RedMeet '04

Started by Randag, November 04, 2003, 08:27:22 PM

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 Okay, RedCon Staffers and VIPs (only), I need your input and help on the following matters:

First things first, I need someone to contact BJ and give us his consent for RedCon '06. Only then will it actually be official. And that's what we want. The first Official RedCon ('06), to coincide with it's 20th anniversary. I would like it if someone could (1) inform him of our plans, (2) ask him if he could make it and (3) possibly donate a huge sum of cash our way (though not so bluntly) to help with the costs (or get him to spread the word that we need a lot of money). I was hoping that Shael wouldd have been able to do this, but I'm thinking Dave didn't get back to her. So, if more than just Shael would like to persuade Dave (or even BJ himself), that would be fantastic, thank you.

Again, I stress my need for the e-mails of the VIPs that you, who are bringing any, to be forwarded to my address: ashwink3 (at) hotmail (dot) com. I want to be able to contact all of the intended Staffers and guests when I need to. This is not only for booking information, but also so that you'll all be informed firsthand as to what we have planned for the meeting next year.

The hotel will be picked by the Directors and all your rooms will be booked for you, but without having numbers we cannot book the rooms. The Dates have been mentioned to all the staff, so I'll not mention them again, until I have the full list of Staffers and VIPs, that way people who have not been asked or invited to come to the Meeting next year won't just turn up (with us not being able to arrange their accomodation and safety). I know its tough, but its what has been decided.
Those who cannot go without their parents, never fear, as we'll book their rooms too. The only rule is: they are not allowed to attend the actual meet (for their own sanity).
I also need to know those of you who are willing to share a room with another member of the staff or VIP list. That would be a great help as it would reduce the amount of money you'd have to pay for the room. I know that some of you would prefer to stay in room by yourself, that won't be a problem as long as you are willing to pay for the price of the room.

Here is a run-down of the costs involved for next Summer: Hotel room (around $100: give or take about $20); Food (we are not yet sure how we are working this out with the hotels, but bring money so that you can buy adequate lunches and dinners for yourselves); Activities (when we get ideas for activities, you might have to pay a little. We won't do anything that costs more than $10. So allow your budget to accomodate the expense of a number of activities. Hopefully most of them will be free); Travel (you'll have to be able to get to Chicago somehow, and we cannot book your flights or get your train tickets etc., but we will try to arrange a way to pick up those who are travelling alone and need to be picked from either the Airport or train Station); Finally, you may want to bring some extra money for your own expense, i.e. to buy misc. items for yourself or others. Since we are also there to have fun, we want you all to have fun, so bring as much as you can afford.
In short: Hotel room, Food, Activities, Travel and General expenses.

Plans for the Meeting (RedMeet '04). For those of you who are unsure of what we are going to be doing at the Meeting, here's the general format:
>We will be scouting out a number of Hotels on our shortlist to then finally decide the location of the actual event for '06.
>We will have a few discussions with the hotel manager as to what we'd be able to do (i.e. what kind of activities they could host). We plan to have a number of Redwall-related events at RedCon and also have a large number of attendees at the Con. All the safety precautions and technical support will be needed when we go to speak with the managers, so be prepared to have such information on hand for whatever activities you think we can pull off. I'll go into more specific details when we get much closer to the Meet.
>There will also be a number of meetings just between the Staffers (and possibly the VIPs) during that weekend. They will probably take place in the early morning  and late evening of each day. At those meetings we will solely be discussing RedCon '06 and nothing else (well, possibly a few exceptions).
>During the times when we are not talking about RedCon '06, we'll be having fun. A lot of fun. By the time of the Meeting we'll have a number of activities lined up for the weekend. Whether they are just us hanging out getting to know each other better, visiting landmarks or museums, or whatever else we can find to do in Chicago. We'll make sure everyone is having a good time (though the choice of activity will be voted democratically).

Shorey, if you are reading this, I'd like to know if you wouldn't mind taking leadership over the VIPs should the VIPs not wish to attend some of the meetings. Well, you and Retto. All you'd have to do is bring them to pre-arranged places (for activities and such), for an hour or two while the Staffers are busy. Of course you are welcome to decline should you wish to attend the meetings yourself (this is all assuming you are going). The reason why I ask is because you are the most capable of the VIPs and are respected by all. Just let me know.

That is all I wanted to mention for now, but if you have any questions regarding RedMeet, just e-mail me. Also, post all suggestions for the activities at the RedMeet '04 in this thread.

