Some old stuff...

Started by bjornredtail, October 27, 2003, 07:50:55 PM

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 Throughout round 1 I kept a verity of stats... Includeing a message log. So far as I know, this is every message ever sent to me. Though it may not be accurate, as a result of the thing that deletes messages once the horde from where they were sent dies. I'm not sure if that was implemented back in round 1.
EDIT: Standby... the message got garbled.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!


At Sat, 19 Oct 2002 14:46:15 -0500, a messenger from Red Raiders (#17) brought this to you...
As the leader of the "Red Ravens" I accept.
The two clans shall be united in emnity towards
the "Delor Independent Forces" clan.
What are Your capabilities?

"The Mighty Overlord"
At Sun, 20 Oct 2002 07:36:34 -0500, a messenger from Sons of Delor (#3) brought this to you...
You will no doubt notice that your empire is somewhat smaller than it once was. This letter is to tell you why.

You have attacked a member of the Delor Independent Forces, Marshal Svoldira Klamath, leader of the Aurelia Corps.

This is not to be tolerated.

These attacks will continue until you send the sum of twenty-five million dollars to Marshal Klamath as aid for her repairs from your cowardly strikes.
At Sun, 20 Oct 2002 07:46:21 -0500, a messenger from Sons of Delor (#3) brought this to you...
Let it be known to all our forces that on this day, the 20th of October in the year of our Lord 2002, the acts of piracy performed by Dies Irae and Northlands Raiders, members of the Commander's Guild, against Truth in Reconciliation and the Aurelia Corps, members of the Delor Independent Forces, have reached a critical point.

So, with the authority vested in me by my troops and my allies, I thus declare war upon the Commander's Guild and all it's dominions; Crush them into the dust, and to dust with them!

So mote it be.


It is your responsibility to inform your troops of this, milord, and it is your task to raise, should you wish the war to cease, the sum of one hundred million dollars to be given to EACH of my lieutenants, Hyperion, Truth in Reconciliation, Aurelia Corps and Ratimics Tribe, in addition to the 25 million dollars reparation to Aurelia Corps.

Warlord Stormclaw
At Sun, 20 Oct 2002 13:59:34 -0500, a messenger from Red Raiders (#17) brought this to you...
We thank you very much for this much needed aid.
Is there anything you would like us to assist you with?

"The Mighty Overlord"
At Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:08:44 -0500, a messenger from Sons of Delor (#3) brought this to you...
To my esteemed adversary Bjon Redtail, greetings.

The war between our empires has been a costly one, for us as well as for you, I am sure. This pointless bickering serves nothing; shall we not have peace?

I ask you, then, to surrender.

There will be no terms- you are free to run your empire as you see fit, and you need send no tribute.

If you send notification of your surrender, I shall instruct my fellow Warlords to cease their attacks upon your domain.

You have until this Thursday.

Lord Stormclaw Delor, Master of the Sons of Delor and Commander of the Delor Independent Forces.
At Mon, 28 Oct 2002 07:56:54 -0600, a messenger from Red Raiders (#17) brought this to you...
To Commander Bjorn Redtail, Leader of the Commanders Guild.

Your clan is in great danger. In the following week you WILL be destroyed by "DI".
We were to late, in noticing the great peril of your clan.
Why did you not contact us about your predicament? We would have eagerly offered our services in your defence.
But now, We offer to you our deepest apologies and regrets. We are saddened by the fall of one of the Greatest clans that have ever existed.
No! We shall not let your fall in dishonour.
As your friend and ally we have formulated a plan; in which, you shall have to abandon "The Commanders Guild" and your hordes name. But not your honour and your life.
If you follow this plan you will be able to strike back, at the cowards who will mercilessly destroyed your Clan.
We propose that:
You let the "Red Ravens" Take over your lands.
You send as much aid and units as possible to the Red Ravens.
You demolish as many guard towers as you can
When we have completly taken over your lands,re-enter the game under a different name.
You will instantly join our clan with the following password: Red02
When you have joined us, we will constantly send as much money, troops and food as possible untill you are in the top ten again.
Then we will have our revenge on "DI".
If you follow this plan you will become more powerful than you have ever been. But, if you wish to nobly die by the hands of "DI", Then so be it.
We will not attempt to contact you again in the hopes of your compliance with our plan.
Your friend and ally,
At Tue, 29 Oct 2002 07:57:46 -0600, a messenger from Knights of the Burning Sword (#70) brought this to you...
To the master of the Northlands Raiders; Greetings from Lord Stormclaw.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. You were once an opponent with whom I would be proud to cross steel, Bjon Redtail.

So it is that I have come to you with an offer, from one man of honor to another. Would you care to join Delor Independent Forces?

If you wish to join, I am willing to forget our past struggle.

I shall wait, then, on your reply;
Lord Stormclaw, Master of the Sons of Delor and Commander of the Delor Independent Forces.
At Tue, 29 Oct 2002 22:22:44 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
I am wondering if you are interested in joining TBV. We are a growing clan with the most members as of oct 29th. We have one member in the top ten allready. DI has attacked our clan and RR also has. I don't know your diplomatic stance is between either of those but i do know we are going to bring DI down from the top. We could use your help. Return this message if you are interested. Thanks for your time.
~Ereptor The Great
~Leader of the Brotherhood of Vermin

At Fri, 1 Nov 2002 17:51:11 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
Hi i was wondering if CG and TBV could form some sort of alliance. We are close to being pushed out and down in the ranks. In order to secure our igsistance we must ally with someone or perish. I humbly await your decision.
Ereptor The Great
At Fri, 1 Nov 2002 18:33:31 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
I am in the process of deciding wether to ally with RR or DI. Both have offered. And both have members that have attacked us. If you are going to disband i emplore you to think of joining our clan. We have a strong heart and we will conquere. Think about my offer.
Ereptor The Great
At Sat, 2 Nov 2002 21:45:35 -0600, a messenger from Northlands Raiders. (#2) brought this to you...
does this work?
At Sun, 3 Nov 2002 19:25:40 -0600, a messenger from Stella Diabolica (#89) brought this to you...
Hi there! I'm sorry to desturb you, but I was wondering how (if) I could become part of your clan? I really need a good one, as everyone is attacking me!

At Mon, 4 Nov 2002 06:01:28 -0600, a messenger from Stella Diabolica (#89) brought this to you...
Thank you very much; I really appreciate thiz ^_^

^*^Felkar Moonight^*^
At Wed, 6 Nov 2002 15:49:53 -0600, a messenger from Hair Raisers (#121) brought this to you...
Northlands Raiders. (#2) has sent you 4,856 Skiffs carrying... $2,000,000
At Sat, 9 Nov 2002 17:52:43 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for the aid,
At Sat, 9 Nov 2002 21:14:55 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Marauders (#60) brought this to you...
Did Azeroth Alliance ask you to join his clan? What did you say?

At Sat, 9 Nov 2002 21:18:33 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Marauders (#60) brought this to you...
btw...thank you for the aid!

At Sat, 9 Nov 2002 21:33:46 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Marauders (#60) brought this to you...
I feel that DI is dangerous, but will only leave if you decide to...I need some assurance, but I am all for it...Ragefur's leadership frightens me, man...

~Kilkenne, Warlord of Kilk's Marauders
At Sat, 9 Nov 2002 21:40:07 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Marauders (#60) brought this to you...
Well, if you're in if I'm in, and I'm in if you're in...the I'm in...hahahaha, agreed?

~Kilkenne, Warlord of Kilk's Marauders
At Tue, 12 Nov 2002 20:05:37 -0600, a messenger from Peacemakers (Admin) (#67) brought this to you...
The Clan Messageboard Paswsword is: htoreza0
At Mon, 18 Nov 2002 16:36:06 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...

Just out of interest, is there some sort of conspiracy amongst...EVERYONE in the top twenty to try to exterminate my empire before I've even been playing the game for a week? From your attempts to spy on my army, I'm guessing that you will be the next to assault me.


Commander Raine Valthurak
At Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:09:33 -0600, a messenger from Ratimics Tribe (#4) brought this to you...
Regarding the attacks I made upon you this morning. As you may know, I am under constant attack by Stormclaw, who has a mercenary contract with Azeroth Alliance(Your leader) My attacks on you are to make up some of the land I lost in Stormclaw's attacks(He has taken over 160,000 acres from me, 20,000-40,000 per day)

At such time as the contract is cancelled I will stop attacking you. Plead with your leader for this, or you will suffer for his mistakes.

~A Message From Ragefur
At Wed, 20 Nov 2002 13:04:12 -0600, a messenger from Northern Hordes (#201) brought this to you...

Are you still doing that mercenary stuff?
At Wed, 20 Nov 2002 15:41:36 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...
Commander Redtail,

Yes, my networth has been halved by the incessant assaults of The Hordes of Talderhash (#22) & the Windhounds (#116).

Help would be greatly appreciated, but I have to pull my own weight, & it would not be fair to request favours of the rest of the clan, which is taxed itself I believe, your good self being the only member remaining in good standing.

I would love a little help, but I understand that the situation does not really allow.

Still, if you could spare a few rats & skiffs...

Yours in good faith,
Commander Rain Valthurak of the Sovreign Guard

...or Jack, if you prefer.

At Wed, 20 Nov 2002 19:17:25 -0600, a messenger from HordePain (#161) brought this to you...

I have a problem.I have attacked 34 times but none of them have worked can you help here are my troops.

Rats: 115,383
Weasels: 67,945
Stoats: 48,357
Skiffs: 24,485

Is that any good?
At Wed, 20 Nov 2002 21:23:41 -0600, a messenger from The Da'tsang (#317) brought this to you...
Sounds good. How do you know who's weaker than you? Just below you on the 'scores' list?
At Wed, 20 Nov 2002 21:24:03 -0600, a messenger from The Da'tsang (#317) brought this to you...
Uh... Whoops. Mis-send, sorry!
At Thu, 21 Nov 2002 08:59:34 -0600, a messenger from Northern Hordes (#201) brought this to you...

Sorry about that. I knew it, though I did not change the number to message to until it was too late. Sorry about that.

Sincerely, Austin
At Thu, 21 Nov 2002 14:25:58 -0600, a messenger from HordePain (#161) brought this to you...
Thanks for your advice.
At Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:12:37 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
Hey i see AA is falling. And you are not. Would you consider joining ROTBV? Hope you at least consider it my friend.

~Ereptor The Great
At Fri, 22 Nov 2002 11:51:55 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...
A reccomendation;

Attack Fireeyes, #198. At 20th, he is now eligible for the Independent Warlord Fund, & it is my recommendation that he is hammered back into the thirties before he can recieve it, & thus become a force to be reckoned with.
At Sun, 24 Nov 2002 16:32:43 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...
Commander Redtail,

Hey. Sorry I had to leave the Azeroth Alliance. But, y'know, even our newly appointed leader agreed that jumping ship was our best option.

Me, I ended up falling in with Colonel Kilkeene (Nice guy. IM him quite a bit.), head of Kilk's Maurafers.

Crazily, I've managed to find myself rising to 7th place in the ranks (Please don't ask me how. I don't know. & I actually would rather be a little less conspicuous. I don't FEEL like I'm top ten material.), & I'm the Primary Diplomat of the KM.

Now, I don't know why we're at war with AA. I certaintly don't intend to go attacking my former clanmates, whatever happens. So I'd instead like to invite you to join me in the KM. If you can get yourself into the Emperor's Own, then cool, feel free to accept. But in the meantime, well, the move certaintly can't hurt. From what I can see, Kilkeene is very much a rising star.

