He comes, he goes...

Started by Vengerak, November 04, 2003, 10:33:01 AM

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 Well I played in the first era, I remember because the old website that I had to go to log in said this era is final, and the second has begun and there was a link to the newer login page. And I remember getting the (Note to all: I am a fool) kicked out of me by Josh.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Ashyra Nightwing

 Hm... I know Blackeyes played in the First Era... he was on the old forums, methinks...


Quote from: caedo caelestisSince when?
Since it happened.  I took the throne from Josh (Tarsonis IV), held it for around a day before he tried to take it back, we wrestled around for a while, & then I saw Bogfoot's second account creep into first & annihilated it within 10 minutes, taking something like 400,000 acres from him.

That put me back in first place, &, happy, I promptly razed upwards of 500,000 acres of unused land, which basically screwed everyone over because we couldn't farm one another any more.  Then came the reset.

My title, if I remember correctly, went from "the Deserving" (on account of my having been 4th-2nd for a veeery long time), courtesy of Aden Redstorm, to "the Liberator" (on account of it having been Tarsonis the Tyrant I had overthrown) courtesy of Stormclaw, to "the Bloody", when people started to realise that all I brought was anarchy & chaos.

Which I'm pretty pleased with, in all honesty.  It was about time, I had already engineered the destruction of two other monarchs.  It's true though that yes, I am best known for being a forum character & knowing Ragefur, Shael, Retto & company fairly well from our top tenner days in the First Age.  Hi, to all of you, by the way. Sorry to have left you hanging, Shael!

Out of curiosity, Volkov, who were you?  & I don't think that Blackeyes was a double-digiter. I'm sure he was younger than I, & I was, like, #237 (funny to think that at the time I was known for being a talented *cough* newbie, rather than a curious old relic) .

By the way, I'm hearing that the new system of attacking people is real tricky.  I made enough mistakes not being able to handle my economy when I first started playing, so I'd like to ask in advance now how the military side of things has been re-worked.  Also, are cities worth the resources, & how easy are they to lose?


 Well, like I said, I was number 60 or soemthing in the second era, that might be what I was thinking about, but I remember quite vivdily that I was in atleast the top 50 rank when the first one restarted.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Gen. Volkov

 Me?  I was The Hounds of Ulster.. I quit very soon after Shorestar quit.. I can't remember my exact number because I haven't played in so long.. but I believe it was in the 30's or 40's... and quit lying Blackeyes.. you may have been in first era.. but eveyone except you says you weren't a double digiter. If you can't remember me, then you came after my time..
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

caedo caelestis

Quote from: VengerakSince it happened.  I took the throne from Josh (Tarsonis IV), held it for around a day before he tried to take it back, we wrestled around for a while, & then I saw Bogfoot's second account creep into first & annihilated it within 10 minutes, taking something like 400,000 acres from him.

That put me back in first place, &, happy, I promptly razed upwards of 500,000 acres of unused land, which basically screwed everyone over because we couldn't farm one another any more.  Then came the reset.

My title, if I remember correctly, went from "the Deserving" (on account of my having been 4th-2nd for a veeery long time), courtesy of Aden Redstorm, to "the Liberator" (on account of it having been Tarsonis the Tyrant I had overthrown) courtesy of Stormclaw, to "the Bloody", when people started to realise that all I brought was anarchy & chaos.

Which I'm pretty pleased with, in all honesty.  It was about time, I had already engineered the destruction of two other monarchs.  It's true though that yes, I am best known for being a forum character & knowing Ragefur, Shael, Retto & company fairly well from our top tenner days in the First Age.  Hi, to all of you, by the way. Sorry to have left you hanging, Shael!

Out of curiosity, Volkov, who were you?  & I don't think that Blackeyes was a double-digiter. I'm sure he was younger than I, & I was, like, #237 (funny to think that at the time I was known for being a talented *cough* newbie, rather than a curious old relic) .

By the way, I'm hearing that the new system of attacking people is real tricky.  I made enough mistakes not being able to handle my economy when I first started playing, so I'd like to ask in advance now how the military side of things has been re-worked.  Also, are cities worth the resources, & how easy are they to lose?
Server never reset...then again I can't really rememeber. Maybe I'm thinking more of the point when people were playing both the old and new server.

The Beatles

Quote from: Gen. VolkovMe?  I was The Hounds of Ulster.. I quit very soon after Shorestar quit.. I can't remember my exact number because I haven't played in so long.. but I believe it was in the 30's or 40's... and quit lying Blackeyes.. you may have been in first era.. but eveyone except you says you weren't a double digiter. If you can't remember me, then you came after my time..
HA! Who was Shorestar?

[edit] And how do you know?


 I find it hi-freakin'-larious that some of you people who squabble about having been in the first era and having lower numbers than eachother with 1,000s of posts are still more a newbie than someone who has way less posts, hasn't been on the forums in forever, and maybe came after you.

It really doesn't matter how long you've been here, most of us will think of you as newbies forever. I still think of Peace Alliance as new, and he came in the very beginning of era two.

In fact, my first number is #456, and I don't think very many people think I'm a newbie...but what do I know?



Quote from: caedo caelestisServer never reset...then again I can't really rememeber. Maybe I'm thinking more of the point when people were playing both the old and new server.
*Shrug*  I can't claim to remember exactly myself.  The point at which the game moved off Xepher & the Second Age began is what I was referring to.

caedo caelestis

 Peace Alliance was on the first server. He broke josh, then I broke him.


 You're sure that that isn't the Second Age you're thinking of?  What was your account name during the First Age?

caedo caelestis


 Oh, hey Nick.  No, I first overthrew Josh at the end of the First Age.  I don't remember Peace Alliance being around then, but I suppose there's a slim chance that I could be mistaken.  Certainly he had nothing to do with Josh being sent down, though.

I get the feeling that you're thinking of the beginning of the Second Age.  Josh got in at the top then, too.  There was some stuff with multis & he got banned, if I remember correctly.  I'm not sure- wasn't around.

caedo caelestis

 Second age was kind of a blur. Big war with blades is all I rememeber.

It was the first age, at which point the era was considered over may be in question since it continued for at least 2 weeks after I think it ended.
I remember you attacking josh just for the heck of it, and we retaled. In the end I remmember Josh being in first again, then he sent aid to Mentaus? and she/he sat in first. Some time around there Peace attacked, who had a # in the high 900's and was in AMD (I think). He broke Josh with aid I sent him, so I kicked him out of the other clan and retaled.


 I was taught, aided and faught with the famous Germania #98 in the first age.  
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*