What would u do?

Started by RazorClaw, January 31, 2003, 07:25:03 PM

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 If you had:

172,000 Rats
450,000 Stoats
347,000 Weasels
987,000 Stoats
5,000 Markets
5,000 Tents
5,000 Camps
5,000 Barracks
5,000 Huts
5,000 Guard Towers
Est. Production: 1,560,800
Est. Consumption: 2,000,000
Net. +40,200
Est. Income: 5,000,000
Est. Expenses 4,000,000


That would depend on how many turns I had, as well as how much money, health, loyalty and food.  Would also depend on how frequently I was being attacked and on if I had any clan members/allies that might be able to watch my back while I built up my forces, rats especially.  Other factors to take into account would be: How much free land, networth and rank.
If I think of anything I forgot, I'll just edit it in.

To think I almost forgot this.  For those of you that aspire to rule: http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html

For the CAFI folks.

Quamicauzilot, leader of The Sockferrets, #10.


 172,000 Rats
450,000 Stoats
347,000 Weasels
987,000 Stoats

two Stoats...  is one supposed to be skiffs?
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 On agriculture your consumption is more than your production yet it says you make 40,000... typo, maybe? Dunno.

I would build troops up... attack a lot and get barracks, too.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Scrap Tents and Camps and build markets, then build up rats and stoats.


 I would say...your in trouble. Though you have a strength in skiffs, stoats and rats wise, you're dead. Stop being balanced- build an excess of markets, barracks, farms (or whatever they're called), and mage towers.

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

 Farms? Mage towers? What have you been smoking?


 Ya see, Banana-me-lad, there's other versions of this game. Yes, that's right.
Many other versions, with different names then we have here. Does that explain it?
I will not deleted this

The Beatles

 Hi Bogfoot, nice to see you.

 So there were copies of Redwall with different characters and things? Cool!