So, uh, you in?

Yours hopefully & in good faith,
Commander Raine Valthurak of the Sovreign Guard

Minister of Foreign Affairs for the KM.

(...or if you prefer, call me Jack.)
At Sun, 24 Nov 2002 16:42:19 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...
Yes I do. Are you accepting?
At Sun, 24 Nov 2002 18:46:00 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Marauders (#60) brought this to you...
You are welcome to join, by all means, so if you deside to do so, send me another message and I will get you the password.

~Kilkenne, Warlord of Kilk's Marauders
-Leader and Founder of KM
At Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:21:02 -0600, a messenger from Black Plague (#196) brought this to you...
hmm, I think that about it, unless you can think of other thing that a diplomat do. One is getting more ppl to join this clan, and two is tell want is happening with clan with other clans news that might cause worry and three tell me what you think of the start of the new clan page.
At Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:22:13 -0600, a messenger from Black Plague (#196) brought this to you...
Sorry for sending a message to you, I didn't mean to do so, I forgot to put the number in.
At Mon, 25 Nov 2002 06:26:26 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Marauders (#60) brought this to you...
The password for our clan is dasboot. We are glad to have you!

~Kilkenne, Warlord of Kilk's Marauders
-Leader and Founder of KM
At Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:08:27 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...
Eh. I might not be on for a while. If you are accepting, the clan password is ''towar''.
At Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:34:52 -0600, a messenger from Northlands Raiders. (#2) brought this to you...
At Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:35:40 -0600, a messenger from Northlands Raiders. (#2) brought this to you...
This is pointless
At Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:35:56 -0600, a messenger from Northlands Raiders. (#2) brought this to you...
Or is it....
At Fri, 29 Nov 2002 15:43:21 -0600, a messenger from Baltamore (#428) brought this to you...
At Fri, 29 Nov 2002 20:39:01 -0600, a messenger from Saranna Vahsian Horde (#417) brought this to you...
Sorry! I didn't mean to attack you, I was going to attack #342....sorry. Not that I could dent your forces. Sorry.
At Sat, 30 Nov 2002 07:40:08 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Marauders (#60) brought this to you...

Fair enough. You are to move to the rank of Praetor, in command of homeland core operations. I hope that you do well in your new position.

At Sat, 30 Nov 2002 17:19:40 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Angels (#233) brought this to you...
Do you see this. This guy is not my ally and you better take him off of ally list cuz i want to attack this clan.


5.3 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 591 acres of land and destroyed:
11,198 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
30,257 Stoats
15.3 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 552 acres of land and destroyed:
9,225 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
25,123 Stoats
15.3 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 333 acres of land and destroyed:
8,068 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
20,245 Stoats
15.3 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
2,116 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
28,399 Stoats
4.1 hours ago The Sovreign Guard (#237) attacked you! Your enemy captured 399 acres of land and destroyed:
6,332 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
14,725 Stoats
0.7 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 916 acres of land and destroyed:
8,203 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
2,957 Stoats
0.7 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 550 acres of land and destroyed:
15,066 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
26,789 Stoats
0.7 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 669 acres of land and destroyed:
12,780 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
12,427 Stoats
0.7 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 478 acres of land and destroyed:
4,702 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
29,104 Stoats
At Sat, 30 Nov 2002 17:23:21 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Angels (#233) brought this to you...
Do you see this. This guy is not my ally and you better take him off of ally list cuz i want to attack this clan.


5.3 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 591 acres of land and destroyed:
11,198 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
30,257 Stoats
15.3 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 552 acres of land and destroyed:
9,225 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
25,123 Stoats
15.3 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 333 acres of land and destroyed:
8,068 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
20,245 Stoats
15.3 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
2,116 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
28,399 Stoats
4.1 hours ago The Sovreign Guard (#237) attacked you! Your enemy captured 399 acres of land and destroyed:
6,332 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
14,725 Stoats
0.7 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 916 acres of land and destroyed:
8,203 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
2,957 Stoats
0.7 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 550 acres of land and destroyed:
15,066 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
26,789 Stoats
0.7 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 669 acres of land and destroyed:
12,780 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
12,427 Stoats
0.7 hours ago The Blite (#118) attacked you! Your enemy captured 478 acres of land and destroyed:
4,702 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
29,104 Stoats
At Sat, 30 Nov 2002 23:11:31 -0600, a messenger from Saranna Vahsian Horde (#417) brought this to you...
Since both our clans ((United Alliace/KM)) are allied, I am sending this envoy of sorts: Our clan is at a sort of 'mini-war' with the clan ROCK. I have been attacked multiple times by the ROCK member Red Raiders, rank 74, number 17. I am sending this envoy to you in a hope for help to fend off my attacker.

~((**hates to sound formal**))Rokkar
At Mon, 2 Dec 2002 17:22:09 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* can u get km to allie with JKWC?
At Mon, 2 Dec 2002 19:18:56 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Marauders (#60) brought this to you...
Come to the chat if you can. Link is on the login page. I need to talk to you.

At Tue, 3 Dec 2002 18:26:07 -0600, a messenger from Murderous Raiders (#462) brought this to you...
iam the newest member of the clan send me a message
At Tue, 3 Dec 2002 18:26:11 -0600, a messenger from Murderous Raiders (#462) brought this to you...
iam the newest member of the clan send me a message
At Tue, 3 Dec 2002 18:40:25 -0600, a messenger from Murderous Raiders (#462) brought this to you...
want to join a clan talk to #462
At Tue, 3 Dec 2002 18:56:36 -0600, a messenger from Skull Riders (#164) brought this to you...
Well, ya see, our clan is hopefully gonna join Black Sea's. Maybe us three can combine? I'd be honored to joinw ith such a high-ranked person!
At Wed, 4 Dec 2002 16:32:59 -0600, a messenger from Murderous Raiders (#462) brought this to you...
sorry, i clicked on your name by accident
At Wed, 4 Dec 2002 20:03:16 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* if this is u reply {Ian}
At Thu, 5 Dec 2002 15:22:44 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* what happened in R.O.T.C. today i was sick?
At Thu, 5 Dec 2002 16:28:12 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* sorry for attacking u with 1 rat and killing 1 rat 1 stoat and 1 skiff

sorry about color gaurd i forgot it was mittwok
At Thu, 5 Dec 2002 16:28:28 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* sorry for attacking u with 1 rat and killed 1 rat 1 stoat and 1 skiff

sorry about color gaurd i forgot it was mittwok
At Thu, 5 Dec 2002 19:46:15 -0600, a messenger from Skull Riders (#164) brought this to you...
No it was not
At Thu, 5 Dec 2002 21:57:25 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
dang i just stole 77,138,949 from a person

aka lucifer
aka diablo
aka the ultimate evil
aka Ian
At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 17:57:08 -0600, a messenger from Gray Legion (#277) brought this to you...
*a different messenger returns, grinning maliciously as he reads aloud the next scroll* Your offer of a temporary cease-fire is agreed to. However, in the case that this messenger returns harmed in anyway, we will smash your army into a bloody pulp.

Signed, Lord-General Graydge Redtears of the Gray Legion
Long live King Ahriman the Gray!
United Alliance forever! _|/|_
At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 17:58:01 -0600, a messenger from Gray Legion (#277) brought this to you...
In case you received a message from this horde regarding an injured messenger, please disregard, for it was mis-sent.
At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 18:31:20 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
can u attack 277 hes being a problem
At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 19:24:05 -0600, a messenger from Murderous Raiders (#462) brought this to you...
well , I kinda attacked him my troops got scared and ran.He is the devil
At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 19:26:38 -0600, a messenger from Murderous Raiders (#462) brought this to you...
i rank 152 !YEY!!!!!!!!!!!!
At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 20:01:21 -0600, a messenger from The Knight of Ni (#488) brought this to you...
i'm pretty weak anyway so why do you want me so bad
At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 20:02:47 -0600, a messenger from The Knight of Ni (#488) brought this to you...
sorry wrong person and please don't kill me
At Fri, 6 Dec 2002 21:29:58 -0600, a messenger from Senral karta (#519) brought this to you...
want to be ailles send response
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 13:37:47 -0600, a messenger from Shinryaku (#202) brought this to you...

I am working for the Everknow clan now. Bloodclaw, the leader, mentioned that we had an alliance. Is this an official alliance? If not, would you consider making it one?

~ Shinryaku
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 15:18:46 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* its ian can u send my warlord a little aid?

and message me to tell me about school
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 17:12:41 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
*my IRL name* the pass to evtf is:
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 17:19:02 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* what happened to km?
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 20:08:36 -0600, a messenger from Mossflower Liberation Army (#280) brought this to you...
Would you like to join the United Alliance?
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 20:22:40 -0600, a messenger from Shinryaku (#202) brought this to you...
Ah, sorry...I thought I put in the number, but I must have forgotten to do so. The drop down menu must have assumed the default.
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 20:26:58 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
no i didn't ill just delete 394
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 20:31:05 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
*my IRL name* can u distroy 394 if forgot the name i put in to make it

At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 20:42:43 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* do u have a clan u want to join?
At Sat, 7 Dec 2002 21:02:58 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
*my IRL name* can u send me a few guys in aid i will pay u 20000000 for some guys

Ice Daemon
At Sun, 8 Dec 2002 07:04:25 -0600, a messenger from Angles of Fire (#258) brought this to you...
would you like to join my clan?
At Sun, 8 Dec 2002 13:39:11 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...

I am from a clan. I see you are still protected, but that won't last forever, so now is the best time to join my clan! We are already quite strong, and now we just need you to make it that much stronger. if i get the people that i want to, to join, we will be unstoppable!! if you would like to join my clan, write back asking for the password. So please think this over.

General of the Army Brian
At Sun, 8 Dec 2002 19:02:25 -0600, a messenger from HordePain (#161) brought this to you...

Would you like to join my clan? I'd understand if you don't but I'd appoint you leader as soon as you joined. Thats a promise.
At Mon, 9 Dec 2002 14:46:14 -0600, a messenger from Angles of Fire (#258) brought this to you...
all positions open in the clan
i would not be disapointed if you did not join
At Mon, 9 Dec 2002 15:53:29 -0600, a messenger from el^kish (#505) brought this to you...
vermin lord (#468warrioes of marden snake asssinsns legions of weasles.
At Mon, 9 Dec 2002 18:46:46 -0600, a messenger from el^kish (#505) brought this to you...
Julie whats a message credit cause I only have 3 left
At Mon, 9 Dec 2002 18:48:32 -0600, a messenger from el^kish (#505) brought this to you...
you typ fast now. now I have omly 1 messige credit remaining
At Mon, 9 Dec 2002 20:31:59 -0600, a messenger from Black Plague (#196) brought this to you...
I like to take this time to ask, do you wish to join the Clan of Winter. Be a protecter of the high ranks members. This clan will never disband.

May the power of winter always protect you
At Tue, 10 Dec 2002 17:06:09 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
I think that if I send a message without a recipient, nevadacow gets it. Now testing that theory.
At Tue, 10 Dec 2002 17:44:11 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
can u attack 536

ps:i need u to join jkwc its realy important for my position i.e. diplomat
At Tue, 10 Dec 2002 17:58:17 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...

if the password i gave u doesnt work ask 189 for the new one

lucifer's daemons
At Tue, 10 Dec 2002 20:02:13 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
join jkwc plz
At Tue, 10 Dec 2002 20:02:35 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
At Wed, 11 Dec 2002 13:23:28 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
I'm considering joining Winter. Please give me a reason or a password.

