplely people reading their poetry if they wish.

Singing Contest- participants will sing a ditty of a certain musical genre.  They will be judged upon clarity, tune, energy, knowing the words, etc.  Winner can throw a pie at the runner-up! *(J/k, More details later)*
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 Basketball for me.  We could make this thing a lengthened deal with a sport one day, then museums and such on another.  Or somethin'.
While a flaming head may look good, it rarely has practical qualities.

Rob Zombie for president.
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 I'd just like to remind you all that this is a Convention, and a Redwall Convention at that. The majority of the activities will be Redwall-based. I'm not ruling out sports events, but I'd prefer to see things with a Redwall edge. For example Fencing will be one of the events (hopefully).
There will be other weapon-based events, and lots of demostrations by trained experts in other fighting arts. Aswell as a possible event based on re-enacting scenes from the books, and live-RPGs. Something that would probably go down well would be a Cooking Contest (Redwall receipes), but it may be hard to get permission to use the facilities. We'll see.

If you can somehow Redwall-ize those sports, there will be a place for them.

And, yes LAN games are something I'd like there too.

I'll comment on the Dance Contest at a later date.
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While a flaming head may look good, it rarely has practical qualities.

Rob Zombie for president.
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The Lady Shael

 *nods with Ran* That's what I was going to mention. It's not exactly a Redwall convention without Redwall activities.

The cooking contest is a possible idea, just not sure if it will be completely possible. If not, we can just have Redwall-type foods already there and made.

This is another weird idea, just offering it anyways. Is it possible to have a booth there for Redwall merchandise? If people are coming from all over the nation and even the world for a Redwall convention, I don't doubt they'll be eager to buy something.

Fencing and other sword-related activities should be rather neat. I think there should at least be a demonstration, and maybe even some explanations. As in a small lesson that is.

LAN games has got to be a definite yes. You can't tell me I'm traveling 800 miles for this, and I can't play RWL face-to-face.

I can't comment too much on the sports. I'm not a sports person. I know zip about sports. I just learned that the Marlins were from Florida two weeks ago....I live in Florida. That's how ignorant of sports I am.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Actually, I'm glad you brought that up, Shael. Yes, there will hopefully a lot of booths selling merchandise. I was hoping that all the major Redwall sites and associated companies could have a booth there, and they would be free to do whatever they wanted with their space. For instance, Terrouge could create Official Terrouge T-Shirts or bookmarks or whatever, or even sell printed copies of their previous E-zines. Redwall.org could sell all the Official Redwall merchandise. There would also be RedCon '06 merchandise available (we'll work that out later). And of course you would be able to buy all the Redwall books.
I have lots of ideas insofar as Booths are concerned.

Demonstrations: Indeed, there will be many demos, all organised by a timetable, so that each one can take center stage. The best bet would be to get clubs (say for Fencing, or other sword demos), who want to spread the word about themselves,  to demo their interest. That way we wouldn't have to pay them that much because we'd be doing them a favour. Another option would be to get fellow ROC members or friends to demo whatever. I for one would like to take a crack at some of the weapon demos.

More on all this later.

Keep the ideas coming.
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 Wow, this is gonna be bigger than I thought...
While a flaming head may look good, it rarely has practical qualities.

Rob Zombie for president.
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 A cooking thing or Redwallian foods would be great....

Though, unfortunately I dunno about the weapons in some cases...Some places may not allow them, because depending on location could frighten some people, considering the terrorist attacks and such, but other than that we might look to a museum of sorts for the purpose of weaponry.

Okay, let's keep the ideas rolling in.

*whispers* Poetry Contest!!
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Kamikaze Badger

 On the dance contest(which was my idea... unless someone else thought up of it before me<_<), I have the (un-)Official rules on a different computer, and will post them there. And I will see if I can get a bunch of Celtic music, as that would fit Redwall a bit better ;). And also, would it be ok if some of the guys from Tranceaddict came over to help DJ?


 Kami, even though you are unofficially in charge (at least for the moment) of the music that's being played at the Con, I suggest you get more into the feel of Redwall. Yes, Celtic-style music would fit well, but that's only a start. You can't just throw a few celtic songs into the middle of your Trance-music playlist. That's not enough to make the staff happy. All the music will therefore have to be previewed by the staff before we give it the go-ahead.
The feeling I'm getting from you is that you wish to have a lot of Dance/Trance and other music of similar genres, but I have to say that I'm not sure it would go with any of the themes at the Con. I'll think about it.

Here's what you could do: Set different types of music (instrumental, celtic, classic, choir, drum & bass, and other types that have few or unnoticeable lyrics, etc.) to fit different themes. These different themes would be things like: Redwall Abbey music (instrumental and choir, for example), Vermin tribe music (different vermin would have different music, like heavy drum beats), Long Patrol music (marching band type music) and other types of music for other scenes and peoples of the Redwall-world). That would be what is most desired.

About the guys from Tranceaddict, I'd have to say no. The reason is because I think they'd be of a similar disposition as yourself: addicted to Trance. If you know any that are interested in a WIDE variety of music then I'll think about it. But if they are only interested in Dance/Trance music, then no.
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Kamikaze Badger

 It may be TranceAddict, but Trance isn't the only genres that all of us spin. Btw, I do have a sorta technoish mix for Redcon in the making, but if anyone knows of any songs that are like what Randaq said, I'll be more then happy to revise my mix for you all ;).


 Now, while we do want a major part of the music being like Randaq had said, I feel that we do need some other genres of music, otherwise its gonna be hard getting people to get out there, unless their like totally insane and start doing some made-up dance....

Because I know for one that a few people will only dance to slow songs, because they aren't comfortable with dancing to fast paced stuff.  Like me for example, I don't dance to face music, because I can't...Slow is what I dance to...
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Kamikaze Badger

 Ok, I'll see if I can find some slow dance songs for you. BUT NO BACKSTREET BOYS! If you recommend them, you will be hurt. Same goes for 'N Sync and Brittney Spears.


 Just to remind you, the Dance Contest hasn't been given the Green Light, yet. In fact, no event has been given any sort of light. I still don't know how a Dance Contest would fit into a Redwall Convention.
Could someone please tell me?
Walk With Pride, Protect Like The Night!
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"Ash nazg durbatul?k, ash nazg gimbatul
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Kamikaze Badger

 Ahem, Redwall dancing, perhaps?