In time, RedCon '06 will eventually take form. But until then, we must work hard.

Walk With Pride, Protect Like The Night!
Harness Your Potential, Regret Nothing!

"Ash nazg durbatul?k, ash nazg gimbatul
ash nazg thrakatul?k, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul"

RedCon-Forums--- AK_f00 ---RedCon-Website
Destined For Greatness, But Pacing Myself!
You Know Me! You Just Don't Know It Yet!

The Lady Shael

 *throws herself at his feet* I'm sorry! I've been meaning to contact BJ for a while, I've been caught up and busy doing other things...argh. I haven't been very active in RedCon lately...*hits herself* Bad Shael...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 I'm more than willing to share a room with someone.

And I don't snore... as far as I know.
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)


 I don't mind sharing a room.  In fact, I'd love to - cuts down on the expenses, you know. ^.~

So...must save up $300 or $400 by RedMeet '04.  Shouldn't be too hard...


 Shael, don't worry about it. As long as someone (anyone) contacts him withi the next month, I'll be happy. Actually, even if someone could find out what he thinks of it before the end of the year, I'll be content. The meeting isn't as hard to organise as I first thought it would be, but still there would be not point of the meetings if BJ doesn't allow us to use the Redwall name at the Con (or some other legal technicallity).

There may be up to 4 to a room, just warning you all in advance. Well, I'm glad I got some feedback from at least a few of you, maybe at the weekend the rest will follow suit.
Walk With Pride, Protect Like The Night!
Harness Your Potential, Regret Nothing!

"Ash nazg durbatul?k, ash nazg gimbatul
ash nazg thrakatul?k, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul"

RedCon-Forums--- AK_f00 ---RedCon-Website
Destined For Greatness, But Pacing Myself!
You Know Me! You Just Don't Know It Yet!


 *finally noticed this topic and decides to refresh Randag's memory on what he is planning on doing in terms of hotel rooms*

Well, as I've told you before, but whether or not you wrote this down or whatever I'll be willing to share a room.

OH and one more thing for VIPers and Staffers concerning sharing of rooms, there will be NO co-ed rooming.  Meaning no opposite gender room sharing!
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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 I have absolutely no problem following that rule, I would just like to query as to why you would ask to have it instated in the first place. (I mean, I really do get along much better with the opposite gender.)
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)


 Yeah, I know that some people may not be comfortable in sharing a room with someone of the opposite gender, but we are all adults (more or less) and we know the difference between right and wrong. I doubt anybody would try anything stupid.
Once I have a proper estimate on the numbers and people going, we'll work something out. But for now, people can choose who they want to room with (even if they are of the opposite gender). That is until more people would prefer otherwise (they probably will).

I was planning on rooming with Aden anyway. (If that's okay with Aden).
Walk With Pride, Protect Like The Night!
Harness Your Potential, Regret Nothing!

"Ash nazg durbatul?k, ash nazg gimbatul
ash nazg thrakatul?k, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul"

RedCon-Forums--- AK_f00 ---RedCon-Website
Destined For Greatness, But Pacing Myself!
You Know Me! You Just Don't Know It Yet!


 Doesn't matter. As for the opposite gender thing, I think that will depend on what the parents say. I don't expect any problems with any of us.
Woodren Swiftsword, former leader of the Mossflower Liberation Army
May 20, 1999 - May 20, 2001


Kamikaze Badger

 Ok, me and Inka were formerly on the list as "Willing to Help". Please tell me that does NOT mean that we are staff?


 There were just too many people that were "willing to help", that I just took the list off. No, it does not mean you are staff.
Woodren Swiftsword, former leader of the Mossflower Liberation Army
May 20, 1999 - May 20, 2001


Kamikaze Badger

 Ok, just wanted to make sure :D


 Yeah, I actually planned on rooming with Ad, if he's able to come....Otherwise I'll be more than willing to room with whomever else...

I stated such a rule just for the fact that most people do prefer no rooming with the opposite gender, yes...I get along with the opposite gender better too, but yeah....Randaq's replacement suggestion is better, let the people choose.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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 I think I am on the staff.  I get that e-mail from Randag, so I will assume I am.

Who are the VIPs suppost to be?  Famous people like Sean Rubin and Tsarmina and Starfire and Lots of Other People That I Don't Feel Like Naming?

Humm.  I am the first one to post on this topic in a few months.  But oh well.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 that's because we basically moved to the other topic...
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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