The Beatles
At Wed, 11 Dec 2002 14:58:29 -0600, a messenger from ???'s Corsairs (#189) brought this to you...

The password is ari. I'd like to warn you. Plz, DONT BS ME. I will get many clans 2 attack u. I'm just up tight cuz one of my top ppl left and tried 2 annialate me.
At Wed, 11 Dec 2002 22:17:28 -0600, a messenger from Holt Lutra (#490) brought this to you...
Um, sory for teh atacks, ples dont atak me!!!!
At Thu, 12 Dec 2002 20:58:07 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* look at my position
At Thu, 12 Dec 2002 21:01:54 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...

*my IRL name* its so cool im the only Flitcheye so i have a protection from any attacks while i play the game
At Fri, 13 Dec 2002 12:15:42 -0600, a messenger from starfire (#101) brought this to you...
I can't leave my clan for 2.8 days. I will join as soon as I can but I just left to try the password and I typed it in wrong so I had to rejoin my other clan and so on.
At Fri, 13 Dec 2002 16:11:08 -0600, a messenger from Murderous Raiders (#462) brought this to you...
bookhead! :)
At Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:07:28 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...

if i am burrowed does that mean i can only be attacked by other burrowed people

{i.e. Ian}
At Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:22:33 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...

hey *my IRL name* can u attack 101 rank 15?
he has been messing with evtf.

{ie ian}
At Fri, 13 Dec 2002 18:28:52 -0600, a messenger from Dragons of death (#606) brought this to you...
Sign tom
At Fri, 13 Dec 2002 19:30:33 -0600, a messenger from kips cutt throat killers (#614) brought this to you...
if i get in the top ten will youcome to me
At Fri, 13 Dec 2002 21:26:55 -0600, a messenger from kips cutt throat killers (#614) brought this to you...
have you trried to get rid of the lowest guy in your clan
At Fri, 13 Dec 2002 23:06:35 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
man there is a wierd glitch when i try to send aid it says i have to open a time portal first
At Sat, 14 Dec 2002 09:02:20 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...
Well, I chose Pine Marten, but mostly for IC reasons. Good for finances. Also, though you get minus ten for attack & defence, I was a Fox before, & they get minus fifteen, so I really got plus five.

Another good one is the Monitor Lizard. Now there's a race that just ATTACKS.

Wolves & Wildcats are also pretty tasty, good military-wise but without too many debilitating drawbacks to compensate.

Either Wildcat or Marten is your best bet. Lizard if you fancy going on a killing spree, but remember that their defence isn't too good, which could be bad news if you ever ended up in the Northlands.

I'd go for marten, personally. A good all rounder with a strong economy. Some drawbacks militarily, but you're a fox at the moment, so changing would actually give you better military stats, so it isn't really a drawback. Other drawbacks are cancelled out by other things.
At Sat, 14 Dec 2002 11:27:57 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...
Commader Redtail,

Hey. I was just wondering how you were getting on now, after the collapse of the KM.

I'm doing okay myself, but I'm kind've locked in my current clan, as I don't relish the idea of becoming Ragefur's secondary land resource. I had been going to form a new clan at the time, a smaller, more ''elite'' one so as to avoid our engulfing most of the top ten & being left without anyone to attack again, consisting of yourself, Kilkenne, Ragefur & whomever heads up Germania (With my hopeful members willing, obviously.), but the forming of one or two new clans & the abscence of a few members made that impossible at the time & we all had to kind've scramble for some ''high ground''.

Just a ''social'' call this, really, I suppose...

Yours in good faith,
Commander Raine Valthurak of the Sovreign Guard
At Sat, 14 Dec 2002 19:24:29 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...

I am from our clan, and hear you have large amounts of money, and are giving it away. Can I please have some, as many people have been attacking me, and are taking loads of money and land. Thanks.
At Sat, 14 Dec 2002 20:47:10 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
can u send my like 10000000

At Sun, 15 Dec 2002 18:19:25 -0600, a messenger from swartt sixclaw (#507) brought this to you...
would you like to join the dark night clan
At Sun, 15 Dec 2002 18:34:10 -0600, a messenger from swartt sixclaw (#507) brought this to you...
would you like to join my clan it is the dark night clan
At Mon, 16 Dec 2002 15:17:16 -0600, a messenger from swartt sixclaw (#507) brought this to you...
o sorry i didnt mean to send that to u i forgot to put the number in
At Mon, 16 Dec 2002 15:59:01 -0600, a messenger from ???'s Corsairs (#189) brought this to you...

My recruiting policy is that anyone can join and you can get any1 2 join us. However, in order to get the password, u must ask me if ppl can join. About the forums....I dont do them at all. If u wana start one, u can can ask and b w/e u want 2 b.

-???'s Corsairs
At Mon, 16 Dec 2002 19:16:12 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
yo my friend i need cash bad i dont no wat happened but i have no money in bank plz send money
At Mon, 16 Dec 2002 19:33:45 -0600, a messenger from mi gonna kill (#673) brought this to you...
yo lets join clans
At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 12:38:43 -0600, a messenger from The Outsiders (#593) brought this to you...
I have recieved your gift, it is appreciated. It may take a month before I'm able to return anything, but you won't regret what you have done. My rank is going up, and soon I will be able to help you. Also, you can begin to tell me who is attacking you constantly. I will be able to destroy them, and threaten them to stop attacking you, or else I will attack them as many times as possible.
At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:48:19 -0600, a messenger from The Bladewakes (#637) brought this to you...
Thank you, Darkfang Clan...My horde shall do it's utmost best to complete the task at hand. With your help of course.
At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:49:05 -0600, a messenger from The Bladewakes (#637) brought this to you...
Empire 2 please disregard the last message...I sent it to the wrong members...
At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 18:32:53 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* how many redwall novels have u read?
At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 19:57:04 -0600, a messenger from us (#620) brought this to you...
oh yea
At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 20:01:20 -0600, a messenger from us (#620) brought this to you...
dont www it aint no website. just go to your malbox and send an e to me
At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 21:07:26 -0600, a messenger from The Outsiders (#593) brought this to you...

Your things have been received. My plan: I will loot, then build over 10,000 markets, to keep getting money. Next, I'll keep looting, then I'll buy gaurds and camps. I have the plan written down somewhere... anyway, I'll soon become very powerful. Any jerk who attacks you repeatedly, and you till me of them, will be notified by me to stop attacking you, and to send you troops, money, food, and loyalty. Then, I will repay you. Anytiem you are in trouble, I will help you. You are getting the better end of the deal, but I couldn't become powerful unelss you did what you did. I almost have 100,000,000 dollars, just from what you gave me, and my 7000 already built markets. I have 21 thousand food, and almost 700,000 loyalty- twice the amount as what I had when you gave me the stuff. I have already worked that hard, and accomplished twice the amount of thigns I need. It will take around 4 weeks before I can repay you (that way I'll have so much of everything, that it won't harm me very smuch to spare twice of what you gave me). You are very wise, and have gained my loyalty and trust, which is hard to get.

-Sodapop Curtis
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 05:50:55 -0600, a messenger from Star Fox : mercenary division (#493) brought this to you...
you .... I'll get you during lunch .

you shoulden't be attaking we are allies with Dragon lords...

- phill the fox
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 05:51:36 -0600, a messenger from Star Fox : mercenary division (#493) brought this to you...
sorry wrong person..just for get every thing I said..

-phill the fox.
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 06:25:53 -0600, a messenger from D'Nocturne (#667) brought this to you...
Heh. Alrgiht. Hurry up and make a clan so we can be mutually defended. But wait until this mess is resolved, heh.
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 17:32:28 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* can u make a sugestion of war with WSB?
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 18:45:18 -0600, a messenger from The Fangs of Conor. (#706) brought this to you...
Come to us we are looting the country!
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 19:27:08 -0600, a messenger from lord cadavar (#581) brought this to you...
hey, when you guys get a bit stronger, maybe we should form an alliance with the Dragon Lords and maybe EVTF so we can take EO out of power. what do you think? wouldn't it be fun if we could claim to be the downfall of the strongest alliance in the game? alright, i needd to leave now so peace.
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 19:40:09 -0600, a messenger from lord cadavar (#581) brought this to you...
even so, would it not be good to even attempt to rip some of their power for them. they are far too strong and need someone to stop them. besides, if we help the small warlords out, they can become much stronger allies forus to use.

At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 19:48:28 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
after the one week trial period you can get a rank.
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 19:58:31 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* did u get my message?
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 20:02:44 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
*my IRL name* talk to me
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 20:06:24 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 18:31:51 -0600, a messenger from Voldamort (#680) brought this to you...
_|/|_ as long as they get whacked!

At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 18:32:34 -0600, a messenger from Voldamort (#680) brought this to you...
and if you dont get that last message it means that M symbol in the front stands for a clan that should be destroyed!

At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 20:35:19 -0600, a messenger from Southland Raiders (#645) brought this to you...
can u send me a username?
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 20:35:38 -0600, a messenger from The followers of Wickedclaw (#502) brought this to you...
oh, I think your on, but I was once again attacked by Storm Troopers of Diid
At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 21:35:20 -0600, a messenger from Eastland Raiders (#710) brought this to you...
Greetings, Raiders of the North. I am Commander Froman of the Raiders of the East. As I have warned, you shall suffer our wrath if you do not conclude to terms of a forfeiture of your Horde. I am expecting to receive confirmation. The time is yours. The Sons of Delor will be considered allies as of now. Your fate is on the line. Choose wisely.

Commander Froman
Eastland Raiders
At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 14:58:18 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...

I am from The Rebels of All Mossflower Clan, and I am inviting you to join this clan. It is very good, and you could go far. So think about it, and reply if you would like to join.
At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 15:04:28 -0600, a messenger from starfire (#101) brought this to you...
Um is this Ratimics takling? The one who attacked me more than 20 times in two days.
At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 16:42:14 -0600, a messenger from Horde of Marlfoxes (#612) brought this to you...
How do you share forces??!!
At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 16:42:59 -0600, a messenger from Horde of Marlfoxes (#612) brought this to you...
He attacked me over 7 times all in one day
At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 17:29:59 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* can u attack 484?
At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 20:02:08 -0600, a messenger from us (#620) brought this to you...
At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 22:35:44 -0600, a messenger from Snake Eye (#719) brought this to you...
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 14:10:35 -0600, a messenger from WAH (#564) brought this to you...
please help 596 is killing me send aid and attack him. he already took alot of my land!
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 14:43:01 -0600, a messenger from The Bladewakes (#637) brought this to you...
We currently are not in need of protection, but we wish to form an alliance with your clan, for if the need is necessary. We shall also help you in any warfare in which you need help in. I have added you to my clans ally lists, just to let you know...
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 15:11:19 -0600, a messenger from blackravens (#506) brought this to you...
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 18:08:55 -0600, a messenger from HyperActive AfroWackers (#336) brought this to you...
when you pay back the aid, send it to hyper
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 18:09:16 -0600, a messenger from HyperActive AfroWackers (#336) brought this to you...
whoops, sorry, wrong warlord
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 18:21:37 -0600, a messenger from ???'s Corsairs (#189) brought this to you...

can u tell me how 2 upgrade industry. Also, u told me 2 message u wen i wanted 2 sign up w/ da forum.
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 19:12:21 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* can i be an admin for your site?
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 19:14:31 -0600, a messenger from mi gonna kill (#673) brought this to you...
nevermind then
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 20:30:42 -0600, a messenger from Sclop's Gang (#732) brought this to you...
yo. i have no idea who u are.
but can u anwser my question.
how do u get out of protecion mode.
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 23:05:37 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* can u send me my username?
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 23:15:58 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
on your private forums
At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 23:21:30 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
*my IRL name* 515 Daemons is paying $50,000,000 for anyone that kills 377 can u post that in the MOTD and make it fancy plz
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 07:42:51 -0600, a messenger from ???'s Corsairs (#189) brought this to you...

