Automatic Property Distribution System

Started by Marcus Aurelius, October 26, 2003, 06:36:46 PM

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Marcus Aurelius

 Well, Retto just told me how much has gone through me so far (thanks Retto!), and the result is a whopping 934,591 acres!!

Many of you have remarked in chats that the land this round seems well-distributed. Well: here is the reason! I am glad I've been of service, :D. I hope to do this again next round, and for now, to hit the one million acre mark! So, hit me quick, and I will too, because this is a Really Cool Thing.


 Cool!  *somehow knows that more land has gone through him, even though he probably took it all back :lol: *


 Also, where did you get the land to begin with, Beatles?
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 I've gotten 1,203,915 acres taken from me, and I've gotten 988,032 acres from attacks. :lol:

Offensive Actions: 1867 (84%)
Defenses: 1470 (6%)

Go figure :)  


 Oh, so he didn't scout for it all...
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


The Beatles

 So you've been playing longer than me...


 Yeah, I have.  You'd have more for sure if I hadn't ;)  

Guthorm Swordmaster

The Beatles

 I hit the 1b mark earlier today... I might still beat Gonar....pulls self together.


The Beatles

 Turbo is over. I'll post my result in a mo'.

The Beatles

 1,237,048 acres!!! I may have beaten Gonar, not sure yet.... We'll see.


Ok, I lost by 50k acres to you. Though my turns used are 10,195. What are yours?

The Beatles

The Beatles


 Turns used?  Can Retto still get them?