I mean upgrade industry in the "Manage Army" Thingy. Plz tell how.
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 08:43:50 -0600, a messenger from Sclop's Gang (#732) brought this to you...
thank you very much.
just one more question,
is there any way to save your turns? because i just saw that the max was 250, and there was a thing called storge turns.
thanx again
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 10:24:58 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
my friend i call upon u again for money, i have lost everything by trying 2 eliminate the tratior and i have 0 count it 0 dollars plz send soon my men r leaving me
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 10:31:21 -0600, a messenger from Sclop's Gang (#732) brought this to you...
how do u join a clan?
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 11:40:15 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* look at the news for 377 after i put up a bounty
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 11:42:50 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* what is the pass to {rwl forum} AA?
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 12:35:29 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
thank u
ok i signed up, my name or whatever is Destroyer.
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 19:04:29 -0600, a messenger from Destroyer of Ferrets (#715) brought this to you...
Thank you.
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 19:54:52 -0600, a messenger from WAH (#564) brought this to you...
im being attacked by 591
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 20:04:34 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
hello friend we want 591 dead, set bountys attack him urslef w.e it takes just kill 591 and a promotions up ur way
At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 20:21:21 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
i need you to hurt 591
can u do this favor for me?
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 09:29:47 -0600, a messenger from zombie brothers (#359) brought this to you...
there has been several warlords that have aggreed to help me in my mission to remove EO from there place of power. if you would plz join forces with me and attack the EO or send aid to me it would be greatly appreciated.
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 12:44:59 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
*my IRL name* i sent you $25000000 can u send it to 679 Daughters of delor
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 12:45:02 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
hello my friend, my master wishes 4 all to attack 591 we want him dead, kill him and u will be payed set bountys urself if u must but THE JUSKAWONG WANTS 591 DEAD!

Death Squad, seer and advisor of Bob Wong of The JuskaWong
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 13:23:45 -0600, a messenger from Blood Wake (#477) brought this to you...
you said: on what clan?
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 17:18:59 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 17:33:11 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
this is from general

At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 17:28:16 -0600, a messenger from starfire (#101) brought this to you...

I will bring him down to you. Maybe not today though I spent 100 turns getting nothing but rats at 15000 rats a turn. I had 3 million rats and got through, he is currently 10 places ahead of me so he might just use stoats to crush me.

At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 17:31:54 -0600, a messenger from starfire (#101) brought this to you...
Tell them that they will need more than 2 million rats. I destroyed about 500 thousand of his so far but my money is -1,000,000 per turn and I have used up all my saveings attacking him.

At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 17:56:33 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
heh woops. guess not. my mistake. hey btw would you be interested in joining TBV? we could really use you. we are growing clan getting stronger by the day and we are a very loyal clan. that is why kirk is being destroyed. he betrayed us. we don't like to leave many stones unturned. i appologize for the mix up. but would consider joining us? think about it.
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 18:59:12 -0600, a messenger from Northern Hordes (#201) brought this to you...
Sure thing, Commander.
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 22:13:49 -0600, a messenger from Black Plague (#196) brought this to you...
hmm, most of this is unknown to me. Northland to be clear of most warlord or Mossflower for land and to be clear of some warlords
At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 23:54:03 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...
hey *my IRL name* can i pay you to attack 591?
At Tue, 24 Dec 2002 13:16:49 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
hello firned, i no u ask a lot of u but we have another person 2 kill, player 198 bounty or w.e for him we want him hurt/dead
At Wed, 25 Dec 2002 12:50:00 -0600, a messenger from Legion_of_Fever (#746) brought this to you...
At Sat, 28 Dec 2002 14:10:00 -0600, a messenger from fire demon (#799) brought this to you...
hi, shadow It's me trev.
At Sat, 28 Dec 2002 15:46:55 -0600, a messenger from Holt Lutra (#490) brought this to you...
kill 776
At Sat, 28 Dec 2002 18:51:48 -0600, a messenger from Holt Lutra (#490) brought this to you...
What do you mean? I never, /ever/ messaged you! I did send a message to myself, which didn't arrive, which was a memo. Maybe, due to the crazy message system, you got that instead of me. If you type in a message, and then type in the number, the boxdoes not unfocus, and defaults to you. Sorry, but please send me compensation.

At Sun, 29 Dec 2002 15:35:05 -0600, a messenger from The Count's Dragon Horde (#789) brought this to you...
The lottery place cheated. I had the lottery ticket winner and it said that nobody had it increasing it to 60,500,000+. Its not fair I tell you. NOT FAIR:(
At Sun, 29 Dec 2002 15:54:55 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
The new code (of the TBV clan) states that I must retaliate for every attack made upon me, exactly the same number of times. In your case, this means 2 attack(s), regardless of success of either side; which will be executed promptly. Please understand this.

~The Beatles,
Professional Horde
At Sun, 29 Dec 2002 23:20:20 -0600, a messenger from Red Moon Brigade (#749) brought this to you...
thank you. you are a valuable ally.
what is your name, most honorable warlord?
At Mon, 30 Dec 2002 12:54:24 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
Ummmm.....What clan DO you elong to, on the screen it says it just my computer?
At Mon, 30 Dec 2002 12:55:57 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
Ummmm.....What clan DO you elong to, on the screen it says it just my computer?
At Mon, 30 Dec 2002 15:35:31 -0600, a messenger from Blood Wake (#477) brought this to you...
At Mon, 30 Dec 2002 15:42:30 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
Sire Redtail,

I just am making a call to remind u(if u didnt no u no now) that starting new years and after the juskawong with other allies will attack EO. Send me a message if u have a problem with this
At Mon, 30 Dec 2002 18:20:12 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
Diid, a group of numbered single warlords, and Evtf also we have given thought to RIM already, RIM is going to be made to think that they will grow stronger in helping take down EO, and EO will attack RIM so both will be attacking each other, when RIM and us finaly win Rim will be hurt well we will have more people and RIM will be hurt because EO will probably attack them more than us so we will all be stronger than RIM and take them down
At Mon, 30 Dec 2002 18:25:51 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
At Tue, 31 Dec 2002 10:56:54 -0600, a messenger from Ashyra's Horde (#641) brought this to you...
It was Implaiers-623, and they've stopped now.
At Tue, 31 Dec 2002 10:57:04 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
LoL did I attack you first? I thought I didn't...I was trying to defend.Sry if i forgot
At Tue, 31 Dec 2002 13:37:48 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...
We are still allied. I don't know of this.
At Tue, 31 Dec 2002 14:12:24 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...
Hey. We are allied, I somehow didn't have you on my list. KM wants my clan dead. Attack all of them you can. Thanks.
At Tue, 31 Dec 2002 18:17:50 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...
He is fine, you can leave him alone. Tell EO you are allies to my clan and they might stop attacking, as I have a strong alliance to EO.
At Wed, 1 Jan 2003 01:50:05 -0600, a messenger from Implaiers (#623) brought this to you...
ye like to leave your old clan and join mine?
At Wed, 1 Jan 2003 11:43:52 -0600, a messenger from ImPeRiAl HoRdE (#296) brought this to you...
not really, keep getting big then some fuc* 10mil bigger than me rapes me
At Wed, 1 Jan 2003 15:31:10 -0600, a messenger from Shadow (#793) brought this to you...
Stop attacking me. Our clans are not at war, and I'm in a powerful clan, so you'll be sorry if you attack me again.
At Fri, 3 Jan 2003 14:37:28 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Just a note-
Please stop attacking Holt Lutra, #490. Or I will have to attack you hard. Y'see, he's my friend. So, please don't attack him. If you do continue, I will have to knock you out of the top 100.
Understand, I have nothing against you as a warlord.

~The Beatles
At Fri, 3 Jan 2003 17:20:37 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
something is wrong with the alliance, i dont know what happened, eo lived and only lost like 1 person yet rim is dead
At Sun, 5 Jan 2003 23:16:50 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
Just examples but im not mad i just want it to stop
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 21:26:06 -0600 HyperActive AfroWackers (#336)
Clan: EVTF Baylor Bears (#730)
Clan: ???????? Naval Assault
Defense Held


Sun, 5 Jan 2003 21:00:14 -0600 Paladarian Marauders (#45)
Clan: EVTF Daemons (#515)
Clan: ???????? Mission:
439 Acres


Sun, 5 Jan 2003 20:59:40 -0600 Paladarian Marauders (#45)
Clan: EVTF Daemons (#515)
Clan: ???????? Standard Attack
194 Acres


Sun, 5 Jan 2003 20:47:04 -0600 Paladarian Marauders (#45)
Clan: EVTF Daemons (#515)
Clan: ???????? Standard Attack
230 Acres


Sun, 5 Jan 2003 20:46:42 -0600 Paladarian Marauders (#45)
Clan: EVTF Daemons (#515)
Clan: ???????? Standard Attack
507 Acres


Sun, 5 Jan 2003 20:46:24 -0600 Paladarian Marauders (#45)
Clan: EVTF
Daemons (#515)
Clan: ???????? Standard Attack
639 Acres


Sun, 5 Jan 2003 20:38:20 -0600 HyperActive AfroWackers (#336)
Clan: EVTF
Beyond the truth (#776)
Clan: ???????? Frontal Assault
Defense Held

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sun, 5 Jan 2003 20:12:24 -0600 HyperActive AfroWackers (#336)
Clan: EVTF Lawgiver (#775)
Clan: ???????? Frontal Assault
525 Acres

At Mon, 6 Jan 2003 16:58:57 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
Hey man i used to be a diplomat of evtf so they are my ally
At Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:38:44 -0600, a messenger from ImPeRiAl HoRdE (#296) brought this to you...
i dont even know why i should try cuz nothing changed when i got in the clan, its not like i got help or anything
At Tue, 7 Jan 2003 19:13:59 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
I Would like to make a clan forum
Roy'al Assassins
I Dont know of anyone to be a moderator

If you need it my username is Ian
At Tue, 7 Jan 2003 19:25:26 -0600, a messenger from ImPeRiAl HoRdE (#296) brought this to you...
lower now, i wa sat 29, then 2 evtf guys attacked me and dropped me 5 million
At Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:13:19 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
cool so 7,174,061 is pretty good for me considerng ive been here 1 week?
At Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:48:21 -0600, a messenger from Night (#236) brought this to you...
My dear General,
According to my information, our clans are supposed to be ALLIES. Was I misinformed by my clan leader, or something?
**Uri Fairfield, Warlord of Night**
At Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:53:17 -0600, a messenger from Shadow Warriors (#311) brought this to you...
Greetings, horde leader. I have a proposition for you: do you wish to join our clan? We are the Shadow Hordes, a group of wicked and powerful vermin who will one day conquer all of the known world under the Shadow! Joining our clan offers you great military might and protection, as well as large reinforcements whenever you need them. For instance, if you were to be attacked now, you might lose 1,000 troops. As part of the Shadow Hordes clan, you might lose only 50 troops. Will you join? Our clan password is:

signed, Ryach Karin
weasel warlord and hater of light
hail to the darkness!
At Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:56:20 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
Hey im 6 ranks from being able to see you
At Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:57:12 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
You should make a tri clan forum JKWC EVTF and me
At Wed, 8 Jan 2003 18:19:45 -0600, a messenger from wolf bite (#885) brought this to you...
At Wed, 8 Jan 2003 18:51:56 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
The next time the score page resets will be able to see you
At Wed, 8 Jan 2003 23:57:36 -0600, a messenger from scale skinners (#822) brought this to you...
Tychius is my name on the forum
At Thu, 9 Jan 2003 07:40:23 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...
Thanks for the aid, I'll use it well.
At Thu, 9 Jan 2003 12:17:24 -0600, a messenger from Black Plague (#196) brought this to you...
I have attack him, I can't keep attacking him, as you know and althrough I have a good defence, my offance is not that good.
At Thu, 9 Jan 2003 14:44:37 -0600, a messenger from Snake Eye (#719) brought this to you...
I just releized that you sent me 20,000,000 dollars right after you attacked me so i was just wondering why and thanx for sending me some money but and also do you know anyone who might want to join my clan its called sick and twisted (thats becuase thats the name of the cartoons my friend makes and now i'm going to start making them)
At Thu, 9 Jan 2003 19:17:34 -0600, a messenger from Snake Eye (#719) brought this to you...
Ok thats what I thought, cause you probably have lots of money and can get lots from looting, and thats about the biggest reason why I attack to cause I only get about 5 or 6 acres from scouting so then I attack someone.
At Thu, 9 Jan 2003 21:34:07 -0600, a messenger from Rat (#864) brought this to you...
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 09:19:55 -0600, a messenger from The Count's Dragon Horde (#789) brought this to you...
I will be right back. I have to get my verbal alliance back up with 692.
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 10:18:42 -0600, a messenger from The Razorbacks (#945) brought this to you...
no im in a clan and i am in ur clan too cause im The Rough Raiders
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 12:40:27 -0600, a messenger from the bubble gum squad (#437) brought this to you...
can you not attack 477 and attack someone else?
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 12:50:33 -0600, a messenger from the bubble gum squad (#437) brought this to you...
and why did you attack me then send lots of money?
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 13:02:55 -0600, a messenger from wolf bite (#885) brought this to you...
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 13:27:28 -0600, a messenger from wolf bite (#885) brought this to you...
oop, then too, because I sent him mail.
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 13:44:42 -0600, a messenger from Blood Wake (#477) brought this to you...
as you can see you have hurt me alot could you pick on someone else for now?
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 14:44:24 -0600, a messenger from The Tokis (#948) brought this to you...
Ha ha I'm 280 and youre ranked 344
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 14:48:59 -0600, a messenger from The Tokis (#948) brought this to you...
sry wrong person
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 15:12:13 -0600, a messenger from Ripping Hammer (#918) brought this to you...
Ich nicht Umbrigen
At Sat, 11 Jan 2003 15:40:02 -0600, a messenger from Blood Wake (#477) brought this to you...
thanx, mate!
At Sun, 12 Jan 2003 17:02:39 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
Wow you really hae a vengeance 1 attack for 4 wow
At Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:27:40 -0600, a messenger from Peace Core (#971) brought this to you...
my appologies, presently i am engaged to another clan.
At Mon, 13 Jan 2003 21:31:52 -0600, a messenger from idiot (#350) brought this to you...
what is the pass for your clan i am interusted in joining your clan i have been refered by a member who is interusted in makeing this clan better
At Mon, 13 Jan 2003 21:34:04 -0600, a messenger from idiot (#350) brought this to you...
neever mind that message i sent you it was a mistake. please don't hurt me
At Mon, 13 Jan 2003 23:04:23 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
At Tue, 14 Jan 2003 18:23:12 -0600, a messenger from Snake Eye (#719) brought this to you...
how come you keep attacking me
did I do somehting to you?
At Tue, 14 Jan 2003 18:34:25 -0600, a messenger from Snake Eye (#719) brought this to you...
yeah thats what i thought because there has been many poeple attacking me
At Tue, 14 Jan 2003 18:41:58 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
northland raiders,

want to join UNION?

At Tue, 14 Jan 2003 22:28:08 -0600, a messenger from Daemons (#515) brought this to you...
LOL look at the new clan ff he/she is a total cheater
At Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:27:06 -0600, a messenger from BlackRockSpire (#608) brought this to you...
ok cool!
sounds great!
actually I raped his A$$ when I was in the othe rfew clans :)
well goodluck!
At Wed, 15 Jan 2003 13:21:49 -0600, a messenger from Shadow (#793) brought this to you...
I've made a clan. do you want to join?
At Wed, 15 Jan 2003 16:22:27 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
Orcirst send me 500,000 of every troop so I went from +200,000 to -3,800,000 + I have 0 unused land, not enough leaders to prepare raiders, and so I'm stuck.
At Thu, 16 Jan 2003 01:50:22 -0600, a messenger from Club Ace (#1017) brought this to you...
My Thanks, Queen the Spade:

I accept your invitation, with many thanks. May our alliance be a profitable one.<
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!


 At Fri, 17 Jan 2003 22:42:23 -0600, a messenger from Scythan Wildfighters (#830) brought this to you...
Sure! The name/tage is //one

Password: letmein
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 13:57:20 -0600, a messenger from Queen The Spade (#901) brought this to you...
Ahhhh... Okay. How are your lands doing?
I got pounded last night/this morning by someone who's #40 or so in the rankings.
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 14:01:06 -0600, a messenger from Queen The Spade (#901) brought this to you...
My apologies Northlands Raiders, if you happened to recieve a messege just recently that most likely would not have made very much sence. I fear I meant to respond to an ally but failed to follow the proceedures neccisary. (Didn't hit the "respond" button.) So please disregard the previous messege you might have recieved from me.

Queen the Spade
of the Shuffle Alliance
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 14:06:39 -0600, a messenger from Queen The Spade (#901) brought this to you...
Whow. :) Was everyone in your clan in favor of the decision, or did the previous leader just abdicate to you?
Amy joined our clan a few days ago. She's "Club Ace".
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 15:23:11 -0600, a messenger from starfire (#101) brought this to you...
Can I be seacond In command???
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 17:40:48 -0600, a messenger from Vandora (#836) brought this to you...
I will bring your proposal to my clan. Do you speak for your clan? We are always looking for powerful allies. I do have one hint for you. When I first attacked you (you may have changed it) but your health was at 32% That is really bad. Makes you an easy target. You would be wise not to attack so much and try and keep that higher.
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 17:43:30 -0600, a messenger from Vandora (#836) brought this to you...
I am sorry. That last message was ment for someone else. Please disregard it.
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 17:49:07 -0600, a messenger from wolf bite (#885) brought this to you...
because I have less then 50,000 of them. the guy is really weak, but must have a lot of leaders. I heve been using my constructs to rebuild huts.
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 17:50:11 -0600, a messenger from wolf bite (#885) brought this to you...
sorry, mesage sent to the wrong person.
At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 22:39:11 -0600, a messenger from ImPeRiAl HoRdE (#296) brought this to you...
i knocked u down? i wast 8 million and u were at 17 million when u attacked me u idiot
u were more than twice my size
At Sun, 19 Jan 2003 07:45:18 -0600, a messenger from Horde~Of~Greatness~ (#1052) brought this to you...
yeah ill join the Last Raiders
At Sun, 19 Jan 2003 19:05:21 -0600, a messenger from Lucifers minions (#1088) brought this to you...
At Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:15:03 -0600, a messenger from Shadow (#793) brought this to you...
Thanks for the money, but please don't attack me any more. I've lost 3000 land in the past 24 hours.
At Mon, 20 Jan 2003 14:31:46 -0600, a messenger from Scythan Wildfighters (#830) brought this to you...
M' so sorry!!!

*Beats head on desk*

Say, do you play a squirrel caller Phalantir at FOrt Ruddler?
At Wed, 22 Jan 2003 12:38:03 -0600, a messenger from Scythan Wildfighters (#830) brought this to you...
Yeah, that was a complete mistake. My apologies!
At Thu, 23 Jan 2003 19:09:55 -0600, a messenger from huk (#1116) brought this to you...
ur time is up!!!!!
At Fri, 24 Jan 2003 14:27:11 -0600, a messenger from Guardians of the Blade (#1083) brought this to you...
Oh! Okay, I'm understanding now, but here is my question how would we take your land???
At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 02:32:11 -0600, a messenger from The Pack (#839) brought this to you...
thanks for trimming down my forces a bit. and enjoy the and while you still have it


At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 15:31:40 -0600, a messenger from Black Plague (#196) brought this to you...
We can't kick any hordes and I would like to leave them in, makes the clan looks a little bigger.
At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 19:40:49 -0600, a messenger from The Black Rider (#1159) brought this to you...
You want to join my clan?
I'll Make you 2nd in command if you join first!
At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 19:41:29 -0600, a messenger from The Black Rider (#1159) brought this to you...
You want to join my clan?
I'll Make you 2nd in command if you join first!
At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 19:42:22 -0600, a messenger from The Black Rider (#1159) brought this to you...
You want to join my clan?
At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 19:42:36 -0600, a messenger from The Black Rider (#1159) brought this to you...
You want to join my clan?
At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 21:15:14 -0600, a messenger from wolf bite (#885) brought this to you...
why are you attacking me
At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 21:20:19 -0600, a messenger from wolf bite (#885) brought this to you...
I was at 15th 5 hours ago, your clansman made a first strike of 11 times (11,500 acres). That is not gamesmen like. are you telling me that I can no defend my self against am unfair attack? At least when yu hit me in the past it was 2 or 3 times.
At Mon, 27 Jan 2003 16:50:27 -0600, a messenger from Das Reich (#536) brought this to you...
then f up ereptor i just hit him like 18 times so if u killl him more then win win
At Mon, 27 Jan 2003 19:01:28 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
my old friend and clan member,

How does it go, FireTail was it? Bjorn FireTail? or was it redtail. i can't member. anyways. i notice that after i had the JuskaWong disband u did not joiin our new clan. thats kewl, i dont really care. but i waz wondering if u could get your new clan to ally the ?ilverJuska?

I hope all goes well for u Bjorn FireTail? it does good for me. may ur back stay away from Daggers(a new juska saying)

Silver Tongue, King of the Juska
At Tue, 28 Jan 2003 19:52:34 -0600, a messenger from The Rough Raiders (#547) brought this to you...
ok what is the password
At Tue, 28 Jan 2003 19:52:51 -0600, a messenger from The Rough Raiders (#547) brought this to you...
my bad it was the wrong person
At Tue, 28 Jan 2003 20:48:31 -0600, a messenger from omniblink (#356) brought this to you...
i will sent you 150 million dollars if you kill skull raiders (#164), and 75 million dollars if you just hurt him really bad!!!
At Tue, 28 Jan 2003 21:52:49 -0600, a messenger from Vandora (#836) brought this to you...
are you allied with these two clans now? Why would UNION disband?
At Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:27:42 -0600, a messenger from The Black Rider (#1159) brought this to you...
the pw is "pigg". I'll make you 2nd in command for join first!
At Wed, 29 Jan 2003 17:32:46 -0600, a messenger from Snake Eye (#719) brought this to you...
ok i'll change it now k
At Wed, 29 Jan 2003 19:08:58 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
Why did u attack me?
At Thu, 30 Jan 2003 13:35:42 -0600, a messenger from Silent Hordes (#819) brought this to you...
At Thu, 30 Jan 2003 15:41:18 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
I call it "farming"
At Thu, 30 Jan 2003 17:21:45 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
i like that idea, yes i have read triss
At Thu, 30 Jan 2003 21:35:34 -0600, a messenger from The Juska Brigade (#1219) brought this to you...
will you be my allie
At Thu, 30 Jan 2003 21:44:34 -0600, a messenger from The Juska Brigade (#1219) brought this to you...
22 standard attack
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 11:38:52 -0600, a messenger from parents of delor (#1227) brought this to you...
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 12:59:28 -0600, a messenger from Silent Hordes (#819) brought this to you...
just don't attack me anymore because I have very strong allies!!
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 14:00:44 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...
I am from Silver Juska and was wondering if you would like to be an ally with us. Thanks for your time

~Yellow Eyes
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 14:03:20 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...
Sorry about the last letter as it was an accident. I intented to sent it to someone else and forgot to put who to send it to, so, of course, it went to you. Once again, sorry about it.

~Yellow Eyes
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 14:49:01 -0600, a messenger from The Rough Raiders (#547) brought this to you...
would you want to be allies with our clan we are needing help and we are about to go to war with SilverJuska. we need your support please help us!
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 16:19:55 -0600, a messenger from The Death Squad (#292) brought this to you...
at war? wat, i never new this
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 17:15:05 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
oh dang. 2 ppl I atttacked come online at the exact same time
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 21:25:09 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
this is NOT what i need right now!!!!!! Wait 2 days, please. Then attack. I NEED EVERYTHING FOR TOMMORROW!!!
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 22:03:09 -0600, a messenger from Followers of Badrang the Tyrant (#1195) brought this to you...
Vandora, this is a former member of AMD (Spawn of Greeneye) I have created my own clan..Do you want to create an alliance?
At Fri, 31 Jan 2003 22:11:25 -0600, a messenger from Followers of Badrang the Tyrant (#1195) brought this to you...
My bad..I sent you message before..It was for AMD
At Sat, 1 Feb 2003 07:34:02 -0600, a messenger from Black Swarm (#1242) brought this to you...
which Is?
At Sat, 1 Feb 2003 19:35:25 -0600, a messenger from The Hexans (#811) brought this to you...
Your Leaders were defeated by Deathclaw's Empire (#653) and you lost 1629 acres of land! You lost 398 Leaders, but you managed to kill 5692 of your attacker's Leaders.
0Your Leaders were defeated by Deathclaw's Empire (#653) and you lost 2836 acres of land! You lost 793 Leaders, but you managed to kill 2731 of your attacker's Leaders.
Your Leaders were defeated by Deathclaw's Empire (#653) and you lost 1690 acres of land!


Who's exaggerating now?
At Sun, 2 Feb 2003 12:01:40 -0600, a messenger from Horde of Dark Shadows (#798) brought this to you...
The NY Invaders (#377)
WAH (#564)
Destroyer of Ferrets (#715)
MAstEr Of tHE RATS (#935)

They should do fine- some a little higher ranked, some low ranked to be able to hit the weakest ones without resulting in many desertings.
At Sun, 2 Feb 2003 12:02:55 -0600, a messenger from Horde of Dark Shadows (#798) brought this to you...
ahh! SORRY NORTHLANDS RAIDERS! I have messaged the wrong person I've have no doubt that you had no idea what I was talking about.
At Sun, 2 Feb 2003 23:21:25 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
I am starting what is called a forum clan. A time has come in Mossflower in order to preserve those warlord's whose numbers that are under 100 have become a rarity, almost and an endangered species. In order to preserve them i am creating ~WOD~ or Warriors of Old. I have begun to see numbers reaching almost to the 1000 range in the top 40. If we do not join together in a clan to protect ourselves we will be over run.

The criteria as of now is as follows. Your warlord number must be under #100. There are only a few that qualify, #2, #17, #22, #41, #45, #61, #98 (anyone i forgot?). In joining you may not attack another member of this clan more than 2 times in one day. Once you join you add your warlord #number and ~WOD~ to your signature on the forum. Other members will be accepted in the future based on experience in the game and other special cases. This clan is setup for these warlords to show other warlords that have lasted in this game so long the respect they deserve. Mossflower is always changing, but it is nice to see a familiar face in the crowd. So if you qualify or would like to know if you can qualify message me in game or in the forums. Or simply reply to this post. Only the Strong will Survive is our Moto.

At Mon, 3 Feb 2003 10:13:49 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
Hail the Warriors of Old

Northland Raiders,

Welcome to ~WOD~

Being the first of the warlords to reply and being that you hold the low warlord number i promote you to Second in Command of ~WOD~ if you accept the position. May ~WOD~ continue to defend each other.

This warlord should pay for his attacks on ~WOD~.....

Sun, 2 Feb 2003 17:19:48 -0600 Vandora (#836)
Clan: AMD The Horde of Talderhash (#22)
Clan: Falcon Frontal Assault
1328 Acres


Sun, 2 Feb 2003 17:19:43 -0600 Vandora (#836)
Clan: AMD The Horde of Talderhash (#22)
Clan: Falcon Frontal Assault
2154 Acres


Sun, 2 Feb 2003 17:18:19 -0600 Vandora (#836)
Clan: AMD Red Raiders (#17)
Clan: EGAD Frontal Assault
1337 Acres


Sun, 2 Feb 2003 17:18:15 -0600 Vandora (#836)
Clan: AMD Red Raiders (#17)
Clan: EGAD Frontal Assault
1854 Acres


Sun, 2 Feb 2003 17:18:07 -0600 Vandora (#836)
Clan: AMD Red Raiders (#17)
Clan: EGAD Frontal Assault
1709 Acres


Sun, 2 Feb 2003 17:15:36 -0600 Vandora (#836)
Clan: AMD Ereptor's Raiders (#61)
Clan: Frontal Assault
1084 Acres
At Mon, 3 Feb 2003 14:28:11 -0600, a messenger from Dragon's Teeth (#1260) brought this to you...
I'm holding off joining a clan at the moment, actually, until I get the hang of things. ^.^ Thank you for the 0ffer, though.
At Mon, 3 Feb 2003 15:00:16 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...
You probly remember me from the JKWC? Well i need a favor. Could you plese kill 547. I will pay well. maybe 100 mill or more. It will depend on how much i have at the time when u kill him. If u kill him within 3-4 days of 2day, i will make it 200 mill automaticly. Thanks!

Yelloweyes the Rebel,
Firstblade of the army of the NY Invaders
At Mon, 3 Feb 2003 16:38:49 -0600, a messenger from Guardians of the Blade (#1083) brought this to you...
no, i've not, but please go forth and try to make alliance with them
At Mon, 3 Feb 2003 16:39:33 -0600, a messenger from Guardians of the Blade (#1083) brought this to you...
Please ignore the message I sent to you, it was to go to another horde, thanks.
At Mon, 3 Feb 2003 19:27:10 -0600, a messenger from The Black Rider (#1159) brought this to you...
Nope it so happened to be Mark. By the way could you aid me?
And if you can send money.
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 08:02:03 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
Bjorn Redtail,
It has come to my attention that many in this clan would like a private forum. Our members now include; #17, #22, #41, #45, #61, #86 and #101. Best of luck to you.

Ereptor The Great
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 11:55:31 -0600, a messenger from Ainr-Gliath (#1285) brought this to you...
hey thanks...hold on im workin on it
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 15:05:13 -0600, a messenger from Ainr-Gliath (#1285) brought this to you...
hmmm...i live in snow. lemme try fine how bout u
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 20:20:37 -0600, a messenger from Woodland Slayers (#1305) brought this to you...
yo u made up your mind yet?
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 20:47:19 -0600, a messenger from Woodland Slayers (#1305) brought this to you...
yes i was wondering if u have mad ur mind up on joining me in a alliance i am new but have lots of vermin and money plus tons of food please add me as ally
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 20:52:21 -0600, a messenger from Woodland Slayers (#1305) brought this to you...
please help me by joining my army :(:(:(:(:(:(
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 21:02:01 -0600, a messenger from Woodland Slayers (#1305) brought this to you...
u gonna answer me or wot?
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 22:35:04 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
would you join TBV if i started it again ?
At Tue, 4 Feb 2003 23:38:57 -0600, a messenger from L'Mal Terre (#41) brought this to you...
my screen name on there is, as usual, calria
At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 08:33:18 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
yes that is me. confirmed.

At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 09:03:16 -0600, a messenger from Red Raiders (#17) brought this to you...
My screen name is: Overlord
At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 14:07:08 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I've taken Slynder_Talderhash as my login. I was also wondering if you could extend the max signature length by a bit. The signature that I use on the RWL forums is too long by 2 or 3 characters. Anyhow, much thanks for the forums!

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

-Forum Clan ~WOD~ Member
At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 14:27:48 -0600, a messenger from Paladarian Marauders (#45) brought this to you...
Well, my sn on the WOD board is get me in or whatever you have to do
At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:17:01 -0600, a messenger from Guardians of the Blade (#1083) brought this to you...
I will grant you access to join my clan if you wish to join us. Inorder to do this you need to go to the clan page which you can get to from selecting Clans on the left and down. Then you need to enter the Clan of Evil Blades clan tag which is: <==}=
And then you need to enter our password which is: space
Enter the password as shown as above (exactly), then you will be a member of the clan.
At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:53:03 -0600, a messenger from The Pack (#839) brought this to you...
Thats better, im only losing 40,000 a tun instead of 400,000, and my defences were largly uneffected so im not worried about much ;)

At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 18:42:11 -0600, a messenger from Order of the Foxes (#1234) brought this to you...
stop attacking me u ****ed up perv. this will be war soon between clans!
At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 19:25:00 -0600, a messenger from Peacemakers (Admin) (#67) brought this to you...
You would not. Everything would be reset.
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 10:42:36 -0600, a messenger from Dragon's Teeth (#1260) brought this to you...
!!! Whoa. THanks again for the gifts. O.o For a second I was terrified because my economy dropped and I couldn't figure out why it had done that. x.x *hugs* I really apprecaite it!
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 13:46:32 -0600, a messenger from Shadow (#793) brought this to you...
I just lost another 15,000 land. Perpetrators are on the retaliation list. Can you keep an eye on my news please?--I seem to be a target.
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 13:46:47 -0600, a messenger from Shadow (#793) brought this to you...
Sorry wrong number
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:55:46 -0600, a messenger from Wolf Fangs (#1214) brought this to you...
Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 530 acres of land and destroyed:
1,604 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
3,176 Stoats

1 days, 23.4 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 276 acres of land and destroyed:
699 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
2,560 Stoats

1 days, 23.4 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 420 acres of land and destroyed:
5,912 Rats
2,810 Weasels
2,084 Stoats
2,895 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
7,546 Rats
8,307 Weasels
6,111 Stoats
2,129 Skiffs

1 days, 23.4 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 354 acres of land and destroyed:
1,703 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
4,119 Skiffs

1 days, 23.4 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 361 acres of land and destroyed:
15,677 Rats
You managed to destroy:
2,096 Rats

1 days, 23.4 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 337 acres of land and destroyed:
6,955 Rats
5,958 Weasels
3,393 Stoats
1,987 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
33,392 Rats
11,068 Weasels
5,726 Stoats
2,415 Skiffs

1 days, 23.4 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 223 acres of land and destroyed:
54 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
976 Stoats

1 days, 23.3 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 307 acres of land and destroyed:
1,882 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
2,504 Stoats

1 days, 23.3 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 216 acres of land and destroyed:
1,863 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
891 Stoats

1 days, 23.3 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 232 acres of land and destroyed:
10,357 Rats
12,747 Weasels
3,126 Stoats
99 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
20,605 Rats
14,179 Weasels
1,006 Stoats
1,762 Skiffs

1 days, 23.3 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 256 acres of land and destroyed:
1,917 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
731 Stoats

1 days, 23.3 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 233 acres of land and destroyed:
10,025 Rats
You managed to destroy:
8,719 Rats

1 days, 23.3 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 167 acres of land and destroyed:
2,517 Rats
1,508 Weasels
2,403 Stoats
4,443 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
36,060 Rats
4,575 Weasels
1,216 Stoats
2,538 Skiffs

1 days, 23.3 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
383 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
1,916 Skiffs

Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 359 acres of land and destroyed:
253 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,199 Stoats

24 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 317 acres of land and destroyed:
1,564 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,588 Stoats

24 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 253 acres of land and destroyed:
1,095 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
889 Skiffs

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 308 acres of land and destroyed:
4 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,386 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 217 acres of land and destroyed:
2,359 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
880 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 384 acres of land and destroyed:
1,834 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,601 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 238 acres of land and destroyed:
13,745 Rats
You managed to destroy:
1,531 Rats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 274 acres of land and destroyed:
1,371 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
2,302 Skiffs

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 334 acres of land and destroyed:
1,083 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
483 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 186 acres of land and destroyed:
864 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,530 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 251 acres of land and destroyed:
247 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
380 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 260 acres of land and destroyed:
912 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,156 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 194 acres of land and destroyed:
2,543 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,404 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 219 acres of land and destroyed:
577 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
242 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 197 acres of land and destroyed:
2,005 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
864 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 145 acres of land and destroyed:
242 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,232 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 185 acres of land and destroyed:
1,327 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
271 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 208 acres of land and destroyed:
1,560 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
204 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 167 acres of land and destroyed:
502 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
50 Stoats

23.9 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 121 acres of land and destroyed:
1,409 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
258 Stoats

23.8 hours ago Legion of Nationalism (#1034) attacked you! Your enemy captured 247 acres of land and destroyed:
456 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
1,139 Stoats

At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:56:00 -0600, a messenger from Wolf Fangs (#1214) brought this to you...
srry wrong person
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 16:37:02 -0600, a messenger from Blood riders (#1264) brought this to you...
kyle plees blood wake atacked me hes ranked 12 and the casualitys were crazy hheeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllppp he,s attacking again take your clan and kill him or send me many a men
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 17:57:13 -0600, a messenger from Woodland Slayers (#1305) brought this to you...
so are u gonna attack them?
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 19:07:33 -0600, a messenger from Jasons Horde (#1326) brought this to you...
y did u do that *my IRL name*
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 19:43:25 -0600, a messenger from The Carcass Carvers (#1262) brought this to you...
Maybe, I do have about 500000 overall, hmmm... I guess I will.
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 20:02:01 -0600, a messenger from Woodland Slayers (#1305) brought this to you...
im gonna delete my name and get a new one soon ill send u a message on who i am ill tell u that i used to be the woodland slayers and all that stuff :):):):):):):):)
At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 21:42:46 -0600, a messenger from White Hunters (#1359) brought this to you...
how many turns do you have?
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!


 Wow, you'd think in all that I would have PMed you once. Where did you get that, anyway? I can actually see where, in the 2nd version of KM when I was in it along with that dumb kid Implaiers (spelled wrong) there was a bunch of "foof" going on. Still nothing with me PMing you. That stuff at the top is OLD!! You can see how eventually all the peope IMing you goes from low numbers, very sophistocated, to high numbers, very slangy and ooc.


 wow I was dumb. LoL. My last letter was true though.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 It's fun reading my KM era 1 stuffs...Proof that we dominated the game after we beat up AA. (the leader of which was Josh's brother, hehe)


 :) I enjoyed that.
some of my messages disappeared for some reason, but still have a couple. Think it may be due to old players deleting or something, not sure. But anyhow, take a look...

At Fri, 1 Nov 2002 11:20:00 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
I was wondering if you would be interested in joining TBV. We are still in the process of recruiting members. So if you are interested please send me a message this weekend. We will try to hold any attacks on you till then. Later,
Ereptor The Great

 At Fri, 1 Nov 2002 22:38:01 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
Interested in joining TBV? we are now recruiting.  

 At Sat, 2 Nov 2002 21:56:01 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
Can we call a truce?
This is niether good for me or you, judging by our losses
and you started it

 At Sat, 2 Nov 2002 22:14:26 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
Fine, truce is good,
no real offence taken,
I geuss you are supposed to get attacked,
although it is annoying

 At Sun, 3 Nov 2002 12:07:37 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
I am new to this game too,
but as far as I know you just stop attacking each other for a truce to go into affect, unless you are part of a clan, then it is more complicated, but I dont think you are, and I know Im not, not yet anyway,

 At Thu, 7 Nov 2002 15:10:06 -0600, a messenger from Paladarian Marauders (#45) brought this to you...
To various powerful, non-allied warlords:
Let me first explain why you are recieving this message. The fact is that we all know DI is nearly all powerful. We also know that the other tiny clans have no chance of defeating DI if they attack each other.

So I have a proposition. Let us all join in one clan together, we powerful non-allied warlords. Let us forgive past offenses that we have committed against each other, for they will get us nowhere. In this way, instead of fighting petty fights among ourselves like we have been doing, we may rise to the top, perhaps convincing already allied clan members to join us on the way up.

So what say you? Will you join me in this quest to overthrow the reigning regime? Respond to this message please. If enough people respond with good intent, then the clan shall form.

--Klashin, chief of the Paladarian Marauders--

 At Fri, 8 Nov 2002 21:58:04 -0600, a messenger from Peacemakers (Admin) (#67) brought this to you...
It's for the independent warlord fund, which you can read more about on the forums.

 At Sun, 10 Nov 2002 22:24:31 -0600, a messenger from Northlands Raiders. (#2) brought this to you...
Why are you the only person I have attacked accidently? Anyway I sent a cupple of million dollars in aid.

Bjorn Redtail,
Northland Raiders

 At Mon, 11 Nov 2002 16:11:17 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
As first diplomat of the Delor Independent Forces, I would ask that you activate the option of using your forces for ally defence. This greatly helps in defending other members of the clan when they are attacked. Only 10% of your forces will be used, and that many of every other member's troops are already committed to defending you and any other clan member under attack. Thank-you.

-By the Seal of the Warlord Stoat,
-Slynder Talderhash-

~Imperator to the Horde of Talderhash~
~First Diplomat of Delor Independent Forces~

 At Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:02:55 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
There's no problem. I was just asking that you do so, since it is a smart action for the entire clan to take.

 At Sat, 23 Nov 2002 20:13:03 -0600, a messenger from Mossflower Liberation Army (#280) brought this to you...
Requesting cease fire from Hair Raisers from Mossflower Liberation Army, even though I won't attack you anyways. Your call.

 At Sat, 23 Nov 2002 21:18:47 -0600, a messenger from Mossflower Liberation Army (#280) brought this to you...
Thanks for the agreement. We're getting pummeled by clan Rock and need a break from other high ranks from attacking us.

 At Sun, 24 Nov 2002 18:30:59 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
Hi, thanks for the offer, but I decline.
I wish you good luck though,

~Windhound, warlord of the Windhounds

 At Thu, 28 Nov 2002 05:57:01 -0600, a messenger from Stella Diabolica (#89) brought this to you...
*shrug* I think I'll join KM, if I'm allowed, that is.

^*^ Felkar Moonight ^*^

 At Fri, 29 Nov 2002 18:18:41 -0600, a messenger from Deustch Panzer Grenadier Corps (#275) brought this to you...
hey man, its cool if you attack me. but plz dont frigging try and wipe me out man, spread your attacks. this is just a friendly message. thanks

-Casey Anderson

 At Mon, 9 Dec 2002 16:03:53 -0600, a messenger from Peacemakers (Admin) (#67) brought this to you...
Sorry, there is no way to block messages. Try asking them to stop.

 At Wed, 11 Dec 2002 15:55:03 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...

I am from the Juskawong Clan, and I am inviting you to join one of the best clans out there, that u actually can get into. If you would like to join our clan, please contact 189, bobs Corsairs. He will give you the password to join.

Mj. Gen. BrIaN

 At Wed, 11 Dec 2002 19:18:39 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...
Ok. Your loss, not ours.

 At Thu, 12 Dec 2002 17:17:22 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Hi Holby, thanks a lot for the aid! I dunno why I got it, but thanks. BTW< do you wanna join by clan Beatles? If yes, pwd is: beatles03.

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 11:49:07 -0600, a messenger from starfire (#101) brought this to you...
You have been punished for attacking a TBV member: Ereptor's Raiders (#61). Do not go for revenge. It is my cause that is just. I will not and would not have attacked you but Ereptor was attacked any you needed punishing.

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 12:37:16 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Hello Holby,

I've done the contract on longsters.

188 the longsters (#309) 786 $1,050,886 __/\__ Stoat Southsward 98 (59%) 119 (25%) 0

He's under 800 land. Thus I'm expecting, what was it, 10 million food and 20 million dollars, right? So, yeah, I'm expecting that. Thanx.

The Beatles

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 17:24:08 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
heh, "ease off?" I never attacked, I was just curious of your strenth, I woundnt have attacked anyways, nor would I have given away your stats, somtimes I just get too curious...
Sorry about that...

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 17:26:54 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Hmmm, destroying takes more effort. Here's what I propose. 1000 stoats for every time I attack him (I'm being lenient, one attack takes me about the doouble of that), plus 15 million food and 20 million bucks.

The price is negotiable. Not all that much, but negotiable.

~The Beatles

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 18:50:31 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Right, then.
15 mil food, 15 mil money, and 1000 stoats until he's down to 100 acres. From then on, 100 an attack.

~The Beatles

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 19:09:52 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Okay. Tomorrow, I'll execute 15 attacks on longsters, #309. When he's under 100 acres, I'll start charging exactly 100 stoats per attack.


~The Beatles

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 19:10:54 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Yous ent more than I expected. Thank you. Tomorrow, to show my gratitude, I will execute 25 attacks on longsters, if my health permits it.

~The Beatles

 At Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:04:37 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Here are ten attacks on longsters.

Date/Time Attacker Defender Outcome
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:02:56 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
71 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:02:53 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
68 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:02:50 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
89 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:02:43 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
85 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:01:45 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
67 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:01:43 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
118 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:01:40 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
110 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:01:39 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
111 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:01:36 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
140 Acres


Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:01:32 -0600 The Beatles! (#458)
Clan: Beatles the longsters (#309)
Clan: __/\__ Frontal Assault
105 Acres

Tomorrow I am executing about 8-10 more. That will pay off the part of the contract you have sent. From then I will proceed as aid shipments reach me.

~The Beatles
PS Sorry for the long message.

 At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 00:16:22 -0600, a messenger from Grenaulk's Band of Scavengers (#591) brought this to you...
Hello my fellow clan member, Lets talk! Do you have AOL Instant Messenger? If not, a guess we can still talk over these messages...

 At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 00:19:36 -0600, a messenger from Grenaulk's Band of Scavengers (#591) brought this to you...
Oh well.... Hehe.. It's been a while hasn't it Holby? I remember when I recruited you into DI. Dang, it has been a while.

 At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 00:26:09 -0600, a messenger from Grenaulk's Band of Scavengers (#591) brought this to you...
Well, Yes... I'm trying to somewhat conceal my identity for now. Atleast to those I do not know or trust, or are not in my clan. So Holby--Are you my friend? Would you like to be my personal ally? We agree only to aid eachother. I find these kind of alliances much more affective than the actual clans, and I was wanting to know if you would accept my friendship.


 At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:02:22 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Hiya Holby!

Longsters is too low. I get the message that my generals politely refuse, etc., etc.
So, please tell me how I should pay you back. It's better for me to pay you back in troops and not food, money. SO, please tell me what you need, and I'll see about it. OK?

~The Beatles

 At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 07:05:12 -0600, a messenger from starfire (#101) brought this to you...
I only attack 3 times unless it is a retaliation anyway so you don't need to worry about me any more.


 At Fri, 20 Dec 2002 17:11:16 -0600, a messenger from Grenaulk's Band of Scavengers (#591) brought this to you...
I thank you for the aid you have sent me. In return I will send you aid too soon. What type do you need?

 At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 00:31:19 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
oh really? well you started attacking me. it's the least i could do. :) doubt it will work. doesn't mean i wouldn't like it to work. ehhh ehhh? do what you gota do and i do what i gota do to stay alive. i have a lot of enemies right now anyway, but if you want to continue in this war. i know we are exchanging blow for blow.

 At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 00:35:03 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
guess i am eating my words.....
well you have sure shown me....
i humbly bow to the better warlord holby...


 At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 09:03:52 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
i allready took my bounty off you.  

 At Mon, 30 Dec 2002 14:47:59 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...
Please, i need your help, i see that you are clanless, well you can join a great clan, the JKWC, juskawong clan. If you wish to join, please contact 189, bobs something or others. Please tell him that i told you to join. Thanks.  

 At Sun, 5 Jan 2003 17:31:18 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Knowing that you are a weathered and experience player in the game, I extend to you an invitation to serve the Falcon as a commanding general in the royal forces of Faltriaday. Whatever your decision, please return notification with this messenger. My thanks are given.

-Slynder Talderhash

 At Thu, 9 Jan 2003 21:20:30 -0600, a messenger from The followers of Wickedclaw (#502) brought this to you...
Hello Hair Raisers, I am Wickedclaw, assistant leader of the clan Knights of Invicticus(KOI). Due to your apparent skill for this game, you have been invited to join the great clan Knights of Invicticus (KOI) If you are interested, message me back. I urge you to consider this invitation. Right now it is not an extremely strong or large clan, but it holds two of the stronger members of the game, Menatus Blackhorde and I, and it will become a great clan with time and effort.

Thanks for you consideration,

 At Thu, 9 Jan 2003 21:21:38 -0600, a messenger from The followers of Wickedclaw (#502) brought this to you...
Hello Hair Raisers, I am Wickedclaw, assistant leader of the clan Knights of Invicticus(KOI). Due to your apparent skill for this game, you have been invited to join the great clan Knights of Invicticus (KOI) If you are interested, message me back. I urge you to consider this invitation. Right now it is not an extremely strong or large clan, but it holds two of the stronger members of the game, Menatus Blackhorde and I, and it will become a great clan with time and effort.

Thanks for you consideration,

 At Fri, 17 Jan 2003 20:30:20 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Excellent. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to respond, but I'm happy all the same. I'd be glad to have you join. You just have to agree to the following rules, pledge your loyalties to the Falcon, etc. If you find the rules perhaps a bit too strict, then I could make them slightly looser, but the basics hold.

1. Hordes listed as protected shall not be attacked under any circumstances. Should you be attacked by one among them, contact an official immediately and the situation will be regulated.

2. Unless the clan is at war with a warlord's clan or a specific warlord, attacks by clan members will be limited to 3 per day on any warlord, with a maximum of 4 every 2 days. Retaliatory attacks can be made up to twice as much as those originally suffered.

3. Failure to obey the rules may result in punishment as severe as immediate expulsion from the clan and execution by clan members in the most extreme cases.

4. Under healthy conditions, those loyal to the Falcon will not attack further than 15 ranks below them. In times of weakness, attacks are permitted up to 30 ranks below, never further. The only exceptions to this are clan wars or retaliatory attacks.

If you're alright with the preceding, then here's the password: falconfly
Looking forward to having you in the clan, Holby!

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

 At Fri, 17 Jan 2003 21:05:39 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Yes. It's a given that I didn't bother listing in the rules. You'll benefit much more than myself from that, anyhow. Oh yes, forgot the cool letter closing thing last time. Let the Falcon soar with thee in the grace of glory.

-Slynder Talderhash

 At Fri, 17 Jan 2003 21:10:10 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Gave you a bit of aid there, just cause I was feelin' nice, and you're the first member to join the Empire of Faltriadary aside from myself. I would have sent twice as much money, but I'm running a bit low at the moment compared to usual.

-Slynder Talderhash

 At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 00:38:18 -0600, a messenger from Numendor (#1002) brought this to you...
hey, just saying high

 At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 11:03:23 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I noticed the aid you sent me. Thanks for that. I also attacked starfire (#101) once for you, did a murder on them, and sent them a warning message. I'm not going to shield you guys completely, but in my opinion, they launched a few too many attacks against you from a position too high.

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

 At Sun, 19 Jan 2003 12:28:55 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
The password is "thoseloyal". You'll now see it listed under the clan news. As for starfire, I doubt you'll really have any major problems with them as long as you follow the attack regulations. Oh, and if you're wondering, leader missions do not count as attacks. You could do 50 murders on someone, and it would not be breaking the rules, though I'd advise against that kind of thing, except in the most extreme cases. Leader attacks do count, however. Basically it only encompases land-taking.

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

 At Wed, 22 Jan 2003 06:44:32 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I could not do very much about Wildcat Army's predicament, as trying to attack them would basically destroy my army. Should they start attacking again, however, I will take some action, most likely in the form of leader attacks. As for your attacks against Red Raiders, I'll consider the fact that you recognized your mistake and sent aid to cancel it out. However, I'm not certain exactly how much authority I still hold over you. How has it come about that you are no longer a member of the Falcon clan?

-Slynder Talderhash

 At Wed, 22 Jan 2003 06:59:42 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I don't really understand these reasons, though I don't see which mistakes would deface my image. You are welcome back should you wish.

-Slynder Talderhash

 At Thu, 23 Jan 2003 17:35:30 -0600, a messenger from L'Mal Terre (#41) brought this to you...
fyi- those attacks were retal on behalf of a clanmate of mine who you attacked.

 At Sat, 25 Jan 2003 11:40:59 -0600, a messenger from omniblink (#356) brought this to you...
huh! are you saying that you are a classmate of mine! and what preasent

 At Mon, 27 Jan 2003 21:30:21 -0600, a messenger from Hope Eternal (#1182) brought this to you...
Hey, it's me...Menatus :P How ya doing? But be one can know it's me! MWAH!! Even though I'm telling everyone....well any aid could help! YAY! ^^;;;

Your cool friend,

 At Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:20:06 -0600, a messenger from omniblink (#356) brought this to you...
oh gotcha  

 At Tue, 28 Jan 2003 15:44:58 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Well, this is good to hear. You'll probably have passed me by the time I return if all goes well for you. As for your prior difficulty with attacks, I'll look at your stats more closely when I get back and see if I can make any further suggestions. Good luck!

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

 At Mon, 3 Feb 2003 14:54:59 -0600, a messenger from Das Reich (#536) brought this to you...
IF you every attack me again i gaurntee ur death in this game

 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 15:04:50 -0600, a messenger from Das Reich (#536) brought this to you...
u'll se besides what are u a spelling freak i don't Fing care if i spell properly on a message get a life

 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:01:23 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...
Will you stop attacking me? It is getting annoying.

 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:27:47 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I have received complaints from Deathclaw (Deathclaw's Empire #653) about you attacking him, Holby. I checked and only counted six attacks over two days, but it's still too much. There's no need for real punishment, but I have had friendly peace with Deathclaw for quite some time now, so I'll deal out a minor punishment to you for your slight slip, and a favour to him at the same time. I'd like you to stop attacking him for the next two days, and then to limit your attacks to one per day max on him after that. Thanks.

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:35:38 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
hey, you followed me up :)
why did you spend so long in the lower 40's anyways?
I think you sent me some food a while back, when you were in the top 20 before... if you want it I can send it back, I think it was close to 20 mil units or so... maybe I'm off...
Anyways, just wanted to say good job on getting back up, and good luck staying up here...


 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:37:51 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...
Thanks. I am sorry if my message to you seemed threatening... don't remember what I said in it, but I remember the just of it. I'm off to find some more land targets.

 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:44:55 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...
lol. I wish I'd started the game with a different strategy.

 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 17:08:31 -0600, a messenger from Hope Eternal (#1182) brought this to you...
Hey Holbs! How's it going? Close to the top 10, I see! Good luck!

Uhh...Cool person!! =DDD


 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 17:18:02 -0600, a messenger from Hope Eternal (#1182) brought this to you...
Ah :P I just noticed you were 12...12 is as far as I can see without expanding my view. Cool, eh? Eh. I miss being 7. I'm sorry ^^;;; My


 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 18:31:07 -0600, a messenger from Hope Eternal (#1182) brought this to you...
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Heheh. I'd never hit a friend! Top 30, actually. I'm ranked 24. "when you reach the top 10" YAY! I have some faith in me yet! Want some aid? =DDD


 At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 19:12:54 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
heh. my "standard place" was rank 16, atleast for a rather long time in the beginning, I suppose I've overstepped that a bit... currently at rank 8, though for how long depends...

What made you want to come back up to the higher ranks?
...twas an extended holiday for you really...

 At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 19:22:22 -0600, a messenger from Skull Riders (#164) brought this to you...
I didn't know you were Holby...
I will not deleted this

The Lady Shael

 Heh, it's interesting to see these things...I sorta wish I kept the messages I had...there was some great stuff in there too.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 yes there was some great stuff....lotsa very stupid threats, alliances, clans shook to their roots
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Wow, was I a dork. Why ever did you stay friends with me? :)

I think in the reset we should all Roleplay in game messages so it's fun like it used to be. And have an RPing thing in the GENERAL DISCUSSION. Anyone agree?

caedo caelestis

QuoteAt Sat, 14 Dec 2002 11:27:57 -0600, a messenger from The Sovreign Guard (#237) brought this to you...
Commader Redtail,

Hey. I was just wondering how you were getting on now, after the collapse of the KM.

I'm doing okay myself, but I'm kind've locked in my current clan, as I don't relish the idea of becoming Ragefur's secondary land resource. I had been going to form a new clan at the time, a smaller, more ''elite'' one so as to avoid our engulfing most of the top ten & being left without anyone to attack again, consisting of yourself, Kilkenne, Ragefur & whomever heads up Germania (With my hopeful members willing, obviously.), but the forming of one or two new clans & the abscence of a few members made that impossible at the time & we all had to kind've scramble for some ''high ground''.

Just a ''social'' call this, really, I suppose...

Yours in good faith,
Commander Raine Valthurak of the Sovreign Guard

Which clan was that?

Dead Eye

 That is awesome. The Rough raiders, Yellow Eyes, and me, The death squad, really pulled and turned you around huh? And Bob Sorsair too. I was a jerk then.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a href=&#039;; target=&#039;_blank&#039;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Spokesperson for The winter clan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Ashyra Nightwing


...that's so old..


 I wish people still RPed in game like they used to. I am, currently. Are YOU?